Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 753 I don't need any backers!

Chapter 753 I don't need any backers!
Burton family.

At this moment, the main room is brightly lit, and the wine and meat are fragrant.

A dozen or so people are sitting at the same table pushing cups and changing cups.

Not long after, after drinking for three rounds, a white man with blond hair and a handsome face looked at his phone and said with a smile:
"Look, this is the majesty of our Bolton family."

"In less than two hours, Zhicheng Company was overwhelmed by overwhelming negative news."

"Even the whole of China has been criticized by netizens from all over the UK on the Internet. This time, our Bolton family has completely shocked the entire country!"

He is the future heir of the Bolton family, Beavis Bolton.

The old man sitting next to him looked about six or seventy years old, with an extremely majestic expression and the air of a superior.

It was his father, the current helm of the Bolton family, Caral Bolton.

Hearing this, Karal sneered and said:

"A small company in China dares to make trouble in Manchester, and it doesn't know how to live or die!"

"The pressure of public opinion is only the lightest punishment for them. Next, I will take the lives of Wei Zhicheng and even the entire Wei family!"

Bivis waved his hands indifferently and said:

"A bunch of lowly Huaxia people, if you kill them, you will kill them, so as not to be an eyesore!"

"By the way, father, did the person who killed the copper wolf just let it go?"

Karal shook his head and said:

"of course not!"

"I have someone notify Wei Zhicheng to bring the head to my Bolton family to apologize."

"That Huaxia warrior, since he is his helper, will definitely appear, and then..."

Bivis nodded grimly:
"I understand."

"As long as he dares to show up, tonight is his death day!"

Sitting diagonally across from them, a middle-aged Chinese man heard the words, thought for a while and asked:

"Patriarch Bolton, what is the name of the Chinese warrior you mentioned?"

Karal shook his head and said:

"I don't know who he is."

"I only heard that he is a young man in his early 20s!"

The Huaxia man's real name is Qiao Tianyu, he was even more surprised when he heard that, and said:
"20 years old? Are you reading it wrong?"

"I basically know all the Chinese masters in the martial arts world in the UK. I have never heard of such a young master!"

He thought about it carefully and said:

"I've also heard about Copper Wolf, the new leader of the Eagle Gang. It is rumored that his physical body is extremely strong. Measured by our Chinese martial arts realm, he is already a master of horizontal training of saints!"

"If you want to kill him, you need at least innate mid-term strength."

"However, in the entire British martial arts world, there are only three or five people who can reach this level, and the youngest is 45 years old."

"Therefore, I think that your information may be wrong. Or, this young man is just one of the helpers who killed the copper wolf!"

Caral pondered for a while, nodded and said:
"What you said is also reasonable. My men are not at the scene, so there may indeed be errors in the intelligence."

Qiao Tianyu is the owner of Zhentian Martial Arts, the largest Chinese martial arts gym in Manchester.

He is a genuine innate master, and he is one of the two honored guests of the Bolton family, apart from Sword Demon.

Moreover, he has been rooted in the UK for nearly 20 years, and he is very familiar with the martial arts circle in his country.

Therefore, Karal believed in his judgment.

"Then, Master Qiao, if that kid appears, you should be able to kill him, right?"

Karal asked tentatively.

Qiao Tianyu smiled proudly and said:

"It's not supposed to be, it must be!"

"I can put it here. The whole of Britain, except for the few people I know, is a little threatening to me."

"Other people appear, I can kill them like chickens!"

After he finished speaking, the few disciples standing behind him all proudly raised their chests, showing complacency on their faces.

Qiao Tianyu ranks third in the British Chinese martial arts world, and there are only a handful of people who can be compared with him.

Therefore, his words are regarded as golden words by the disciples, and they believe them unconditionally!
Karal nodded and smiled when he heard the words:
"Then let's just wait for the appearance of those Chinese ants."

Qiao Tianyu, Bivis and others all showed smug smiles and toasted again.


Before the cups of several people touched together, they heard a roar from the gate.

The huge iron gate was blasted open.

A figure walked in alone.

"How dare you dare to trespass on the Bolton family!"

The bodyguard in the yard rushed forward with a roar, slapping!He quickly pulled out his gun and pointed it at the figure.

"Go any further, and we'll shoot you!"

The figure turned a deaf ear and took another step on its own.

"you wanna die!"


Clap clap clap clap!
The fire illuminated the courtyard, and dozens of bullets were fired at the figure in an instant.

However, as soon as that figure waved his hand, there was a circular wind that blew all the bullets back.

Bang bang bang bang bang!
The bullets pierced the foreheads of all the bodyguards without exception. Looking from the main room, one could see blood splattered out one after another. The scene was horrific.

Caral, Bivis and the others frowned at the same time, and said coldly:
"It seems that this kid is the one who killed the copper wolf."

Qiao Tianyu shook his head:

"He's a master, but it's a pity that his cultivation base is too low, and he's just here to die!"

Seeing that figure walk in, he put down the cup, turned around and took a step forward, and said with his hands behind his back:
"Young man, you are on a dead end, you know that?"

After that figure walked in, an extremely handsome face appeared in front of everyone.

Ye Yun looked at Qiao Tianyu coldly, and said:
"I just heard that you said you wanted to kill me?"

Qiao Tianyu proudly said:

"Whoever becomes an enemy of the Bolton family, I, Qiao Tianyu, will destroy him!"

"Don't say it's you, even if the backers behind you come together, I won't leave any of them!"

Bivis looked Ye Yun up and down disdainfully, narrowed his eyes and said:
"Boy, it's best to call all your accomplices, so that you can die more comfortably."

"You have to know that the one standing in front of you is one of the top Chinese players in the UK."

"Just your small body is not enough for him to slap it to pieces!"

Seeing their confident expressions, Ye Yun couldn't help but shook his head and smiled coldly:
"Unfortunately, you all guessed wrong, I don't need any backing."

Qiao Tianyu smiled contemptuously and said:

"A person, dare to come here to die?"

"You really don't know the depths of the universe!"

Ye Yun's eyes instantly became extremely domineering and fierce:

"I used to be alone, Tu Wanshi!"

"It's you who really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth!"

Before he finished speaking, he came to Qiao Tianyu with a flash of his body.

super fast!
Unparalleled fast! ! !

Qiao Tianyu couldn't react at all, his pupils were filled with Ye Yun's cold eyes.

I saw that Ye Yun raised his hand and patted Qiao Tianyu's Tianling cover.

Qiao Tianyu exploded from his head to his body one by one, turning into a thick blood mist, which sprayed towards Karal and the others present.

When, everything returned to calm.

Caral and Bivis all showed horror.

A Chinese innate master, was slapped like this? ? !
(End of this chapter)

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