Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 813 With Ye Yun, It's Sunny!

Chapter 813 With Ye Yun, It's Sunny!

Ye Yun handed Murong Yan a tissue, without even looking at them, he said calmly:
"Then why don't you go?"


Xue Haoren and Xue Fengxin only felt their bodies lighten suddenly.

Both of them showed horror at the same time, they quickly bent down to the ground, gritted their teeth full of humiliation and crawled towards the door.

Two steps!

Three steps!


It took a full three hundred steps to climb to the gate of the courtyard.

It was only when they saw them stepping out the door that their bodies relaxed suddenly, they turned their heads, glanced inside with great humiliation, and left quickly with their bodies bowed.

And this time.

The living room was surprisingly quiet, you could hear a needle drop!

No, Xue Haoren and his son crawled out, which surprised everyone to such an extent.

Rather, just now Xue Haoren said personally that the president of the Family Association expressly forbids provoking Ye Yun.

This... why?

Could it be... Ye Yunda has a background?
These two questions lingered in everyone's minds, and they couldn't get rid of them at all!
Especially for Tong Ruichang and Su Qinghua, how could they ever imagine that their niece and son-in-law, who had disappeared for four years, would be so capable!
Even the president of the Aristocratic Family Association in the high-ranking cultivation world is afraid of Ye Yun, this is really unbelievable!
The two looked at each other speechlessly, and wanted to ask questions, but seeing that Murong Yan hadn't spoken, they could only swallow all the questions abruptly.

Murong Yan ate the dishes indifferently, until she ate up all the dishes in Ye Yun's folder, then gracefully put down the chopsticks, pinched the paper towel with her slender fingers, and gently wiped her small mouth.

"Little aunt, little uncle, Ye Yun's martial arts is very high, and people from the family association can't beat him, I'm afraid he is normal."

Ever since Ye Yun came back, she had guessed where Ye Yun had been and what he had done in the past four years.

But, it's just an occasional guess.

In front of Ye Yun, she wanted to be a stupid little woman who didn't think about anything or guess anything.

Anyway, he loves himself, it's true!

Everything else is not important!

Like, he was able to save his poisoned father and help him win the position of the head of the Murong family.

Like, he was able to catch the sky thunder of the masters of the Family Association with his bare hands, and defeated so many martial arts masters who shocked one side.

Like, he was able to call out Lord Yan to settle all the troubles for him.

Just like...

Many, many things, too many!
These are enough to show how capable this man is!
Yaya would often say that her daddy is the number one lover in the universe.

This is what the little girl said to Papa, but even if it is true, Murong Yan can accept it!

Once, she was afraid that Ye Yun was not an ordinary person and would leave her again one day.

But when they meet again four years later, she is now extremely convinced that Ye Yun will not leave her!

He wanted to be with him so much and have many babies, how could he be willing to leave him?
So, it doesn't matter!

As long as he is by my side!
With Ye Yun, it is sunny!

No matter how stormy it is, he will prop up a piece of sky for himself!
Seeing Murong Yan's happy smile on the corner of her mouth and her expression of confidence in Ye Yun, Ran Ran and Tong Xinyi were also greatly moved.

Ran said proudly:
"Sister is right! Brother-in-law is very capable, and he is not afraid of people in the cultivation world at all, but they are afraid of brother-in-law!"

"It's just the president of a family association, and he's not invincible in the universe!"

Yaya nodded and said:
"That's right! My daddy is the number one baby in the universe! Any president will be afraid of him!"

The little girl's words made the tense atmosphere instantly relaxed.

Tong Ruichang, Su Qinghua and others couldn't help shaking their heads and smiling:
"You are all right! People in the cultivation world are also human beings. Ye Yun has great abilities, so they will naturally be afraid!"

Tong Ruichang raised his wine glass and said to Ye Yun:

"Let's not talk about that for now! Ye Yun, you helped us tonight and saved Xinyi's face. My uncle toasts you!"

Ye Yun picked up his wine glass, shook his head and said with a smile:
"You are Welcome!"

"Haha, it should be! It should be!"

Tong Ruichang laughed out loud, clinked glasses with Ye Yun and drank it down.

The banquet then continued, and everyone soon forgot the fear and uneasiness brought about by Xue Renhao and his son.

After the banquet was over, Tong Xinyi had just discussed the arrangements for the afternoon with Ranran Yaya when two young girls walked in outside the door.

Tong Xinyi looked up and couldn't help being surprised:

"Jona! Ge Fei! Why are you here?"

Qiao Na and Ge Fei are both her college classmates.

The one on the left with short hair and casual clothes is Qiao Na.

The taller one on the right with a more delicate face is Ge Fei.

Hearing this, Qiao Na and Ge Fei laughed at the same time, Qiao Na said:

"Didn't we make an appointment yesterday to go to Yunxia Mountain to watch the Zijiang tide?"

Tong Xinyi patted her forehead and said:

"Oh, I forgot about that!"

Ge Fei laughed and said:

"So we're here to find you?"

Tong Xinyi laughed and said:
"It's a good thing you guys remembered, otherwise I would still be struggling with where to take my cousin's family!"

She pulled Murong Yan and Ranran, and said:

"Sisters, let's go to Yunxia Mountain to watch the Zijiang tide!"

"You should know that the Zijiang tide is the most famous scenery in our Zijiang City, and it is rare to see it once a year!"

Murong Yan and Ran Ran nodded together and said:
"Okay, let's go to see the Zijiang tide together!"

Qiao Na and Ge Fei glanced enviously at Murong Yan, then at Ran Ran, and couldn't help admiring:

"It turns out that she is a twin sister! Not only does she look perfect, but she also has an extremely good figure!"

The two girls had very sweet mouths, which made Murong Yan and Ranran very fond of them. After several introductions by Tong Xinyi, their relationship quickly became very harmonious.

The little girl, Yaya, also joined the chatting of several girls, and soon became a little pistachio in the eyes of Qiao Na and Ge Fei, making them laugh out loud.

After chatting for a while, everyone got up and set off to Yunxia Mountain on the edge of the Zijiang River.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, everyone came out of the parking lot and saw that the mountain road ahead was already overcrowded.

"A lot of people!"

However, he couldn't help being surprised.

Tong Xinyi smiled and said:
"The spring tide in Zijiang is rare in a year. Since the meteorological experts issued the spring tide warning yesterday, many people have rushed here one after another, and even some people from other cities have rushed here."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a crisp female voice behind her:

"The road taken by ordinary people is naturally very crowded."

"If you don't want to squeeze, you can come with me!"

Everyone turned around and saw a tall and beautiful girl who was more than 1.7 meters tall, holding a young man with simple clothes and extraordinary temperament, looking at everyone with pride.

"Li Jingshu!"

Tong Xinyi, Qiao Na and Ge Fei called out at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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