Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 758 You Are The Gentlest Woman I Have Ever Seen!

Chapter 758 You Are The Gentlest Woman I Have Ever Seen!
"Yanyan, can you give Ye Yun a call?"

"He hasn't come back for so long, I'm afraid..."

Wei Ruoyun couldn't sit still for a long time, and said to Murong Yan nervously.

Wei Zhicheng also rubbed his hands anxiously, and said:
"Yan Yan, Ye Yun's safety is the top priority, you should call and ask!"

Just as Murong Yan was about to answer, she heard a flat voice:

"No, it's all settled."

However, Ye Yun had already appeared in front of everyone.

Murong Yan hurriedly got up, came to him, looked up and down, up and down carefully, and then smiled in relief:
"You didn't get hurt a little, then I'm relieved."

Seeing her concerned look, Wei Ruoyun couldn't help but said in surprise:

"Yanyan, just said that you are not worried at all!"

"But now, you don't look like you're not worried at all!"

Murong Yan looked at Ye Yun tenderly, and said with a smile:

"I just didn't want to disturb him."

"However, even if one of his hairs is damaged, I will feel sorry for him."

Ye Yun pampered Xiao Nizi's head and said with a smile:
"My wife, you are the most gentle woman I have ever seen."

Murong Yan's pretty face flushed, with a happy smile on her face, she opened his hand, and said coquettishly:

"Hair messed up!"

Wei Zhicheng and Wu Xiulan couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled.

These two kids are so loving!

Wei Zhicheng then stepped forward and said:

"Ye Yun, are you sure you've finished talking with the Bolton family?"

"They didn't embarrass you, did they?"

He has also heard about the style of the Bolton family.

Right now, Ye Yun came back unscathed, which surprised him greatly.

Ye Yun smiled lightly and said:

"It's all settled, and they won't embarrass you again in the future."

Wei Zhicheng asked:

"Don't you guys do it? Then Karal is not the owner of the benefits, and the sword demon, they really just gave up revenge like this?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, without explaining too much.

In front of Yaya, it is better to talk less about the extermination of the clan.

Wei Zhicheng looked at Ye Yun suspiciously, what kind of medicine is this kid selling in the gourd?

Could it be that the matter has not been resolved yet?
"Dad, hurry up and watch the news!"

At this moment, Wei Ruoyun cried out excitedly.

She handed the phone to Wei Zhicheng, Wei Zhicheng only glanced at it, and couldn't help but exclaim:
"God, how is this possible?!"

He said excitedly:

"The BBC actually overturned all the previous news, saying that our Zhicheng Company was framed by others, and all the negative news was released by an interest group manipulating hackers on major online platforms!"

"And, they immediately invited the mayor of Manchester to clarify the negative news about our Zhicheng company in the live broadcast room!"

"They made it clear that our company represents a positive image of Huaxia, and the people of the entire UK support the development and growth of our Zhicheng company!"

Wei Ruoyun gave Ye Yun a look of admiration:
"Ye Yun, you are amazing!"

"How long has it been? You actually let a giant like the BBC stand up and speak for us!"

Wei Zhicheng said even more excitedly:

"It's much more than that!"

"More than a dozen media outlets, including the Daily Mail, the Mirror, and the Guardian, also published similar news at the same time."

"Under these news, there are tens of thousands of comments from British netizens, expressing their full support for our Zhicheng company. At the same time, they said that the whole of the UK warmly welcomes companies from China to enter the country and seek greater benefits for the British people. !"

Putting down the phone, Wei Zhicheng filled a glass of white wine from the table, held it up and said to Ye Yun:
"Ye Yun, your move really convinced me!"

"Although, I don't know what method you use to let the Bolton family slap themselves in the face."

"But, that's not important anymore! Now uncle toasts you, thank you for your help to our Wei family!"

Ye Yun raised his hand to stop it:
"You don't have to be so polite, I did this to help Yanyan."

"After all, in the UK, the two companies are a whole, and the damage to the reputation of Zhicheng Company is also a kind of harm to Murong Group!"

Wei Zhicheng resolutely said:

"I know what you mean, but I must respect you with this glass of wine!"

Before Ye Yun could answer, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"Hahaha, cool!"

The depression in Wei Zhicheng's heart was finally completely released, and he felt that he had never been so happy in his life.


Just then, a familiar voice came from the door.

Wei Zhicheng turned his head and saw that it was Chen Xiangwei who walked over quickly.

"Zhicheng, I did not do well before!"

"Starting today, our company will provide your company with products for three years for free!"

As he spoke, he took out a long-term contract and handed it to Wei Zhicheng.

Wei Zhicheng was shocked, and quickly refused:
"No! Absolutely no!"

"Xiang Wei, I'm very happy that you can come back to me!"

"As for cooperation, follow the old rules! I can't take advantage of you for nothing!"

Chen Xiangwei quickly shook his head and said:

"No, no, no! You are not taking advantage of me, but helping me!"

"Zhicheng, you must sign this contract! Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep well at night!"

The Bolton family first forced him to sever cooperation with Wei Zhicheng.

Soon after, Karal called in person to ask him to resume cooperation with Zhicheng Company.

Although Chen Xiangwei didn't know what happened.

However, the power that allowed the Bolton family to make such a big change in such a short period of time is absolutely terrifying!
He is very clear that providing Zhicheng Company with free products for three years will at most cause the company to lose 2 to 3 million pounds in assets.

However, if you don't comply with this requirement, let alone a loss, I'm afraid whether you can save your life is another matter!
There is a saying that, comparing two evils, whichever is lesser.

Chen Xiangwei is also considered a veteran in shopping malls, doesn't he know this truth?

Seeing that Chen Xiangwei was so determined, Wei Zhicheng nodded and said:

"Okay, let's do this for now."

He glanced at Ye Yun suspiciously, this child, what method did Chen Xiangwei use to make Chen Xiangwei prefer to suffer a loss and cooperate with me?

Before he could sign the contract, the door rattled again!Several figures walked in.

Wei Zhicheng looked around and couldn't help being surprised again.

"TG's President Smith!"

"Boss Tom of Friendly Materials!"

"Boss Wang of Yinghe Decoration!"

"President Mason of Citibank!"


Every partner who cooperates with Zhicheng Company, and their bosses have all appeared on the stage.

This made Wei Zhicheng at a loss for a while.

You know, in normal times, like Mason, the president of Citibank, he rarely sees him once a year.

Unexpectedly, just tonight, they came to the door in person.

"Zhicheng, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I had no choice but to do those things to you under pressure from the Bolton family. Now, on behalf of Yinghe, I sincerely apologize to you!"

"And, from now on, within three years, all the decoration tasks of your company will be undertaken by us, Yinghe, for free!"

Yinghe's boss, Wang Xihe, spoke first.

Without waiting for Wei Zhicheng to answer, several other people also hurriedly said:

"Mr. Wei, we, TG, will also provide you with products for three years for free!"

"And our friendly company will also give you three years of free work!"

"Citibank Manchester Branch will provide you with a three-year interest-free loan with an amount of no less than 30 billion pounds!"


One after another, Wei Zhicheng, Wei Ruoyun, and even Murong Yan fell into a state of ignorance.

Ye Yun, what method did they use to make them show such courtesy?
Just at this moment, Wei Ruoyun's mobile phone sent a new push message.

"Big news: Manchester's first family, the Bolton family, is completely destroyed!"

(End of this chapter)

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