Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 787 No one can pretend in front of me!

Chapter 787 No one can pretend in front of me!
Cui Junwen nodded secretly.

Ye Zhiqi's words actually made a lot of sense.

If you want to get to the bottom of it, the Jiuyang Jiuzhuan formation was destroyed because Ye Zhiqi built a bar here.

But, why did the old man, Feng Yunyi and the others point their finger at Ye Yun?

It's not because Ye Yun is famous, if he can be forced to bow his head, the satisfaction he will get is not comparable to that of Ye Zhiqi!
This is the truth of the so-called shooting the bird that stands out.

Between Ye Yun and Ye Zhiqi, these people chose to target Ye Yun!

They just want to make use of this topic to step on this young man who was once the most popular in Jiangbei Province!


After being embarrassed for a while, the old man finally let out an angry snort, looked at Ye Zhiqi coldly and said:

"Little girl, no matter how clever you are, you can't change the fact that Ye Yun caused damage to my Baitou Village!"

"Take a ten thousand step back, even if there is no loss, Feng Tianshi is waiting for him here, but he keeps procrastinating, obviously he doesn't take Feng Tianshi seriously!"

"Such an arrogant and rude lunatic must apologize to Feng Tianshi and the villagers of our Baitou Village!"

After he finished speaking, all the villagers behind him echoed:

"The village chief is right! Ye Yun must apologize to Feng Tianshi and us!"

Ye Zhiqi saw their faces full of righteous indignation, and Feng Yunyi held his head high, with an expression that didn't take Ye Yun seriously, she couldn't help but frowned and said:

"You guys, do you want Ye Yun to apologize to you that much?"

"That's right!"

"He did something wrong and owes us an apology!"

The villagers shouted loudly.

Ye Zhiqi clenched her silver teeth and said:

"Speaking of this matter, it was all because of me. Anyway, the formation was indeed destroyed."

"If you insist on an apology, then I will apologize to you!"

She thought, the bar has not been built yet, so it is not appropriate to mess around with these villagers.

If we want to do business here in the future, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

Moreover, this matter is not Ye Yun's problem, why not apologize to these people by yourself.

Seeing that they are a woman who has achieved this step, they will not be able to do it, so they are ashamed to embarrass Ye Yun, right?

"You don't need to apologize."

Ye Yun stepped forward and looked at Ye Zhiqi faintly:
"To be serious, they still need to apologize to me!"

Ye Yun's words, like a heavy bomb, fell on the crowd and exploded.

"What did you say? You ruined the formation that our ancestors regarded as life, and you dare to ask us to apologize to you?"

"Crazy! How dare you say such naive words?"

"A grand master who is not popular, dare to say this in front of Feng Tianshi, I think you are too ignorant!"


The old man and the others were already very angry by Ye Yun's words.

The voice of accusation came like a tide.

Then the old man clasped his fist at Feng Yunyi and said:
"Feng Tianshi, you have seen it too, this Ye Yun is too arrogant, we people in Baitou Village can't let him bully like this without knowing why!"

"Today's matter, I ask Feng Tianshi to decide, and I must not let this son be arrogant and domineering!"

The rest of the villagers also clasped their hands together, begging Feng Yunyi to uphold justice.

It seemed that if Ye Yun could not bow his head and apologize today, they would not give up.

Feng Yunyi looked down at Ye Yun proudly and said:
"Ye Yun, Baitou Village is my hometown, I will never allow you to treat my hometown like this!"

"For the sake of martial arts, I will give you a chance to bow and apologize to the villagers of Baitou Village three times, shout three times that I was wrong, and I will let you go!"

Hearing this, Ye Yun smiled disdainfully and said:
"What if I say no?"


Feng Yunyi put his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes and said:
"Then I'll take the shot and force you to apologize to them!"

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled:

"You don't need to take action."

Feng Yunyi thought that Ye Yun was threatened by his words, so the corners of his mouth curled up:
"If you're smart, let's get started!"

As soon as he spoke, he felt his legs tremble.

An indescribably terrifying force pushed him down to the ground.


For a moment, Feng Yunyi and the villagers of Baitou Village looked at each other in blank dismay.

He, what's the situation?

But Ye Yun said with a cold smile:

"In this world, no one can pretend to be aggressive in front of me."


This sentence is originally a very flat tone.

At this moment, an incomparably bleak coldness erupted.

It was because Feng Yunyi, who was the number one teacher in Huaxia, had no power to fight back, and was pressed to the ground by Ye Yun's eyes.

This shows what?
This shows that Ye Yun is not a master at all!
His true strength is immeasurable!
However, it is definitely far beyond Feng Yunyi!
Is this he...

"too frightening!"

"It turns out that he has been hiding everything, and we all underestimated him!"

The old man and the others all had trembling eyes, terrified.

As for Feng Yunyi, he was even more ashamed and annoyed, and lowered his head in embarrassment.

I thought that, as No. 1 on the list of celestial masters, I could well suppress this little master in Jiangbei Province and show off his prestige.

Unexpectedly, pretending to be coercive turned out to be humiliated.

This... makes him more uncomfortable than killing him!
Ye Yun glanced indifferently, the old man and others.

As the saying goes, troublemakers come out of poor villages.

Even Feng Yunyi, who is known as the No. 1 teacher list in Huaxia, still has this savage blood in his bones.

Want to take advantage of the problem and step on the Supreme Killing God?
You guys have such a big daydream!
"All kneel down."

Ye Yun spit out four words lightly.




There was a sound of knees hitting the ground.

The old man and the others, without exception, knelt heavily on the ground, trembling uneasy.

"Look well."

Ye Yun spat out four words again, but didn't say what he was looking at.

But at this moment, even the most stupid people know that something big will happen.

Only Ye Zhiqi, holding Yaya by the hand, faced Ye Yun with a soft smile on her face.

This man, this papa, he will always do amazing things.

He always has a way to convince everyone to worship him!

I saw that Ye Yun waved his hand casually, and a gust of wind blew up.

Then, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhe Bagua Formation, which was said to be comparable to the Jiuyang Jiuzhuan Formation, shone a bright golden light, and was blown away without a trace by Ye Yun's strong wind.


"Break my formation with a wave of your hand?!"

Seeing this, even Feng Yunyi, who knew that Ye Yun was many times stronger than him, couldn't help but exclaim.

Because, this heaven and earth Xuanhe gossip formation is his best formation.

This formation.

Conquer the Kyushu land, and shake the eight formations.

It is a well-deserved large ancient formation!

In the ranking of China's existing large formations, it ranks first!

Once fully supported, even if there are more than a hundred grandmasters in the formation, or even innate level masters, they will be intimidated!
Feng Yunyi couldn't believe it, such a terrifying formation turned into nothing with Ye Yun's gesture.

This is really scary!

hum! ! !
However, before he had time to think about it, the air in the entire Sifang Valley shook violently.

An incomparably terrifying monster force soared into the sky, causing people's hearts to burst.

Feng Yunyi couldn't help but his eyes were tearing apart, and he couldn't help but roared:

"This demonic power... so there really is a prehistoric cat demon!"

"It was born!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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