Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 752 The King of Fighters!

Chapter 752 The King of Fighters!


Totally unbelievable!

The leader of the faction of the Hedao Society, the direct disciple of the King of Fighters, and the invincible Augustine under the Golden Core.


It was blown away by Ye Yun's finger!

This, even if they saw it with their own eyes, Xu Canglong and the others still couldn't believe it!
How much strength is needed to do this?

I'm afraid I have to push up a realm, it's almost the same!
After all, Augustine was not a vegetarian either.

Being able to deduce He Daoquan to the realm of a saint, in terms of physical fitness alone, is already an extraordinary existence.

It's not easy to blow him up with one finger!

"Mr. Ye, you are truly a god!"

Xu Canglong involuntarily changed his honorific title to Ye Yun.

At this time, in his eyes, this handsome man, even with a touch of femininity, was as tall and majestic as Mount Tai.

It is as majestic as a mountain.

The vastness is like the sea of ​​stars.

It was Ye Yun's feelings for Xu Canglong.

A man of God, well deserved!
However, when Anuo and the others came back to their senses, there was nothing but horror in their eyes.

Have they ever thought that the master Augustine, whom they respected as a god, could not hold back one of Ye Yun's fingers?

In Hollywood blockbusters, they dare not act like this!


Deep fear!
At this moment, it lingered in the minds of Arnold, Adam, and the other three disciples.

However, Arnold was still unconvinced and said:
"You killed my master, our ancestor, the King of Fighters, will definitely pursue this matter with you!"

Ye Yun glanced at him disdainfully and said:

"If he pursues it, he can let the horse come here."

"I will give him the same treatment as Augustine."

Ye Yun's words were light and calm, but the arrogance in them made A Nuo and others stunned.

The implication is that even if the King of Fighters stepped forward, he would still explode with one finger!

"Little white face, you are too crazy! Our patriarch, that is the existence that truly transcends this planet!"

"You dare to insult him like this, I can guarantee that you will regret it!"

Arnold's eyes are tearing apart.

Adam lay on the ground and shouted desperately:

"If you have the ability, go to the Martial Arts Elite Meeting to be held the day after tomorrow!"

"The master is dead, the ancestor is very likely to attend this martial arts meeting and make a name for our joint martial arts meeting!"

"I would like to see how long you can go crazy in front of our ancestor, the King of Fighters!"

With a contemptuous smile on his face, it seemed that Ye Yun was nothing compared to the King of Fighters.

Ye Yun turned his head and asked Xu Canglong:
"Have you heard of this martial arts meeting?"

Xu Canglong nodded and said:

"Yes, this elite martial arts competition is only held once every ten years. It will bring together all the masters of the British martial arts world. It is the biggest event in the history of the entire British martial arts world!"

"Anyone who is able to make it to the back of the Martial Arts Association is a master who is one in a million!"

Ye Yun nodded indifferently, looked at A Nuo and said:

"Well, I will go to the Martial Arts Association the day after tomorrow."

"If the King of Fighters dares to step forward, I will kill him like a dog!"

When Arnold and Adam heard this, they all showed smug smiles.

"Okay! You said it yourself!"

"Huaxia people, I hope you will keep your word, we are waiting for the moment when you fight against the Patriarch!"

"Don't overestimate yourself! The Patriarch will definitely let you know how small you are!"

Several people either mocked or looked at Ye Yun with disdain, and helped each other to leave.

Xu Canglong looked at their leaving backs, and said solemnly:
"Mr. Ye, although you are very strong, if the King of Fighters comes forward, you should be careful!"

"In the British martial arts world, it is widely rumored that the King of Fighters is a real god-level existence. His He Dao boxing is more than a million times stronger than Augustine's!"

"The so-called Dao is tens of thousands, combined into one. His fist strength can easily use the power of the stars, and his punch is comparable to a star explosion. It must not be underestimated!"

Hearing that the King of Fighters is so powerful, Wei Ruoyun couldn't help pulling Murong Yan and saying:
"Yanyan, you still advise Ye Yun not to participate."

"That King of Fighters, who can use the power of the planet, is really terrifying. Ye Yun is no match for him!"

Murong Yan looked at Ye Yun tenderly, shook her head and said:
"I believe in him."

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"My wife is right. God-level existences are nothing more than paper tigers!"

Wei Ruoyun patted his forehead speechlessly, how could this couple be so confident!
Xu Canglong shook his head secretly, the King of Fighters was unfathomable, he felt that Ye Yun should be careful.

If you are too careless and frivolous, I am afraid you will suffer!
However, due to Ye Yun's majesty, he didn't dare to persuade him too much, so he had to pray in his heart that Ye Yun was really better than the King of Fighters.

Seeing that the affairs of the Canglong Martial Arts Hall have come to an end for the time being.

Ye Yun and Murong Yan Wei Ruoyun were going to bring Yaya back to Wei's house.

For the affairs here, a large group of people have only eaten half of the dinner.

Yaya stroked her belly, and said delicately:

"Papa, I'm so hungry!"

Ye Yun scratched her little nose fondly, and said:

"Didn't you just say you were full?"

Yaya shook her head and said:
"Just now, I heard that someone is going to bully Shushu. I want you to beat the villain, so I'm full."

"Now that the bad guys are gone, I'm hungry!"

What the little girl said made Ye Yun and the others laugh.

Feelings are a snack, and you can tell the difference!
"Okay, papa will take you back to have a full meal now!"

With a gentle smile on Ye Yun's face, he held the little girl in his arms and swayed back and forth, making the little girl giggle.

When the group returned to Wei's house, they saw Wei Zhicheng and Wu Xiulan waiting in the living room.

The faces of the two of them were full of sorrow.

Wei Ruoyun hurried forward and asked:
"Dad, Mom, what's the matter with you?"

Wei Zhicheng sighed, turned on the phone and handed it to Wei Ruoyun, saying:

"See for yourself."

Wei Ruoyun glanced at it, and there were push messages about the Wei family.

All the major online media reported that the Wei family had offended the Bolton family.

Moreover, it was reported one by one that all the partners cut off the cooperative relationship with Zhicheng Company and forced Zhicheng Company to settle the payment.

Even more so.

Among them, some small media have all kinds of embellishments, willfully fabricated facts, and slandered Zhicheng Company as an illegal Chinese enterprise.

He is not only suspected of tax evasion, money laundering and other crimes, but also employs and abuses child labor, and is entangled with various local powerful groups, seriously endangering the security and prosperity of the UK and even the whole of Europe.

They even commented that Zhicheng Company is an anti-human company and should disappear from the UK as soon as possible.

Wei Zhicheng, the owner of Zhicheng Company, and his family should apologize to the people of the whole UK and commit suicide in public.


"These British people are simply turning black and white, right and wrong!"

Seeing these reports, Wei Ruoyun was so angry that his hands trembled.

Wei Zhicheng sighed:

"This is not the worst. I am worried that they will soon find out about our cooperation with the Murong Group."

"At that time, even Yanyan will inevitably be implicated!"

When Ye Yun heard this, his eyes instantly became cold.

Of course he knew that all of this was behind the scenes of the Bolton family.

"It seems that the Bolton family really wants to die!"

Ye Yun's coldness made everyone feel slightly chilled.

Ding ding ding.

However, at this moment, Wei Zhicheng's cell phone rang.

After answering the phone, his expression changed instantly:

"The Bolton family, let me bring my own head to see you within an hour!"

"Otherwise, the entire Wei family will not see the sun tomorrow!"

Ye Yun sneered, put down Yaya, and said:

"I'll go to the Bolton family on your behalf and let them know who can't see the sun of tomorrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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