Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 792 The storm is coming!

Chapter 792 The storm is coming!

With Ye Yun and Yaya by her side, Murong Yan faced the questions of the two reporters with ease.

She has a generous and calm demeanor, and at a young age, she has an extraordinary bearing far beyond ordinary people.

The temperament of the leader of the wealthy family was fully displayed.

Ling, Xu Yuan, Ma Caiwen and others present were all amazed.

However, since this interview was broadcast live, Jincheng TV Station and Jiangbei Provincial Finance Channel both broadcast the interview of Murong Yan at the same time.

Because of Murong Yan's appearance, although today is a working day, the ratings of the two TV stations have risen rapidly, reaching a very gratifying level.

However, seeing what Murong Yan said to the camera, the audience in Jiangbei Province responded with unprecedented enthusiasm.

Among them, the praise for Murong Yan occupies the majority.

"As expected of the head of the first family in Jincheng, one of the romantic figures in Jiangbei Province, the head of the Murong family reveals a peerless demeanor from inside to outside!"

"So beautiful, so talented, and the most important thing is that she is very young. Patriarch Murong is simply a beautiful CEO who came out of Two-dimensional. She is the ultimate dream of all women!"

"Patriarch Murong has such insight and tolerance at such a young age. If she can be elected as the president of our Jiangbei Provincial General Chamber of Commerce, it must be a blessing for the entire Jiangbei Province!"


Countless people who knew or didn't know Murong Yan, at this moment, gave her words of praise without hesitation.

At the same time, some people expressed a little disdain for her.

Sioux City.

Located in the Yunlong Building in the central CBD of the urban area.

In the CEO's office of Yunlong Group on the top floor, an imposing middle-aged man was smoking a cigar and watching Murong Yan's live broadcast with great interest.

"This girl is indeed a rare beauty!"

"I heard that she also has a younger sister who is also very beautiful, and she is a rare beauty in the world!"

Wei Yunlong exhaled a puff of smoke, with a playful smile on his face.

On one side of his desk, stood a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses, who looked like his secretary, nodded and said:
"President, you are right!"

"These two sisters are the two golden flowers of Jincheng, and they are indeed extremely beautiful!"

After a pause, he had a playful smile on his face:

"President, don't you want to..."

Wei Yunlong waved his hands and said:
"Don't think about it. For these two sisters, Murong Yan is already Ye Yun's wife. As for Murong Ranran, I heard that she has never had a boyfriend. It seems that she has some thoughts about her brother-in-law."

"After all, these twins share the same mind, and they can easily fall in love with the same thing or the same person. I'm too lazy to poach a corner!"

The secretary wondered:
"Then President, the reason why you pay so much attention to this Murong Yan is..."

Wei Yunlong laughed and said:
"I just want to experience how it feels to compete with such a peerless beauty! However, I don't take Murong Yan seriously!"

"As for Huo Zhenhao, that old man, he wants to be elected as the chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce this year, so that his Huo's consortium can dominate the market in the entire Jiangbei Province. He is my biggest enemy!"

The secretary smiled.

Wei Yunlong is indeed qualified to say this.

This year's General Chamber of Commerce election must be full of highlights!


the other side.

The same is Sioux City.

In a mansion built by Huo's consortium in the city center covering an area of ​​several thousand acres.

A gray-haired old man was sitting on a dragon-carved and inlaid gold teacher's chair, holding a Buddhist bead, and watching the live broadcast of the financial channel with contempt.

He is Huo Zhenhao, the head of the Sucheng Huo Family Consortium.

"Hmph, this little girl is quite eloquent!"

Huo Zhenhao couldn't help snorting contemptuously from his nose.

Standing behind him, an old man who looked like a housekeeper bowed and said:

"Master, this girl is amazing!"

"I recently found out that she has not only set up a branch in Tingzhou, but also has inextricable relationships with the Princeton Investment Company in the United States."

"Jincheng's Princeton Investment Company branch seems to be operating by herself. In the past few months, she has completed several large projects in one go, and the momentum is very strong!"

Huo Zhenhao sneered and said:

"Preston Investment Company is famous and powerful."

"However, if we want to be serious, our Huo's consortium is more than ten times stronger than them in the land of China!"

"This little girl, even if she is the boss of the Preston head office, I don't take her seriously! If you want to compete with me, there is no way!"

The butler bowed and said:
"Master is right!"

"With the ability of the master, if you want to run for this position, where will it be Wei Yunlong and others' turn?"

"This time, master, you are bound to win!"

Huo Zhenhao showed a cunning smile:
"Although I have the chance to win, I don't want to dampen their enthusiasm too much yet."

"From the looks of it right now, Wei Yunlong and Murong Yan are my strongest competitors this time. I'll let them show off for a while. After all, I'm the elder. Let them bow their heads and surrender at the last moment."

The butler smiled and said:

"Master is brilliant!"


It is different from Wei Yunlong and Huo Zhenhao and other bigwigs in the business and political circles.

The Zhao family in Sucheng.

The patriarch of the Zhao family looked at Murong Yan on the screen with a bit of hatred.

When, seeing Ye Yun appearing, his expression was even more filled with hatred.

"Hmph! There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are kings!"

"I think back then, my Zhao family was also the top of the Jincheng. Why did the Murong family be so arrogant?"

"Wait for two more days at most, and I can find the murderer who made my Zhao family exterminate. At that time, I will not only kill my enemies, but also return to Jincheng, and trample your Murong family under my feet!"

The ancestor of the Zhao family had sharp eyes and said bitterly.

Ever since he witnessed the battle between Ye Yun and Jin Shengyuan at Jin's house in Sucheng last year, he has been trying his best to improve his strength secretly.

Now, not only has he already raised the Zhao family's unique knowledge, Ziyao's magical skills, to an unimaginable state of mind.

It is even more so that he thoroughly comprehended the Dao overnight, and forcibly raised his own cultivation to the early stage of Golden Core.

If it wasn't for finding enemies, he would have absolute self-confidence and become China's No.1 as soon as he debuted!
Right now, when he thinks that he is already powerful, but can only watch the Murong family's splendor in front of others, he feels very uncomfortable.

However, thinking of the news that there will be news soon, and finding the murderer who killed Zhao Taiyuan and his son, as well as Zhao Sheng, he feels great.

"No matter who you are, once I catch you, you just wait for the family to be wiped out!"

"My ancestor of the Zhao family is now a powerful golden core. I want to use the blood of your enemy to declare to the entire China that I am No. 1!"

In the ferocious eyes of the ancestor of the Zhao family, there was a hint of domineering look at the world.

However, on the other side, Ye Yun didn't know the sharpness of the ancestor of the Zhao family, and he was about to target him soon.

He was only busy helping Murong Yan with her hair, choosing nice clothes, and then cooking a hearty breakfast for the mother and daughter.

The family plans to go to Sucheng after breakfast to participate in the election of the Jiangbei General Chamber of Commerce every five years!
(End of this chapter)

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