Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 322 Domineering

Chapter 322 Domineering

A bright streak of blood flew across the air, and the cold sky thunder gun had already pierced He Shuang's chest, and the intent of swallowing frantically gushed out from the head of the sky thunder gun. He didn't have much time to breathe. The original majestic spiritual power in Frost's body has disappeared completely.

"Cough cough!"

He Shuang's complexion was already as white as paper, and he kept coughing lightly. He stared at Gu Feng with weak eyes, and the regret in the depths of his eyes continued to emerge. He really regretted that he was going to provoke such an evil star. .

"Do not kill me!"

"Hehe, don't kill you, how did you treat me back then, hehehe, do you think it's possible!" Gu Feng's face turned cold, and he never treated enemies softly.

at this time.

"Boy, if you dare to kill him, I will definitely destroy your entire family!" A cold shout came from He Leng's mouth, and He Leng was indeed extremely shocked. What he didn't expect was that he hadn't seen it these days. Feng's strength has already reached such a level, although it only appears to be the third level of the realm, but if Gu Feng's strength is really regarded as the third level of the realm, then it is really a big mistake.

If Gu Feng were to crush and kill He Shuang in front of him again, the entire younger generation of the He family would become a stepping stone for Gu Feng's growth.

Similarly, the surrounding people who were originally carrying the anger, and even the onlookers who wanted to watch some good shows all gasped. This Gu Feng was really too domineering, no one could see clearly what happened just now What happened in an instant.

At this time, facing He Leng's threat does not seem to be of much use. Simply put, Gu Feng is not afraid of your He family.

"It seems that you are just talking nonsense!" Gu Feng raised his eyes slightly, and rushed out with strength, and with a bang, the Tianlei gun directly dispersed all of He Shuang's breath of life, even his soul was there. It disappeared in an instant.

Killing is that simple.

Looking at He Shuang, who had become a cold corpse, He Leng's face became extremely gloomy, and he was so angry that he stomped on the ground with both feet, and with a bang, his whole body roared rapidly, and devoured Gu Feng's figure.

The sky is constantly changing, like howling ghosts and howling wolves, everyone present subconsciously closed their eyes, this kind of momentum is too forced, and as the protagonist, Gu Feng is ready to bear the anger from He Leng!
However, what no one saw was the disdainful smile on the corner of Gu Feng's mouth.

"Battle Qi Fist!"

With a sudden drink, countless golden battle qi spewed out. Faced with this monstrous situation, the coldness in the corners of Gu Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter. The monstrous giant screen.

The giant golden screen was several tens of feet high, and fighting spirit flowed on the giant screen bit by bit, swishing, and spiritual power surged rapidly, and everyone present at that moment could only feel endless fear and fear. flutter.

"How is it possible!" He Leng, with a gloomy face, couldn't understand why Gu Feng had such a boldness, which made him feel frightened, especially the golden aura, which was even more fighting-like.

"Break it!" Gu Feng said coldly.

There was a loud noise, and all the coldness exuded by He Leng receded at that moment, swish swish swish, amidst the surge of spiritual power, it seemed like sharp knives, smashing towards He Leng's body frantically.

Chi Chi!

The ear-piercing voice kept ringing out, and He Leng felt a warm feeling in his chest. As soon as his throat was sweet, he shot straight backwards, and with a bang, he slammed heavily on a stone step in the distance.

silence!The audience is silent!
Who would have thought that Gu Feng would have such a means at this time, He Leng couldn't even block a move in front of him, is this really the first genius of the younger generation of the He family? Nothing!
"How is it possible, how is it possible to be so strong!" He Leng's mouth kept streaks of blood, and he stared at Gu Feng with a gloomy expression, the shock in his eyes was extremely obvious.

At that moment just now, He Leng felt all the cells in his body trembling, and his spiritual power continued to surge. The feeling of powerlessness made him very uncomfortable. He who was originally aloof was destroyed by Gu Feng with this move.

"I want you to die!" He Leng became furious, and grabbed the stone steps with one hand. With a bang, He Leng grabbed a huge hole in the huge stone steps.


Vast power quickly came from both arms, and within a few breaths of the majestic surge, He Leng's whole body was completely covered by the black miasma, and the power of the black tyrant that had been stored in his body was gushing out layer by layer.

"what is this?"

"This power is so annoying!"

"So rich!"

"It's the aura of the black magician, this is the aura of a black magician!"

At the moment when layers of black miasma air continued to radiate, He Leng's whole body began to rise slowly, and the aura of his whole body continued to move forward. The original injuries were recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Jie Jie, you forced me to do this!" He Leng's mouth revealed a bloodlust, and then his eyes quickly found the He family members who came with him.

"Give me supplies!" He Leng gave a cold drink, and then grabbed the remaining two women and one man. He Leng immediately grabbed the remaining two women and one man. While trembling all over, they died in the air within a short time. This piece of world.

He Leng exhaled a sigh of enjoyment, and then he turned his attention to Gu Feng, and said in a gloomy tone: "Gu Feng, this is me who you forced me to, and I will torture you little by little. Lethal, it will cause you the greatest pain in the world, jie jie jie!"

A trace of seriousness flashed in Gu Feng's eyes. He knew that He Leng was in collusion with the black magician, but what he didn't expect was that He Leng had reached such a point that he actually stored the black magic energy in his body. Now he has It's half a dark devil!

"Master Leng, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, we were all deceived, it turns out that He Leng is the one with the power of the black demon!"

"Damn it!"

When other people at the scene began to react, the coldness at the corner of He Leng's mouth became more intense: "It's too late, you will all become my tonic, Jie Jie!"

As soon as the words fell, He Leng grabbed the warrior at the side again, hiss, the majestic power of black miasma completely swallowed the warrior in less than half a breath, hiss, accompanied by a painful roar , this martial artist instantly perished in this world.

The method is extremely cruel!

"Battle Qi Fist!"

At this moment, there was a sharp howl, and the majestic golden air gushed out rapidly, and a golden fist was thrown directly at He Leng...

(End of this chapter)

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