Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 817 One Sentence To The Tower Turns The Universe Upside Down!

Chapter 817 One sentence from the tower turns the world upside down!
Wu Ji stepped in front of Ye Yun and the others, frowned and said:
"Gu Yu, don't act like a fool!"

"These people are ordinary people, what is your ability to kill them?"

Gu Yu then withdrew his murderous aura, looked away from Ye Yun and the others, and said with a sneer:
"Well, I'll get rid of you first! I don't have any interest in these ants!"

Wu Ji sternly said:
"You think beautiful!"

He spread his right hand in the air, and a purple light knife appeared in his hand.

The purple light is hunting, majestic, vast and astonishing.

"If you don't leave, it will be too late when we start to move!"

Wu Ji said without looking back.

Yaya shook her head and said:
"We still have to go to see Zijiang Dachao, we won't leave!"


Wu Ji couldn't help snorting coldly:
"At the moment of life and death, do you think this is a joke?"

"That's all! You are ignorant, but I can't ignore death!"

With a sigh, he waved the purple light saber in the air.

A huge purple barrier stood in front of everyone.

"Don't cross this barrier, otherwise Da Luo Jinxian will not be able to save you!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Ji's figure flashed, and he raised his purple light saber to kill Gu Yu.

Gu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said:
"I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still using this Purple Moon Sword!"

"Wu Ji, you are already on my plate, today you are doomed no matter what!"

His figure turned into a ray of black light, hitting Wu Ji head-on.

"Ghost Sorcerer!"


A huge black palm broke through countless mysterious spaces and shot out with a bang.

Seeing this, Wu Ji sent out a wave of true energy, his whole body shone with purple light, and the Purple Moon Sword in his hand, like a phoenix, slashed down against the black palm.

"Purple Moon Slash!"

Boom! ! !

Purple and black greet each other, and explode in the air.

An extremely powerful shock wave spread out from the sky.

Suddenly, the entire Yunxia Mountain shook violently.

"Hiss! Fight!"

The three daughters, Li Jingshu and Qiaona Gefei, who were at the foot of the mountain, all gasped and hurried down the mountain.

Qiao Na even looked back at Ye Yun and the others, and couldn't help shaking her head violently.

Wu Ji and the others beat up like this, but they still didn't leave. Are they really looking for death?

She never imagined that the young lady of the dignified Tong family would have such ignorant relatives.

The most important thing is that even Tong Xinyi herself messed around with them!

What a fool!

On the mountain.

Wu Ji and Gu Yu have separated.

At this moment, Wu Ji had several holes in his clothes, and his shiny hair had also become messy.

From the looks of it, quite a bit of a mess.

Seeing this, Gu Yu laughed and said:

"Wu Ji, in vain you have lived 500 million years longer than me, yet your cultivation has progressed so slowly!"

"If you give me the essence of your body, I will definitely become the supreme god who rules a star field!"

Hearing this, Wu Ji said angrily:

"If you want Lao Tzu's essence, go ahead and dream!"

"I have come since ancient times, and I have experienced countless difficulties and obstacles! No matter what, I will never fall into the hands of you, a brat!"

His voice was extremely angry, but there was a slight tremor.

Having lived for more than 700 million years, Gu Yu is indeed the most terrifying opponent he has ever met.

Since the two accidentally met 3000 years ago, Gu Yu has always wanted to devour his essence and become the strongest in the world.

It must be known that, as a living body in the ancient times, there are billions of life essences in his body.

These essences can greatly improve the function of the living body.

Such a huge number can create an incomparably terrifying power, which is comparable to the power of thousands of planets exploding.

Therefore, for a person like Gu Yu who intends to become the ruler of the whole world, or even a galaxy, it is infinitely alluring.

However, after the fight just now, he had to admit in his heart that Gu Yu had become stronger!

Very strong!
The so-called present is different from the past, 3000 years ago, he could use the Ziyue magic knife to push Gu Yu back ten feet away.

But now, instead of forcing Gu Yu back, he was injured instead.

How could he not be terrified?
Seemingly seeing a trace of panic in Wu Ji, Gu Yu smiled triumphantly and said:
"If you are afraid, you can surrender on the spot, and I can give you a good death."

Wu Ji was furious after hearing this, and roared:

"Even if I die, I will make you pay the greatest price!"

He put away the Ziyue Divine Knife, clasped his hands together heavily, and shouted:

"I will use the trick of pressing the bottom of the box to meet you for a while!"

After the words fell, the sky suddenly changed color.

A huge purple light circle with a radius of hundreds of miles can barely appear at an altitude of [-] meters.

In that circle of light, countless bright spots of light shone.

After a while, all the light spots were connected together, like countless stars in a galaxy, forming an extremely huge formation.

