Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 818 The domineering aura of the Supreme Killing God, the leadership of President Murong!

Chapter 818 The domineering aura of the Supreme Killing God, the leadership of President Murong!

Wu Ji never imagined that he was mistaken!
That extremely handsome man, he is not a mortal at all, he is a complete pervert!

Having lived for more than 700 million years, he has seen countless strange people and strange things along the way.

In Wu Ji's memory, there is literally no one who can compare with the man in front of him.

Even the gods and demons of the ancient times couldn't manipulate such a divine weapon as easily as this man.

Come on with a sentence!
Zhentian Pagoda counterattacked Gu Yu, Wu Ji couldn't even imagine such an ability!
Reminiscing that he had despised Ye Yun as a mortal twice and three times before, and despised them openly, Wu Ji felt a wave of panic in his heart.

"It's better to apologize quickly! If you are so powerful, even if you have [-] lives, it's not enough for others to kill!"

Thinking of this, my legs trembled.

Wu Ji hurried forward, knelt down, bowed his head to Ye Yun and said:
"Thank you Daneng for saving me! I was blind and offended a lot before, please don't remember the villain!"

After all, boom boom boom in one breath!He kowtowed three times to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun glanced at him lightly, and said:
"Based on your disrespect to me, I don't need to rescue you even if you die ten thousand times."

"However, my daughter saw that you also had the heart to protect us, so she asked me to save you, so the one you should thank is her."

After hearing this, Wu Ji quickly bowed his head and said:


Then he kowtowed to Yaya:
"Thank you, little princess! My Wu Ji's life was saved by you, and I will do my best in this life!"

Yaya shook her head with a grin and said:
"Shu Shu, you're welcome!"

"Our teacher said that people must have a heart of love for talent. You are really talented if you can punch a mountain road. Of course I want Papa to save you!"

Ye Yun and Murong Yan looked at Yaya with joy on their faces.

This little girl, who knows how to cherish and love talents at such a young age, is really a big kid!

As expected of inheriting the arrogance of the Supreme Killing God and the leadership of President Murong, this sentence is very impressive.

After hearing this, Wu Ji nodded quickly and said:
"I understand! In the future, which mountain road the little princess wants to drive, please give me orders at any time! Don't bother your father to do this kind of trivial matter!"

Seeing his pious expression, Ye Yun nodded and said:
"Well, I'll leave this to you in the future."

Wu Ji was overjoyed after hearing this.

To be recognized by this mighty man is the most proud thing he has lived for more than 700 million years!
He bowed his head to the ground again and said loudly:

Ye Yun nodded slightly, and then threw the Sky-Suppressing Tower into the air, turning it into ashes with just one look.

"Da Neng, this is a real artifact, why do you..."

Wu was shocked.

He didn't expect Ye Yun to destroy the Tianzhen Pagoda!

It must be known that the Tiantian Tower is an artifact left over from the ancient war between gods and demons.

It can turn super immortals like Wu Ji and Gu Yu into powder in an instant.

It is also possible to tear a powerful person above a golden core into pieces.

Its terrifying power can be imagined.

Never thought about it, but Ye Yun didn't even think about it, so he destroyed it.

This is absolutely reckless!

Ye Yun said lightly:
"This kind of weapon is fine for bullying the weak, but for other things, it's useless."

After hearing this, Wu Ji opened his mouth wide, speechless.

The Heaven Suppressing Pagoda, such a terrifying artifact, was said to be useless by this great power.


"God, this mighty man, can't be the Lord God from the Lord God Realm of the Universe!"

"How can there be such a horrible existence on our earth?"

Wu Ji glanced at Murong Yan and Murong Ranran, felt it carefully, and couldn't help exclaiming:
"His wife and sister-in-law are absolutely mortals on Earth!"

"He, such a perverted main god, would actually stay on earth for them, this..."

"It's too capricious!"

Ye Yun ignored Wu Ji's complicated eyes, but took a gentle look at Murong Yan and said:
"Okay, let's continue up the mountain!"

