Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 754: Demon of the Way of the Sword!

Chapter 754: Demon of the Way of the Sword!

"This... is simply impossible!"

Qiao Tianyu's disciples were the first to shout.

They couldn't believe it, their master was one of the top three Chinese masters in the UK.

He, with his innate peak strength, is very far away from Jindan Dao.

It can be said that even if he returns to the country, he can occupy a place in the Chinese martial arts world in an instant, and look down on the common people.

How could such a person be turned into blood mist by a slap?
It must be an illusion!

Even Karal, Bivis and his son, after recovering, looked in disbelief.

Qiao Tianyu is a guest of the Bolton family, how could the Karal and his son not know his strength?

He is a super Martial Daoist who can move mountains and fill seas with a single rage.

How could such a person die like this?
The most important thing is that the person who killed Qiao Tianyu was a Chinese youth whom he had never seen or heard of.

Is there such a pervert in China's martial arts world?

Karal shook his head involuntarily.

Among them, there must be something strange, which has not been discovered by everyone.

"Ha ha!"

However, at this moment, two sneers broke the slightly silent and depressing atmosphere.

A middle-aged man sitting on Karal's right raised his head, his dark eyes were full of disdain.

"China's martial arts world has always had a reputation of being flashy, and seeing it today, it really is so!"

"Qiao Tianyu, known as the innate peak master of China, is only one step away from the power to travel the universe. It sounds very powerful."

"However, when I saw it today, I was really disappointed!"

He said while shaking his head.

There was no way to hide the contempt and sarcasm in the words.

Karal couldn't help but smile when he heard the words, and asked:

"Mr. Ruan, what's your opinion?"

The man who spoke just now, whose real name is Ruan Qiang, is a guest of the Bolton family with the same status as Qiao Tianyu.

It is said that this person is the most powerful celestial master of magic that has been born in the Yue Kingdom for nearly a hundred years.

When he raises his hand, he can summon infinite thunder and lightning, blasting hundreds of mountains.

When he breathes, he can stir up tens of thousands of hurricanes and tear apart the land ten miles away.

Since coming to England, he has been invited by the Bolton family to his home, together with Qiao Tianyu and Sword Demon, they have formed the iron triangle of the Bolton family in the martial arts world.

It can be said that in the Bolton family, Ruan Qiang's status is lower than that of Sword Demon, but higher than that of Qiao Tianyu.

At this moment, seeing Qiao Tianyu being slapped to death by Ye Yun, he couldn't hide the contempt in his heart.

Ruan Qiang chuckled and said:

"Son, I can kill him with my hand!"

Karal showed a hint of surprise and said:

"Mr. Ruan, are you serious?"

"This little boy just slapped Qiao Tianyu to death with a slap, and you saw it with your own eyes!"

Ruan Qiang said disdainfully:
"As I said just now, Qiao Tianyu, like the Huaxia Martial Arts world, is a man who has earned his reputation!"

"A mere Chinese brat can beat him to death, do you still think he's amazing?"

Karal heard the words and quickly nodded in agreement.

Ruan Qiang stood up proudly, flicked his right hand, and roared:
"Ray comes!"

Rumble boom! ! !

In the courtyard, thunder and lightning flashed in the blink of an eye.

Hundreds of thumb-thick lightning bolts surged towards him like a dragon swimming in the sea.

When the electric dragon approached, everyone only felt the hairs on their bodies stand on end.

That strong current, like thousands of sharp knives, was about to pierce everyone's skin.

The scorching high temperature was like volcanic magma, making everyone feel like they were about to be melted.

"Hiss! As expected of Yue Kingdom's most powerful spell master in a century, this thunderbolt technique is enough to destroy a city!"

Karal and the others were all terrified.

"Death to me!"

At the same time, Ruan Qiang flicked his hand, and the hundreds of electric dragons let out a roar in the air, and landed on the top of Ye Yun's head.

But, strangely, none of them exploded together.

Instead, it was sucked into Ye Yun's hand by a strong suction force.

In an instant, the hundred electric dragons turned into a mass of electric light, jumping continuously in Ye Yun's palm.

"how can that be?"

Seeing that the thunder and lightning he summoned turned into a docile lightning in Ye Yun's palm, Ruan Qiang was immediately stunned.

Ye Yun smiled coldly and said:

"This move of yours is too slow, let me teach you."

After the words fell, he flicked his fingers lightly.

The thunder light reached Ruan Qiang's forehead in the blink of an eye.


There was a burst.

A ten-meter-long electric light exploded from bottom to top, blowing Ruan Qiang into black smoke.

At the same time, Karal and the others on the side were all blown several meters away.

"My God! This kid must be a monster!"

"Sword Demon! Sword Demon, show up quickly! Kill this damn Huaxia boy for me!"

Karal was blasted with hundreds of cuts all over his body, he hissed and roared regardless of the severe pain in his body.

Before all of his voice disappeared, the entire space of the Bolton family shook violently.

It seems that an active volcano is about to erupt.

Immediately, the air was filled with tens of millions of pressure, making it difficult for everyone to move, as if their hearts had been crushed.

Then, an extremely majestic voice descended from the sky.

"Huaxia people, the British Empire, is not a place for you to run wild!"

As the voice fell, a white light appeared in front of everyone.

When, after the light disappeared.

A tall, burly Caucasian man in a white battle armor was standing proudly with a giant sword about three meters tall.

"Master Sword Demon!"

In the eyes of Karal and others, there was a strong awe in an instant.

Sword Demon!

Mark Roy!

According to legend, he was born in the British Isles more than 2000 years ago. When he came out of his mother's womb, his body shone with a bright white light.

Those with sharp eyes recognized that it was a sword light.

He also asserted that he will definitely achieve great success in the way of swordsmanship in the future.

as predicted.

When he was five years old, he showed an astonishing talent for swordsmanship. He once defeated the strongest swordsman in his tribe with a branch.

Afterwards, he taught himself without a teacher and created hundreds of strange sword moves. At the age of 11, he was invincible all over the British Isles.

There were a total of thirteen sword masters known as saints, all of whom were picked off by him and surrendered at his feet ever since.

By the time he was 15 years old, he had become a kendo legend throughout the British Isles.

Later, in order to continue to improve his cultivation, he did not hesitate to use his sword to become a sword demon, killing the entire European continent.

As time went by, year after year passed, when Britain appeared, he was revered as the legend of swordsmanship in the British Empire.

The name of the sword demon has also been passed down in the hearts of generations of British people.

It can be said that although he stayed in the Bolton family as a guest.

But in fact, the entire Bolton family will depend on him to survive.

He is the decisive figure in the life and death of the Bolton family!
Karal and his son, how can you be disrespectful to him?

However, seeing the appearance of the sword demon, Karal's face soon showed a look of complacency.

With the sword demon here, this little boy in Huaxia has no choice but to die!
(End of this chapter)

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