Chapter 316
There was a blaze of heat in his eyes, Gu Feng slowly withdrew his aura, then narrowed his eyes again, looked into the distance, moved with the shadow, and disappeared in place within a few breaths.


It has been several months since the opening of the secret realm. These months have brought some changes to the people who entered the secret realm, and some small troubles often appear in every corner of the secret realm.

But at this time they are indeed extremely excited, because there is a secret who has leaked the wind, and that is the inheritance of the holy ancestor.

"I heard no, the place where the ancestors passed on has been discovered!"

"Hehe, how could I not have heard of such an important matter, but I don't know how many heroes are trying to fight for it this time!"

"I'm afraid it depends on the methods of these people."

"Which ones?"

"The He family, the Gong family, the Nuo family..."

"Are you forgetting someone?"

"Recently, the limelight has been very popular, and it is rumored that Gu Feng, the holy son of the King of War, has been obtained!"

"Tsk tsk, it turned out to be the Gu Feng who was conferred as the holy son, hahaha, you are too careful, who doesn't know that the holy son Gu Feng is pure luck, hehe, don't be misled by the rumors, what's the matter I'm afraid he won't even know who the King of War is if he has captured the inheritance of the King of War, he'll be surprised, hahaha!"

"I just don't know why, this person will appear in the reward..."

A group of figures quickly shot towards the center of the Eternal Sacred Palace, and one after another of extremely unpleasant words kept uttering, most of which were longing for the inheritance of the ancestors and disdain for Gu Feng.

Suddenly there was a muffled groan, and one of the figures received a heavy punch in the abdomen, the whole person's face became extremely distorted, and it was ejected into the distance quickly, hitting the ground heavily.

And this person was obviously the loudest person in the conversation just now. The sudden change caused the rest of the people present to be stunned. They all looked at each other in blank dismay, and their gazes were full of shock.

What happened, they didn't know, but when they knew, one of them was already punched by them.

"Cough cough!"

The man coughed several times in a row, his eyes were filled with coldness, his face was very ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

"Hehe, this is just a small gift. If you want to speak ill of someone behind your back in the future, it will not be as simple as punching!" The cold voice continued to come from all around, and the cold words seemed to shake the whole world. People pierce in general.

"What should I do but dare not do?" The man rolled his eyes, relying on the fact that there were still a few warriors beside him, he immediately mustered up his courage, his eyes were full of bloodthirsty, roaring like a wild boar with.

Being beaten up, if you can't take revenge, then you are really too aggrieved.

"You are not qualified!"

As soon as the words fell, there was another rage around him, and then the whole space shrank suddenly, a golden aura surged from the north, and it roared and swallowed the man.

Chi Chi!

The man only felt that he was a powerless person under the golden breath, and at that moment, all the cells in his body trembled for a short time.

The man is extremely powerful, and he is very greedy for life and afraid of death, bullying the good and fearing the evil. Facing this golden aura full of fighting spirit, the man is already trembling all over, his breathing is short, and even his heart has to slow down a few times. Shoot, I am afraid of being slapped to death by this golden air!
"Kneel down!" The cold voice kept coming.

There were already dense beads of sweat on the man's forehead, and his whole face was extremely ugly. Finally, under this cold voice, with a plop, the man's knees fell heavily. Although there is gold under the man's knees, for this man , How to save one's own life is the first condition.

"Now what qualifications do you think you have?"

"I..." The man's face was horrified, and his expression was even more tense. His whole body was trembling constantly, and beads of sweat the size of beans kept dripping from his forehead, hitting the ground extremely loudly.

"Hehe, killing you makes my hands feel dirty!" As soon as the words fell, a slight distortion appeared in the space directly in front of the man, and then a silver-white figure slowly emerged, showing a sense of grandeur all over the figure, one after another The golden fighting spirit kept lingering.

The eyes are a little cold, but more of disdain.

The man raised his head subconsciously. When he saw the resolute face clearly, the man subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his whole body trembled suddenly. A shadow that appeared in his mind instantly matched the outline of the man standing in front of him at this moment. His expression became even paler at this moment.

"Gu Feng!"

The silver-white youth was Gu Feng. Gu Feng had been running towards the center of the secret realm since he came out of the inheritance of the King of War. On the way, he probably learned the secret of writing the inheritance of the Holy Ancestor.

It's just that this time he happened to meet these people, discussing in private timidly, jealous like hatred, Manager Yang can't tolerate half a grain of sand, for this kind of trash who can only speak bad things behind his back, Gu Feng naturally wants to give them Bitter taste.

Playing with his body slightly, Gu Feng leaned his body forward, looking at the fearful man in front of him, a trace of disdain flashed in Gu Feng's eyes, and he said coldly: "I don't know what you have to say to me now say?"

Facing Gu Feng's icy voice, the man subconsciously said no, and then raised his eyebrows slightly. When he noticed Gu Feng's icy expression, the man shivered again, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, Please don’t kill me, I’m the one who has blind eyes, I’m the one who deserves death, don’t kill me!”

at this time.

Gu Feng felt a chill in his back, and saw the other men jumping up, making palm prints one after another, and smashing towards Gu Feng's back.

"Go to hell, holy son Gu Feng, there is one thing you don't know, that is, you are already on the reward list, as long as we can kill you, we will naturally have great benefits!"

It's just that what they didn't see clearly was the sneer that emerged from the corner of Gu Feng's mouth. At the same time, the man who was kneeling in front of Gu Feng with a face full of fear suddenly changed his expression. Roaring: "Holy Son Gu Feng, die for me!"

Attacking from both sides, being attacked from both sides, if it were someone else, they would probably die. After all, this kind of offensive is not something that ordinary warriors can resist, not to mention that these people are all strong in the terrain.

There was a loud noise, and at this moment, these self-righteous men all opened their mouths wide, and the expressions on their faces froze instantly, because they felt the...

(End of this chapter)

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