Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 788 Baba doesn't want to get involved when the kids fight!

Chapter 788 Baba doesn't want to get involved when the kids fight!


Feng Yunyi's words made the old man and other villagers so frightened that their eyes were tearing apart and they wanted to die!

There really is a prehistoric cat demon, and, it was born!


"Ye Yun, you, you, you... are too much!"

"Such a monstrous evildoer, once born out of nowhere, will surely harm the innocent, and the lives of the people will be ruined!"

"You do such stupid things in order to show off your strength in front of us, we... No! People in the whole Jiangbei province will never forgive you!"

The old man's old eyes were full of tears from being frightened to the extreme.

This kind of evildoer, even the ancient Sifang generals can't handle it.

But Ye Yun got it out without fear. Isn't this pushing everyone into the fire pit?
If you say that Ye Yun can subdue the prehistoric cat demon, you wouldn't believe it if you killed them!
Boom! ! !
Just then, amidst the panic among the crowd, the earth trembled violently.

That scene, like a volcanic eruption and a tsunami sweeping across, was quite awe-inspiring.

Then, there was an explosion.

A gray-black light shot up into the sky, and a huge figure with a length of [-] meters burst out of the air.

It rushes into the clouds and stands on them.

Black hair stood up all over his body, and three fiery red eyes were burning with scorching fire, looking down at the people below.

Moreover, it can be seen with the naked eye that it has the body of a cat, but it has two tails.

The one on the left is white and the one on the right is black.

Black and white swirl around each other, forming a giant circular pattern in the air.

Feng Yunyi, as No. 1 in Huaxia's master list, can tell at a glance what this circular pattern is.

His eyes were tearing open and he said:

"Tai Chi produces two appearances, and two appearances produce four images. This white and one black coincide with the number of Tai Chi, which can attract the power of the prehistoric."

"As expected of a 10,000+ year old monster from the wilderness, its strength is enough to destroy the world!"

His body was trembling, trembling.

This cat demon made him feel extremely suffocated and desperate just by his aura.

Mere human beings, how can they compete with such a monster!
"Ye Yun, you absolutely shouldn't, you shouldn't have drawn it out!"

"You are too confident!"

Feng Yunyi is not Ye Yun's opponent, but he firmly believes that Ye Yun is just a chicken and a dog in front of the prehistoric cat demon.

Therefore, I can only sigh sadly.

Hearing this, Yaya took Ye Zhiqi's hand, giggled at Feng Yunyi and said:
"Shushu, my papa has killed many fish monsters that are much bigger than it, so this cat is not my papa's opponent!"

Feng Yunyi's eyes trembled when he heard the words:
"You mean, last year's overlord salamander was killed by your father?"

Last year, he overheard about it.

However, with his identity and ability, he didn't take Ye Yun and the Overlord Salamander seriously at that time.

Now that Yaya mentioned it, he suddenly remembered that Ye Yun in front of him was the one who killed the Overlord Salamander.


"Little girl, although the overlord salamander has a lifespan of more than 3 million years, it has lived many, many years longer than the prehistoric cat demon."

"However, its strength cannot be compared with this prehistoric cat demon at all. You know, this cat demon can match the power of the prehistoric world, and can subvert the common people at every turn."

"As for the Overlord Salamander, it only depends on the age to become refined. Although its own strength is strong, it is still not comparable to the power of this world!"

After Feng Yunyi finished speaking, he couldn't help shaking his head again.

"Ye Yun, I want to see how you end up!"

Ye Yun only smiled coldly, raised his hand, and was about to turn Honghuang cat into a demon.

Boom boom boom!

Just at this moment, the Sifang Mountain Range, the four mountains made a shocking sound at the same time.

Looking around, a blue light, a white light, a red light, and a yellow light shot out from the mountain, connecting the sky and the earth.

When the light touched the clouds, four huge figures quickly appeared.

Feng Yunyi, the old man and the others shrank their pupils at the same time, their lips trembling:

"This... Could it be the Quartet God General?!"

I saw that the four figures became extremely clear.

Each of them is more than ten meters tall, wearing four colors of blue, white, red and yellow battle armor, holding a sharp weapon, and the world is invincible.

"It's really the Quartet God General!"

"God! I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I could witness the birth of the Sifang God General with my own eyes!"

Feng Yunyi's body trembled to the extreme, full of infinite worship and awe.

Quartet generals!

Blue Dragon on the left, White Tiger on the right, Suzaku on the top, Xuanwu on the bottom!

They are real ancient legends!
They are existences that have long surpassed this planet!

For anyone on the earth, they are invincible beliefs!

Visible to the naked eye, the gods of the four directions have the heads of dragons, tigers, sparrows and turtles.

Their eyes are like torches, shining golden luster continuously, their aura is unparalleled in the world!
"Boy, dare to release the cat demon, are you tired of living?"

Qinglong God squinted at Ye Yun with contemptuous eyes.

Without waiting for Ye Yun to answer, he glanced at the other three generals and said:

"Three virtuous brothers, 13 years of lurking has brought our cultivation to another level."

"Today, shall we go together, or one by one?"

The White Tiger God General smiled proudly and said:

"Brother Qinglong, do you still need to ask? Naturally, one by one!"

"I think back then, the four of us would rather succumb to this remote planet, just to stay dormant until the birth of the prehistoric cat demon?"

Hearing this, the Azure Dragon God General nodded and said:
"You're right. Count the days, even if that kid doesn't do anything, this cat demon will see the light of day again!"

Feng Yunyi, the old man and the others below couldn't help being shocked when they heard the words.

According to this meaning, Sifang God will lurk in Sifang Mountain that day, just to practice secretly, waiting for the reappearance of the prehistoric cat demon.

And the prehistoric cat demon probably had the same idea. After he improved his cultivation level, he would reappear in the arena and compete with the Sifang gods for life and death.

In this way, it seems that they made an agreement 13 years ago, that they will live in peace within a limited period, and when the time comes, they will come out and fight!
However, this so-called Nine Suns and Nine Transformation Formation will not be able to restrain the prehistoric cat demon at all!
Even if Ye Yun doesn't destroy this formation, the wild cat demon will show up soon!
Thinking of this, Feng Yunyi couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Are these ancient gods and monsters really... able to play!


"Four ants, 13 years ago, I would still be afraid of you!"

"But today is different from the past, and now you are no different from ants in my eyes!"

The prehistoric cat demon, transformed into a tall black human figure, said with incomparable contempt.

The Qinglong God General conjured up a Fangtian painting halberd in his hand, and said angrily:

"Little cat, you have been improving all these years, and I will not slack off!"

"It's life or death, let's speak with strength!"

The Honghuang cat demon smiled disdainfully and said:

"As you wish!"

After the words fell, the sky suddenly changed color, and dark clouds rolled in.

On the earth, a hurricane blows, and panic is like a certain day.

Yaya and Ye Zhiqi had already come to Ye Yun's side.

With such a terrifying aura, both girls showed a look of horror.

Yaya hugged Ye Yun's arm and said:

"Papa, they are going to fight, will they spoil Aunt Zhiqi's new bar?"

Ye Yun picked her up, shook his head and smiled:

"No, with Papa here, everything will be safe and sound."

Yaya then laughed, kissed Ye Yun and said:

"Then shall we watch them fight first?"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Yes, when the kids fight, Papa doesn't want to get involved."

"When they finish fighting, Papa will make another move."

(End of this chapter)

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