Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 315 Accept Inheritance

Chapter 315 Accept Inheritance
The King of War, the number one strongest among the ancestors of the Eternal Sacred Palace, can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand in the entire Eternal Sacred Palace, and the majestic fighting spirit in it is extremely deterrent.

In the ancient war, it has been hailed as the No.64 under the 1 emperors. Even the former Dragon Emperor had to back away when he met the king of war, and did not dare to confront him head-on, because the fighting spirit of the king of war was too strong. sharp.

He has always treated the strong with respect, even the current Gu Feng was no exception. He let out a deep breath, and Gu Feng clasped his fists in both hands and bowed to the body of the King of War.

Then, his eyes moved slightly, and then he turned his eyes to the golden giant sword, and sighed slightly in his heart, presumably Jian Yun's death must also be related to this giant sword.

As for swords, Gu Feng was not very good at it, but this golden giant sword must be suitable for Lin Tian, ​​and then his mind moved slightly, Gu Feng walked directly a few steps, and caught the golden giant sword.

Immediately, majestic spiritual power gushed out directly from the giant sword, rushed past with a bang, and directly gathered in Gu Feng's spiritual sea. The dense information was printed on Gu Feng's body like engravings. Spiritual depths.

"I am the King of War. Under the Holy Ancestor, I was welcoming the evil clan. I killed a total of ten Heaven Realm Alliance Leaders. Among them, Frey, the Small Ancestor Realm, who had reached the Three Small Realms, finally died of exhaustion, but also because The sacred sword in my hand imprisoned Frey here, if future generations can encounter it, please help me kill Frey!"

Only then did Gu Feng show a look of sudden surprise. He killed ten people who were strong in the heavenly realm. bit.

"It's a pity that such a strong person eventually fell into the long river of history!" With a dark sigh, Gu Feng said slowly, his tone full of regret.

Afterwards, holding the sacred sword tightly in his hand, feeling the continuous power coming from it, a smile appeared on the corner of Gu Feng's mouth, a ray of light flashed directly in the space Mijie, and the sacred sword disappeared instantly in this piece of world.

At the moment when the holy sword was hidden in the space by Gu Feng, there was a sudden abnormal sound in the world, and then a golden body of the War King in front of him shook and died directly. At the same time, a A majestic voice sounded.

"I didn't expect that after tens of thousands of years, someone really fulfilled my dream. The inheritor, hey, actually entered the holy palace as the holy son. If the holy ancestor knows about this, I'm afraid he will be very happy, right? It's a pity that the Holy Palace no longer exists, what a pity!"

Gu Feng trembled suddenly. The voice and all the changes that happened at the moment obviously came from the King of War.

"War King!" Gu Feng exclaimed in shock.

"Yes, this is the last spiritual wisdom of this king, inheritor, very lucky, if you directly seized the holy sword at that time, I am afraid that you will be destructively hit by this king, and of course Frey will be the same Fall into this piece of heaven and earth with you!" The voice of the King of War continued to sound, but it was full of depth.

"Son, I don't have anything to pass on to you, only a set of martial arts called Zhan Wang Jue!"

In an instant, Gu Feng's eyes flashed with intense heat, and his body shook suddenly. These three words, Zhan Wang Jue, are too shocking. Gu Feng already knew the information about Zhan Wang Jue in the densely packed information just now. .

The King of War Jue is the capital of the King of War when he galloped across the world. In the ancient wars, he killed more than a dozen foreign celestial lords, relying on the King of War Jue. Fighting is nourished by war. The more you fight, the braver you are. Life is endless and fighting is endless. This is the battle king tactic.

And this Zhanwang Jue was created by Zhanwang, and the fighting spirit contained in it will not be weaker even if it is a step-up battle. You must know that the key to the step-up challenge lies in the word Qi, the strength of the aura, the strength of the spirit. Big is the root.

Trying to calm down the raging heated discussion in his heart, Gu Feng let out a long breath. He didn't expect that he would encounter such a tempting martial skill when he entered the battle king's inheritance.

Feeling the heat in Gu Feng's heart, the voice of the King of War continued to come out slowly: "My child, the King of War's formula is the foundation of this king's foothold. The mysteries in it are really beyond comprehension for ordinary people. Whether you can penetrate the essence depends on you." My good fortune has been made, now hold my mind!"

Gu Feng didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately closed his eyes tightly, and the aura in his body began to linger, layer after layer, and the flowing aura continued to rise.

There was a long-lasting sound from the spiritual sea, and then a trace of pain quickly flashed in the depths of Gu Feng's eyes. Swish, a piece of text was directly suspended in Gu Feng's spiritual sea.

It is the method of practicing Zhanwangjue!

"Children, I can feel that there are still filthy things in this land, and the heavy responsibility of guarding this world will be handed over to you. The former four ancestors, eight gods, and 64 emperors have disappeared in the long river of history. Now this The protagonists of this world will be you, and you are the real hope of the mainland!"

The majestic voice continued to sound, but there was deep regret in the ears. Then, the air shrank suddenly, and the whole space regained its calm. After a few breaths, all the golden air disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before. .

Gu Feng exhaled deeply, trying to calm down his spiritual power, squeezed the fist in his hand, Gu Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of fighting intent.

Feeling the King of War Jue floating in his mind, Gu Feng simply sat on the ground, and then closed his eyes, feeling little by little.

Time also passed by every minute and every second, and soon, three days passed quietly.

In three days, Gu Feng had completely understood the mysteries of the King of War Art. Perhaps this King of War Art was difficult for others to understand, but to Gu Feng, it seemed like it was tailor-made.

Due to the reasons of the previous life, the understanding of ancient Chinese martial arts, this fighting spirit is indeed very similar in some aspects.

King of War tactics!

The key lies in one word, war, life is endless, fighting is endless, the more you fight, the braver you are, the fighting spirit is domineering, and fighting is nourished by fighting, this is the true trick of the king of war!
A smile was slowly formed at the corner of his mouth, Gu Feng looked around, feeling a sense of calm, took a deep breath again, stood up abruptly, his whole body trembled, a golden breath hovered upwards, booming With a shock, he punched directly.

The sound passed quickly, and then the whole space suddenly shrank again. At the moment when the palm print was printed, Gu Feng shouted in a low voice: "War!"


With a palm pass, a layer of golden breath directly roared upwards, slamming hard on the stone steps in the distance, and there was a loud bang, and the extremely hard stone steps shattered!

"It's still not enough. Fighting supports fighting. Only in fighting can you stimulate your own fighting spirit to the greatest extent!"

(End of this chapter)

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