"Star Map Annihilation Formation!"

"Leave it to me!"

Wu Ji wanted to burst into tears, and roared wildly.

The whole sky trembled again.

A pressure like a million Taishan Mountains falling at the same time made the earth with a radius of hundreds of miles feel the pressure.

Most of Zijiang City fell into complete panic at this moment.

"My God! What is that purple halo in the sky?"

"Damn it! The ground is about to tear apart! What's going on? Could it be a nuclear explosion?"

Countless people were terrified, looking helplessly at the rapidly falling Star Map Extinction Formation in the distant sky.

"Tips for carving insects!"

There was a disdainful laugh out of thin air.

When Gu Yu stretched out his right hand, he sacrificed a purple-red pagoda.

The pagoda was originally in his hands, only the size of a palm.

However, after flying out, it became half the size of Yunxia Mountain in the blink of an eye.

"Sky Tower!"

"Give me this broken formation!"

Gu Yu shouted loudly, and saw the Sky Town Tower!With a sound, it spun.

Then, an indescribable suction rushed head-on towards the Star Chart Extinction Formation.

In the blink of an eye, this terrifying formation was crushed into pieces, and whew!With a bang, it was sucked into the tower.


Seeing this, Wu Ji couldn't help but shrink his pupils:
"It turns out that this guy still has such an artifact! My life is over!"

The Star Map Annihilation Formation, which he is good at, was so easily cracked by the Tiantian Tower.

Wu Ji is helpless!
Holding the Tianzhen Tower in his hand, Gu Yu looked down at Wu Ji proudly and said:

"In order to completely subdue you, I did not hesitate to travel all over China and dig three feet to find this remnant of the battle between gods and demons."

"Now, with one tower in hand, I own the world!"

"Wu Ji, what are you fighting against me with?"


Amid wild laughter, he had already raised the Sky Tower again. Judging from that posture, Wu Ji had nowhere to escape.

Seeing this, Wu Ji couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and hastily shouted:
"not good!"

He tried his best to burst out with true energy, wanting to tear apart the void and escape quickly.


"Where to escape?"

Gu Yu yelled loudly, and had already pushed the Sky Town Tower with all his strength.

"In this artifact, there are ninety-nine and 81 lightning bolts, enough to burn you into blood."

"At that time, I can drink you up with just one sip, wow ha ha ha!"

call out!
Zhentian Pagoda let out a scream, and an incomparably terrifying suction rushed out instantly.

Wu Ji was so frightened that his legs trembled, only feeling the suction force, he was about to tear himself apart.

"It's over! I didn't expect that after living for more than 700 million years, I would turn into blood today and become a drink in other people's mouths!"

Wu Ji's eyes were about to burst, and his heart was filled with grief.

Just at this moment, a childish voice sounded:
"Shushu, I'll ask Papa to save you!"

Yaya opened her bright eyes wide and looked at Wu Ji with a smile.

Wu Ji looked down and couldn't help frowning:
"Little girl, uncle is dead, you should still beg for mercy!"

"Otherwise, you will not escape death!"

Gu Yu gave Yaya a cold look, and said slightly angrily:

"What annoying ants! When I finish Wu Ji, I will send you on the road together!"

He saw that from the beginning to the end, Ye Yun and the others stood there calmly, which made him quite uncomfortable.

As a long-lived being of more than 200 million years, when was he looked down upon so much by a group of mortal ants?
If you dare to show your presence here, I will let you all die!


"What... what's going on?"

Just after his voice fell, a scene that made him unbelievable happened.

I saw that the Zhentian Tower turned around, and that terrifying suction flew towards him like a ghost.

"Ah! Don't!"

Falling from heaven to hell in an instant.

Gu Yu felt that his whole body was being torn apart abruptly, and the incomparably terrifying suction force was trying to suck him towards the Sky-Suppressing Tower.

"Ahh! This is impossible! Who the hell is controlling the Tiantian Tower?!"

Gu Yu was getting smaller and smaller, seeing that he was about to be completely reduced to powder, he let out a cry of terror.

But he saw, standing on the mountain road, the handsome man whom he had always regarded as a mortal ant just now stretched out his white jade-like right hand, and said lightly:

As soon as it fell, the Sky-Suppressing Tower flew into his hands.

At the same time, the terrifying suction power increased instead of decreasing, Phew!With a loud sound, Gu Yu was torn to pieces.

"Oh it's you!"

In the air, only Gu Yu's extremely shocked cry remained.

Then, his whole body turned into a ray of black light and was completely sucked into the Sky Suppressing Tower.

Seeing this, Wu Ji who was not far away couldn't help but tremble all over, and suddenly fell from midair to the ground.

When he looked at Ye Yun again, his eyes were full of boundless horror:

"God! So so strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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