Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 814 One punch splits life and death!

Chapter 814 One punch splits life and death!
Li Jingshu, Tong Xinyi, Ge Fei and Qiao Na are all college classmates, and they study in the same class.

So the four of them are quite familiar with each other.


Li Jingshu's personality is relatively arrogant and cold. It is said that her family is a high-ranking official in Zhonghai, and she usually doesn't like it, and she associates with Tong Xinyi and the others.

Tong Xinyi, Qiaona Gefei and the others did not expect that this time Li Jingshu would take the initiative to talk to her.

Moreover, she also made a boyfriend who seemed to have a very special temperament.

Li Jingshu brushed her hair by her ears, her eyes flicked across the faces of Tong Xinyi and the three daughters, and then she looked at Murong Yan and Murong Ranran.

Li Jingshu couldn't help showing a hint of jealousy after seeing the two sisters who were as beautiful as flowers and jade, with their superb temperament and figure.

When he saw Ye Yun standing between the two sisters, holding Yaya in his arms, he was even more amazed.

However, after a short while, her eyes became slightly contemptuous.

This man is very handsome. Apart from his looks, he is far worse than my boyfriend in other respects!
Jona stepped forward and said:
"Jingshu, what did you mean by what you just said?"

Li Jingshu glanced at her boyfriend and said:

"My boyfriend Wu Ji said that he could find another way and take me to the top of Yunxia Mountain from the north."

"Since we've met, and we're both classmates, I can take you that way, without jostling with these mortals!"

Tong Xinyi and the others were slightly surprised when they heard that, Yunxia Mountain, as a famous tourist attraction in Zijiang City, has mountain roads in the east, south and west, and you can reach the top of the mountain.

But only in the north, there is no mountain road!
Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of the three girls, Li Jingshu couldn't help giggling triumphantly:

"You heard me right, there is indeed no road to the north, so this is the only way to show my boyfriend's ability!"

She took Wu Ji's arm, raised her chin, glanced at the crowd and said:

"Those who want to follow me, hurry up, don't wait for the time!"

After speaking, he twisted his waist and left with Wu Ji with a smile.

Qiao Na turned around and asked Tong Xinyi:

"Do you want to go with them?"

Tong Xinyi shook her head and said:

"No need, we can ask our cousin-in-law to take us up directly!"

Qiao Na and Ge Fei couldn't help looking at Ye Yun, and said in surprise:
"Is there any other way for your cousin to go?"

Tong Xinyi shook her head and smiled:
"No, my cousin-in-law is a master of martial arts, he can take us flying!"

Qiao Na and Ge Fei couldn't help covering their mouths and exclaiming, looking at Ye Yun in amazement and saying:
"I can't tell, is your cousin-in-law so powerful?"

Tong Xinyi smiled proudly. Just as she was about to turn around and ask Ye Yun, she saw Yaya anxiously hugging Ye Yun's neck and said:
"Papa, that aunt told us to follow them, let's go!"

Ye Yun smiled and glanced at Tong Xinyi:
"Just listen to Yaya, let's go with them!"

After finishing speaking, she took Yaya, Murong Yan and Ranran to walk forward.

Tong Xinyi quickly followed, leaving Qiao Na and Ge Fei to look at each other.

"It turns out that Xinyi was joking, so I said, her cousin-in-law is so handsome, how can he look like a martial artist?"

Qiao Na muttered, and Ge Fei followed.

Seeing everyone following behind her, Li Jingshu couldn't help but feel even more proud:
"You guys are smart! If you don't come, you won't be able to see my boyfriend showing off his skills today!"

Jona chased after her and asked:
"Jingshu, your boyfriend doesn't feel like an ordinary person, what exactly does he do?"

Li Jingshu glanced at her with a smile:
"I'll keep it a secret first, and you'll find out later."

While everyone was talking and laughing, they bypassed the crowd from the west and came to the empty north.

Look up.

There are huge boulders, big trees, cliffs and cliffs, and there are thrills everywhere.

There are poems.

