Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 819 No need to spend 1 pawn and 1 pawn!

Chapter 819 It doesn't cost a single soldier!
Just when Ye Yun and the others were watching the tide.

Tong Yunhai and Tong Honglin have brought their wives to Qi's house.

As the first family in Zijiang City, the courtyard of the Qi family is so magnificent and splendid.

As far as the eye can see, the carved railings are full of jade, resplendent in gold and green, magnificent in atmosphere, and oppressive in wealth.

"As expected of our No. [-] family in Zijiang, it is comparable to the imperial palace!"

Tong Yunhai couldn't help admiring, turned around and said:

"The Qi family is in charge, that bastard Ye Yun, and that old bastard Tong Ruichang, they are dead!"

With a fierce look in his eyes, he knocked on the door of Qi's house.

After the door opened, he immediately explained his purpose to the guards, and led them to the lobby in the front yard.

At this time, in the hall, on the grand master's chair in the middle, an old man in his 50s was sitting.

He was wearing a black Tang suit, and his momentum was extremely majestic.

That disdainful look at the world, the aura of a superior person makes people dare not look directly at him.

In front of him, stood a handsome man in his twenties. He was wearing a suit, and his brows were full of pride.

However, when looking at the old man, he couldn't help but feel a little more awe in his eyes.

"Dad, our people said that there is no clue about the disappearance of my brother and Yokota Shintake. They asked for another three months!"

The handsome man is Qi Yucan, the eldest son of Qi Yaozu, the head of the Qi family.

And the old man is Zijiang No.1, the helm of the Qi family, Qi Yaozu!
Hearing this, Qi Yaozu couldn't help showing anger, and said in a deep voice:

"A bunch of trash! I've given it to them, and they can't find anything for a whole year!"

"So, what do I need them for? Send me an order to kill all these people!"

"I have a whole family, and I don't need to raise any trash!"

Feeling his father's anger, Qi Yucan could only grit his teeth and nod:
"Okay! I'll give the order right away!"

A middle-aged beautiful woman sitting next to Qi Yaozu couldn't help sobbing:
"Master, my son must have been killed!"

"I hate that murderer, he is still at large, you must avenge him!"

She is Qi Yaozu's concubine, Qi Zhenan's biological mother Fan Yimei.

Hearing her crying, Qi Yaozu couldn't help frowning, and said angrily:

"That's enough! Zhenan is also my son. If anyone dares to touch him, I will let him die without a place to bury him!"

When Fan Yimei was yelled at by him, she immediately shut up.

Qi Yaozu's majesty is not something she can offend.

Qi Yucan then asked:
"Dad, if my brother is really killed, what should we do to find the murderer who killed him?"

Qi Yaozu replied:
"I have paid a huge price and sent people to invite two masters from the God List. It is said that they are all in the Golden Core realm and have been hidden for more than a thousand years. I believe that as long as they come out, the murderer will definitely surface!"

Qi Yucan frowned after hearing this:
"God List? Golden Core Realm?"

As the young master of the largest family in Zijiang, he has come into contact with countless martial arts masters.

Naturally, one knows how much ability is needed to be ranked in the god list of the GAT forum.

However, the word Jindan exists like a god.

Therefore, he couldn't help showing a look of shock.

Qi Yaozu nodded and said:

"That's right! They are ranked very high on the god list, and there are only two Chinese masters who are more powerful than them."

"When they reach their level, they can subvert an entire planet. Therefore, anyone who dares to touch Zhe Nan will have no choice but to die!"

After hearing this, Qi Yucan nodded secretly.

No wonder my father gave the order to kill all the people who were in charge of searching for clues. It turned out that he had already contacted such a terrifying expert to help out.

"Master, someone from the Tong family is here!"

At this moment, the butler hurried in with Tong Yunhai and others.

Qi Yaozu frowned, although Tong Yunhai and others have been wandering for a year, and now they are in a mess.

