Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 793 Husband and wife are of the same heart, invincible!

Chapter 793 Husband and wife are of the same heart, invincible!
The Jiangbei General Chamber of Commerce Building is located in the core area of ​​Sucheng.

The design of this building is magnificent and magnificent, and it is the holy temple in the hearts of everyone in the business community of Jiangbei Province.

Anyone who can enter this building is one of the best among the more than 20 cities under the jurisdiction of Jiangbei Province.

They have all achieved brilliant achievements in their respective fields, proud of the local business circles, and even the political circles.

Today, the five-yearly Jiangbei Provincial General Chamber of Commerce and President election campaign brings together hundreds of business leaders from these cities.

Witness the birth of the new president together.

Among them, some people with lofty ideals want to stand out in this fierce competition and be elected No. 1 in the business circle of Jiangbei Province.

However, when someone mentioned the names of Murong Yan, Wei Yunlong and Huo Zhenhao.

Those business leaders who were still clamoring to give it a go a minute ago, and were not heroes if they didn't reach the Great Wall, all died down, and their momentum fell to the bottom all of a sudden.

"Murong Yan, that is Jincheng's number one business genius. She is in charge of a listed group with tens of thousands of people at a young age. Since the beginning of this year, the momentum of development has been even more rapid. This woman is only three to five years old, and she will definitely become The entire Jiangbei Province, an important female boss!"

Among the three, who is the most famous, of course it is the number one beauty in Jincheng, and even Murong Yan, who is recognized as the number one beauty in Jiangbei Province.

These bigwigs in the business world were the first to mention this beautiful and very capable girl.


"What is Murong Yan? She is a bit talented, but if you look at the entire Jiangbei Province, she can only rank in the middle at best!"

"Leaving aside Wei Yunlong, the just-retired president, and Mr. Huo, the head of the First Financial Group in Jiangbei Province, just our little three kings in Jiangbei Province, Zhao Jinwei, president of the Red Flower Society, and Liu Yunheng, president of the Trade Union, Rong Xiangting, Li Hongchun and Mr. Liu are not comparable to her!"

"So let me say that Murong Yanguang is popular, but has no reputation, and her qualifications are still too low to be worthy of a big responsibility!"

Some rational people immediately expressed their pessimism about Murong Yan's success in the election.

However, this point of view was immediately recognized by most of the bigwigs present.

Even Zhao Jinwei, Liu Yunheng, and Li Hongchun, known as the "Little Three Kings" in the business circles of Jiangbei Province, were quite disdainful of Murong Yan.

"If you want to say who is qualified to make me afraid, there are at most five people in Jiangbei Province, and there must be no little girl like Murong Yan among them!"

Zhao Jinwei, the chairman of the Red Flower Society, leads hundreds of large and small enterprises in Qianyang City, Beihuai City, and Qingyang City in Jiangbei Province, and has a lot of qualifications.

He looked at everyone arrogantly, and said confidently.

Liu Yunheng nodded and said:

"That's true, but President Zhao, I think our little three kings are just meant to be foils today!"

"Wei Yunlong, Mr. Wei and Huo Lao, no matter which one is comparable to us, the gap between us and them is still a bit big!"

Li Hongchun laughed at the side and said:
"Mr. Liu, since we know that the election is hopeless, we might as well focus on more important things."

"I heard that for this campaign, Mr. Wei and Mr. Huo both have trump cards to use."

"At that time, we may still be able to choose a tree for good birds to live in. It will be of great benefit to us to be next to one of their big trees!"

Li Hongchun's words were very clear. If Wei Yunlong and Huo Zhenhao wanted to compete, they would definitely win over many bigwigs present.

However, in this battle, they can choose the side with the best conditions.

Although it is impossible to compete with Huo Wei and Huo Wei, it is not impossible to get a piece of the pie from them.

Zhao Jinwei, Liu Yunheng and others nodded in agreement after hearing the words.

I was already thinking secretly in my heart, who would be more appropriate to support in the election.

As for Murong Yan, it's not in their consideration at all!
Everyone was discussing in low voices when they heard someone shouting at the door:

"Murong Yan and her husband Ye Yun are here!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan had an incomparably dazzling aura.

Their super good looks and flawless temperament immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Especially Murong Yan, who was used to seeing all kinds of beauties at the scene, made the eyes of a group of big bosses shine.

Today, Ye Yun designed her a round hair style, with no cover on her smooth and full forehead.

Only around the left and right ears, there is a little hair on the sideburns.

Against the backdrop of that incomparably dazzling fair skin and extremely delicate facial features.

She not only shows a strong girlishness and youthful atmosphere, but also has a refreshing and capable feeling.

A gray plaid jacket, a pair of slim-fit jeans, and a pair of black pointed-toed shoes.


But when she wears it, there is an extremely powerful aura, which is even more suffocating than formal clothes.

And, even sexier!

The men present could not help swallowing their saliva.

And those female bosses who have always been addicted to various maintenance and think that they have first-class temperament, all showed shame.

Under the halo of Murong Yan, she was overshadowed.

"Beautiful! This woman is nothing short of a miracle!"

I don't know who said that.

But, it was just a compliment to her beauty.

When Ye Yun, her, and Yaya walked into the arena, everyone's expressions quickly returned to normal.

Except for a few big bosses who are more familiar with Ye Yun Murong Yan, after greeting each other, the others turned their attention to other places.

"Boss Wei is here!"

Someone yelled again at the door.

Then, I saw a middle-aged man with extraordinary appearance walking in the door.

He was wearing a suit, with a cigar in his mouth, and he looked like a super boss.

"Hi Mr. Wei! Long time no see!"

"Mr. Wei, you must work harder today! We are very optimistic about your victory!"

A small half of the people got up at the same time and hurriedly gathered towards Wei Yunlong.

There were many kinds of flattery in the words, completely different from the previous attitude towards Murong Yan.

Wei Yunlong nodded and smiled repeatedly:

"Okay, hello, everyone!"

His expression was confident and haughty, with a hint of confidence in his chest.

Then, under the leadership of the secretary and the staff of the Chamber of Commerce, he sat in the middle of the front row.

At this time, another exclamation came from the door:
"Mr. Huo is here!"

As soon as this remark came out, more than half of the people in the entire venue erupted.

When Huo Zhenhao walked in with the butler, these people rushed up desperately.

"Hello, Mr. Huo! I didn't expect Mr. Huo's body to be stronger than before!"

"Mr. Huo, your Huo's consortium has become more and more influential in our city in the past year. Our mayor let me tell you that he is very much looking forward to having dinner with you!"

"Old Huo..."

All kinds of compliments and flattery surged up like a tide.

Huo Zhenhao, on the other hand, looked at the crowd proudly with a look of contempt, and sat next to Wei Yunlong surrounded by the crowd.

It wasn't until 2 minutes after he sat down that the noisy crowd gradually calmed down.

This shows how influential Huo Zhenhao is in the business circles of Jiangbei Province.

In the back row, Murong Yan smiled at Ye Yun and said:
"The election this time is much more difficult than last year's election in Jincheng."

Ye Yun held her little hand and said softly:

"No matter how hard it is, don't be afraid, only you are the only winner!"

Murong Yan nodded, staring softly at Ye Yun's eyes:
"Well, our husband and wife are of the same mind, and we are invincible!"

(End of this chapter)

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