Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 757 Only He Can Be Called Master!

Chapter 757 Only he can be crowned with the word master!

Wei family.

Wei Zhicheng paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, his expression full of worry.

"Ye Yun has been gone for so long, so there will be no accidents, right?"

Wei Ruoyun also had a sad face:
"The Bolton family has a sword demon in charge. If Ye Yun breaks through with his own strength, he may really suffer!"

She pushed Murong Yan and said:
"Yan Yan, why don't you call Ye Yun!"

"No matter what, I don't want him to have any accidents!"

Murong Yan was holding Yaya in her arms at this time, holding a small piece of dessert in her hand, and cutting a small piece for Yaya to eat.

She shook her head and smiled:
"He said to wait for him, so don't bother him."

Wei Ruoyun said speechlessly:

"Yan Yan, your heart is really big!"

"You don't know, I'm a little flustered right now!"

Murong Yan smiled and said:

"It's not that I have a big heart, but that I believe in him!"

"In my eyes, he is an omnipotent hero. I firmly believe in every word and every word of his!"

Wei Ruoyun shook his head and said:

"Yanyan, I didn't know until now that you have been fascinated by him for a long time!"

Murong Yan raised her chin and said with some pride:
"He said that he was also fascinated by me!"

Wei Ruoyun and Wu Xiulan were surprised by Murong Yan's eyes, which are unique to a girl in love.

However, they changed their minds, it was only a little over a year since Ye Yun returned to Murong Yan's side.

Isn't Murong Yan and him in the stage of passionate love?
Seeing that they were all looking at her, Murong Yan couldn't help but blushed slightly, and said with a shy smile:
"Anyway, what Ye Yun says is right, we just wait for him!"

Wei Ruoyun nodded, her sorrow still undiminished:
"I hope it is true as you said, and he will be safe and sound!"


Burton family.

Caral, Bivis and others have already sat down again.

"Father, do you think their battle is over after so long?"

Bivis asked.

Karal shook his head and said:

"No, it should still be in battle."

"I guess, Lord Sword Demon had the upper hand when he was supposed to fight Emperor Huaxia."

"Later, that little boy helped the Emperor of Heaven, causing the three of them to fall into a bitter fight."

Bivis nodded and said:
"It should be so, and only in this way, can we explain why they haven't shown up until now."

"It seems that Lord Sword Demon really has the certainty of victory this time, so he made the move!"

The father and son said, together with the other people on the table, they all showed a little bit of color.

What kind of shit, Emperor Hua Xiaxia, really thought that he could be invincible forever by defeating the Sword Demon once by luck?

How naive!

And that little boy, if he dared to act aggressive in front of the Sword Demon, he would surely die a miserable death!

Just as everyone was smiling, a bulging object landed in the middle of the table.

After rolling several laps, it stopped.

When, after seeing clearly what it was, there was a burst of heart-piercing exclamations from the audience.

"Oh my God! This, this... Lord Sword Demon has been killed!"

"I buy it! This is the head of Lord Sword Demon! He was beheaded!"

"Devil! The emperor of China is a demon! God, how could we provoke such an existence!"



All kinds of negative emotions are erupting like a volcano.

No one of Karal and the others could have imagined that the majestic Sword Demon would end in such a tragic end.

Two figures stood calmly in front of the crowd.



Before Ye Yun and the Emperor could speak, Karal and the others trembled and rolled off their chairs to the ground.

"Master of China, please spare us!"

"We know we are wrong! We really know we are wrong! Please give us a chance!"

Karal's eyes were about to burst, and the panic on his face was about to spurt out like a spring.

He kowtowed desperately, his face soon covered with tears.

The Heavenly Emperor stepped forward, glanced at the crowd and said:

"I dare not bear the word master."

"Only the one behind me can be crowned with the word master!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around, bowed respectfully to Ye Yun and said:

"My lord, I'm going first!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

The emperor left in an instant.

But at this moment, Karal and the others had all shrunk into a ball, not daring to look directly into Ye Yun's eyes.

Emperor Huaxia actually said that this little boy is worthy of the title of master.

This is beyond imagination!
However, at this time, no one dared to doubt the words of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Emperor of Heaven could easily kill the Sword Demon and cut off his head. With such ability, he would never lie and show such respect to such an insignificant person.

The only explanation is that the extremely handsome man standing in front of him is really many, many times more powerful than the Emperor of Heaven!
He, making the Emperor of Heaven bow down, can be called the master!

However, what Karal and the others dare not imagine is that such an existence would personally commit suicide at the door of the Bolton family for a small Huaxia company.

In the middle, what happened to him!

Seeing the bewildered expressions on everyone's faces, Ye Yun only gave a slight disdainful smile.

Then, a trace of incomparable chill shone in those calm eyes, staring at Caral and saying:

"I want you to eliminate all negative news about Zhicheng Company within 5 minutes."

"And let all the partners of Zhicheng Company resume cooperation within one hour, and let them cooperate with Zhicheng Company unconditionally for three years as a punishment!"

Ye Yun's idea is very simple.

Murong Yan and Wei Zhicheng have just launched the S005 project, if they want to find a new partner, the progress will be seriously delayed.

Therefore, it is more convenient and faster to continue to use the old partner.

However, when something happened to these people, they completely fell out with Zhicheng Company without even explaining, which made Ye Yun a little upset.

Must be severely punished!
When Karal heard this, his face was ashen.

Two hours ago, he had just contacted all the contacts in the country and broke out all the public opinions that were unfavorable to Zhicheng Company.

If you overthrow all the previous news now, it is tantamount to slapping yourself in the face!

Ye Yun frowned slightly:
"Why, you don't want to agree?"

Karal trembled all over, quickly shook his head and said:

"No! I promise! I will do so at once!"

He quickly took out his mobile phone and ordered the BBC, "Sky News", "Guardian", "Daily Mail" and all traditional and online media to overthrow the previous news as soon as possible.

Then, he contacted Manchester City Hall, the Administration for Industry and Commerce, as well as banks and private owners who cooperated with Zhicheng Company.

Order them to restore the cooperative relationship with Zhicheng Company as quickly as possible.

After everything was done, Karal asked earnestly:

"Master, everything has been done!"

"You, can you spare us?"

He thought that he would gain Ye Yun's favor by doing things so diligently.



Ye Yun smiled coldly.


Caral was terrified and couldn't help crying out loud.

"I have done everything according to your orders!"

"Why do you still want to kill us?"

He couldn't imagine that there would be such an arrogant and unreasonable person in the world!

Ye Yun said coldly:
"For the sake of your death, I can tell you."

"My wife has a cooperative relationship with Zhicheng Company. What you did before has threatened my wife's career."

"So, you are doomed to die!"


When Karal and the others heard this, they all gasped.

It turned out that everything was because of his wife!

God!He is called the master by the emperor of heaven!

How could it be possible for him to do this for a woman!
Bang bang bang bang bang!
Before Karal and the others could react, streaks of blood mist burst into the sky.

The Bolton family completely disappeared overnight! !

(End of this chapter)

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