However, with his old and vicious eyes, he could still tell at a glance that they were Tong Ruichang's family members.

"Why are you here?"

The news that Tong Yunhai and others were kicked out of Zijiang has been kept under blockade.

Coupled with Qi Yaozu's prominent status, he didn't have much contact with Tong Yunhai and the others before, so he didn't care about their whereabouts.

At this time, seeing the desolation of their two families, they couldn't help being curious.

The four of Tong Yunhai knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Tong Yunhai cried:
"Patriarch of the Qi family, please decide for us to deal with that bastard Tong Ruichang!"

Qi Yaozu immediately sensed something unusual in his words, and asked quickly:
"Why should I call the shots for you?"

Tong Yunhai said:

"Because we know who killed your youngest son Qi Zhenan!"

A burst of true energy exploded from Qi Yaozu's body, and the surrounding chairs were instantly shattered.

He got up and said:

"who is it?"

"Ye Yun!"

Tong Yunhai replied immediately.

Qi Yaozu and Qi Yucan frowned:
"Which Ye Yun?"

Tong Yunhai replied:
"He is Tong Ruichang's niece and son-in-law, and the husband of Jincheng Murong Patriarch Murong Yan."

"A year ago, it was he who killed your youngest son and that Japanese martial arts master at Tong's house."

"Because we discovered this secret, Tong Ruichang threatened and intimidated us several times and forced us out of Zijiang!"

Qi Yaozu's eyes were full of coldness, he stared at Tong Yunhai and said:

"Are you serious about what you said? You must know the consequences of daring to deceive me, Qi Yaozu!"

Tong Yunhai nodded heavily:
"I can guarantee with my life that everything I said is true!"

"Patriarch Qi, we are willing to pledge ourselves here, and when you get your revenge, just let us go back to Tong's house!"

Seeing that his tone was very firm, Qi Yaozu already had some confidence in his words in his heart.

Then he nodded and said:

"Okay, I'll trust you for now!"

Qi Yucan stepped forward and said:

"Dad, since it's all caused by the Tong family and Ye Yun, I'll go and arrest Tong Ruichang now, and ask him clearly!"

"Once the matter is confirmed, we can send people to sneak into Jincheng and silence Ye Yun!"

Qi Yaozu thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"I've heard before that Ye Yun of Jincheng's Murong family has a lot to do with Tianluodiwang. If you make such a big splash, you will definitely attract the attention of Tianluodiwang."

"And I guess, the reason why we can't find out about Zhe Nan and Yokota Makoto is because there is a net of heaven and earth in the middle!"

"So if you want to go, if you arouse the vigilance of Tianluodiwang and transfer Tong Ruichang's family in advance, then the next thing will be much more difficult."

After hearing this, Qi Yucan stomped his feet and said anxiously:

"Dad, what should we do then?"

Qi Yaozu smiled coldly and said:

"The two golden elixir powers haven't arrived yet, we can first invite Zhao Tianshi and Song Shengshi to arrest Tong Ruichang and torture him!"

"With their ability, they will be able to do it without anyone noticing."

Qi Yucan nodded, Zhao Taiyuan and Ge Danwei were the first and second enshrined members of the Qi family.

One of them is in the realm of the innate peak, and the other is a sage of Burmese magic, who can break through the secrets and has infinite power.

Sending them out, they will be able to capture Tong Ruichang as quickly as possible.

"Dad, what should we do after Tong Ruichang is captured?"

he asked.

However, Qi Yaozu smiled ferociously and said:

"It's not just Tong Ruichang, I want to arrest them all."

"Then, maybe we can force Ye Yun to commit suicide without a single soldier!"

Upon hearing this, Qi Yucan nodded quickly and said:

"I understand! I'm going to invite Zhao Tianshi and Song Shengshi to go out now!"

Tong Yunhai and others at the side couldn't help but secretly sneered when they heard this.

Tong Ruichang, Ye Yun, you are finished now!

(End of this chapter)

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