Lianfeng went to the sky without a foot, and withered pine hung upside down against the cliff.

The turbulent waterfalls and streams are scrambling, and the cliffs turn rocks and thunder.

So is the risk!
The mountain in front of him has such a dangerous aura.

Where, is there a way to go?
"What a steep mountain! It's impossible to go up!"

Qiao Na and Ge Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Tong Xinyi slightly frowned and said:

"Jingshu, there are steep stone walls everywhere, there is no way to walk!"

However, Li Jingshu smiled lightly, took Wu Ji's arm, and said affectionately:
"Honey, it's up to you!"

Wu Ji smiled proudly, his eyes swept across everyone's faces proudly, then took two steps forward, clenched his fists and said:


When everyone heard this, they all looked at his fist.

I saw that with his angry shout, the space around his fist vibrated like water waves.

Immediately afterwards, a great aura swept over the sky, causing Tong Xinyi and the girls to tremble in shock.

"This mountain was named Huangting 5000 years ago, and was renamed Yunxia 2500 years ago. 300 years ago, it was dug through the mountain roads on the east, west, and south sides!"

"Today, I, Wu Ji, will open another mountain road for it!"

"From now on, the four mountain roads of Yunxia Mountain will lead to the top!"

I only heard Wu Ji yell loudly, the sound was like a bell, and the momentum was magnificent.

Tong Xinyi and the others couldn't help being taken aback. In Zijiang people's records, it was never mentioned that Yunxia Mountain had Huang Ting's name 5000 years ago.

Why would Wu Ji know this name?

Boom! ! !

Before everyone could think about it, they saw Wu Ji swinging his fist upwards.

Then, there was an extremely powerful air wave gushing out from his fist.

Like a heavenly sword piercing through the air, all the way up, crushing all boulders and vegetation.

Rumble boom!
Whoa, whoa!

A burst of chaotic dust and smoke flew up, connecting the sky and the ground.

Looking from a distance, it seems that the mountain in the north has collapsed, and the momentum is tens of billions!
The tourists who saw this scene were all so frightened that their eyes were tearing apart.

"My God! What's going on with the mountain in the north, did it explode?"

Everyone was panicked, not knowing what had happened.

Only, the north.

Tong Xinyi, Ge Feiqiaona and the others were dumbfounded.

"God! Cleave a mountain road with one punch, what a monster!"

Wu Ji turned around with a proud face, and hearing the exclamation of the girls made him feel refreshed physically and mentally.

He held Li Jingshu in his arms, looked at everyone with pride, and stayed on Ye Yun's face for a second.

This little boy has no expression at all, could it be that he was frightened and stupid?

Slightly retracting his gaze with disdain, he pointed to the mountain road and said:
"Now let's go!"

Qiao Na hurried to catch up and asked:
"Jingshu, now you can tell us who your boyfriend is?"

Ge Fei echoed:
"Yes, Jingshu, he seems to know a lot of history that we don't. He must be very special, right?"

Li Jingshu nodded with a smile, and said proudly:
"Of course!"

She turned her body sideways and hugged Wu Ji, shook and said:

"Wu Ji, then tell them about your identity!"

Wu Ji nodded, took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a few deep breaths, with deep eyes, said faintly:
"Speaking of which, my life is too long."

"More than 50 years ago, on the banks of the Bahe River, I taught the Lantian ape-man to grind stone tools and fight against the sky. This fight is really 50 years!"

"Later, in the Weihe River Basin, I organized the first clan commune in Chinese history, teaching them to fish and hunt, men to farm and women to weave."

"Later, I moved from a matrilineal commune to a paternal commune, and taught them to use various new tools such as stone scythes, which pushed the entire Chinese human culture forward by a whole big step!"

"Later, I experienced the war of gods and demons in ancient times, from Xia, Shang and Zhou, to Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms, and through modern times, until modern times!"

After speaking, the cigarette is also smoked.

He smiled proudly at everyone and said:

"Actually, my identity is very simple, that is..."

"The Immortal!"

(End of this chapter)

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