Murong Yan nodded, took Ranran and Tong Xinyi's arms, and followed him towards the mountain.

Wu Ji got up and thought for a while, and followed behind them, like a little follower, full of humbleness.

And this time.

The three girls, Li Jingshu and Qiaona Gefei, who were approaching the foot of the mountain, saw the scene of Ye Yun killing Gu Yu when they turned their heads. The three girls were shocked for more than two minutes before they came back to their senses.

Seeing Ye Yun and the others continue to go up the mountain, the three women looked at each other in blank dismay.

Jona said:
"Are we...will we go back?"

Thinking of how she repeatedly teased Ye Yun and Tong Xinyi secretly, Qiao Na blushed.

Li Jingshu and Ge Fei also had expressions of shame on their faces.

The two thought for a long time before they nodded at the same time and said:

"Let's go back!"

Li Jingshu looked up and murmured:

"A moment ago, I actually wanted to leave Wu Ji because I was afraid that Wu Ji would be killed. I feel that I owe him an apology."

"Whether he still wants me or not, I will go and say sorry to him!"

Ge Fei bit his lip and said:

"I think the one we should apologize the most is Xinyi's cousin-in-law."

"Before we underestimated others, we didn't expect them to be so powerful, we were blind!"

Afterwards, the three women sighed at the same time, gritted their teeth, and chased up the mountain.

However, within two steps, the three women felt an invisible wall in front of them, blocking them all.

Looking up, Ye Yun and the others were barely visible.

Li Jingshu could not help but look sad, slumped on the ground and said:
"He doesn't want us to go up, he must think we are not worthy to appear in front of them again."

"Oh! This is really a wrong step, wrong step, if you miss it, you will really miss it!"

Qiao Na and Ge Fei couldn't help but change their expressions when they heard the words, and when they looked up, their eyes were already blurred with tears.

When Ye Yun and the others came to the top of the mountain, the Zijiang River just started to rise in tide.

Looking around, the Zijiang River is picturesque, with gurgling water.

The river, which was originally relatively calm, suddenly became windy and violent, and the tide rose violently.

In an instant, it turned into a wall of water more than ten meters high, rushing towards the shore.

"Wow! It's spectacular!"

Yaya clapped her little hands and cried excitedly.

Murong Yan, Ran Ran, and Tong Xinyi stood beside Ye Yun, standing on tiptoe, watching the tide in the distance.

Ye Yun turned his head and couldn't help but say with distress:
"Honey, tiptoeing is too tiring, let me hug you!"

Ran Ran and Tong Xinyi are all around, Murong Yan is not ashamed, she quickly shook her head and said:
"No need, I can see clearly... hey!..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt his body lighten up, and was lifted up by Ye Yun with one hand.

Ye Yun bent his arms, supported Murong Yan's waist with his small arms, and put his big arms under her little butt, letting her sit on it like a chair.

"Is it all right now?"

Ye Yun asked with a smile.

Murong Yan's face was full of pleasant surprise and shy sweetness, she blushed and said angrily:
"You... how can you do this?"

Biting her lip, she was embarrassed to look at Ye Yun again, so she had to look forward and whispered:
"Okay, so you can see it clearly!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:
"That's good!"

He hugged Yaya with one arm and let him sit on his left shoulder.

Holding Murong Yan in one hand, let her sit on his right arm.

Ranran and Tong Xinyi were envious of that gentle and careful appearance.

"Brother-in-law, you, you, you... are too much! You are going to ruthlessly kill us single dogs!"

"Cousin-in-law, hurry up and participate in the World's Best Man Contest! I promise you will be the first!"

Ran Ran and Tong Xinyi let out ear-piercing screams.

Wu Ji, who was standing behind them, was shocked.

"Oh my God! Not only is this great man super terrifying in strength, but he is also terrifying in his ability to spoil his wife and baby!"

He immediately showed extremely admiring eyes.

As a man, we must learn from this great power!
(End of this chapter)

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