Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 323 Battle King's Blade

Chapter 323 Battle King's Blade

Terrifying auras flowed continuously from the golden fist prints, and Haotian's fighting spirit was contained in the depth of each aura.

Chi Chi!

The layer upon layer of black miasma seemed to have met a natural nemesis, and under Gu Feng's fist, there was a trace of darkness, as if being crazily swallowed by this golden air.

"How is it possible!" A coldness flashed across He Leng's face quickly, his whole body trembled unceasingly, and the horror in his eyes became more and more intense. At this moment, his eyes shrank suddenly, He Leng There was a buzzing sound in his mind, and with a face full of shock, he finally knew the origin of the golden energy.

Battle spirit!

King of War!

"Damn it, you actually got the inheritance of the King of War!" He Leng said coldly, then quickly stretched out his hands, and the roaring black miasma seemed to be called, covering He Leng's body layer by layer and go.

"Black Miasma, Mie!" He drank coldly.

An ear-piercing voice sounded, and the gloomy color condensed in the depths of He Leng's face gathered more and more, and within a few breaths, it had completely covered his entire face, and the pitch-black miasma seemed to be trapped. The poison of the black miasma spread across the entire face at the speed of the naked eye.

The black miasma in the air, which had been thinned by Gu Feng's fighting spirit, now began to rise little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone present had only one feeling, their whole bodies were completely paralyzed, and their spiritual power trembled a little under the majestic black miasma, and the viscous black miasma in the surrounding air had already begun. gradually liquefied.

All of them showed horror, and their eyes were full of deep fear. If this level of coercion is completely suppressed, then the warriors in this secret realm may all disappear.

Gu Feng's face was also shocked at this time, what he didn't expect was that the black miasma in He Leng's body was already so strong, even stronger than the black magician who was beheaded by Gu Feng.

Could it be that the He family has really linked up with the black magician? As for his own mother, Gu Feng didn't dare to think too much about it, he was convinced that He Huan must not know about all of this at the moment.

The black mage once brought disasters to this continent!
In the past, the ancestors of the mainland fought bloody battles one by one, even if they sacrificed themselves to keep the safety of the entire continent. Today, all of these have changed for themselves, so there is no reason not to fight.

Turning his eyes slowly, Gu Feng's mind kept showing the formulas of Youtube Battle King Art, one by one ancient words kept resounding in his mind, chi chi, deep in every word, there was a strong golden fighting spirit.

Use war to support war, the more you fight, the braver you are, the more you fight, the more you fight, the king of war!

The mantras one by one kept rising in Gu Feng's mind, chi chi, the spiritual power in his whole body dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye at that moment.

"Jie Jie Jie, the spiritual power has retreated, does this mean that you have given up, Jie Jie!" A cold voice slowly sounded from He Leng's mouth, and the eyes that looked at Gu Feng were full of teasing.

"Tormented by the darkness, go to hell!" A cold voice sounded, and with a shock, the majestic black miasma qi went straight to Gu Feng and devoured it frantically. The maple is completely melted inside.

at this time.

Gu Feng's eyes suddenly opened, and he died and then reborn, feeling the trembling of his whole body due to the dense black miasma around him. Gu Feng knew that this had reached a certain level, and he kept moving towards the black miasma that was eating away at him. It was bit by bit the tingling sensation was transmitted to Gu Feng.

Only a battle of this level can truly arouse the aura of Zhan Wang Jue. Two huge lights burst out from his eyes, and golden-yellow-purple fighting aura began to hover upwards.

Chi Chi!

"The fighting spirit dominates the sky, the evil can't win the righteous, and the god of war will slash!" The corner of his mouth roared sharply, and with a bang, as soon as the words fell, Gu Feng's whole body was full of golden fighting spirit, and every battle spirit seemed to form. Layers of armor completely wrapped Gu Feng inside.

The black miasma that was eating away broke out at that moment, and then Haotian's fighting spirit shot straight into the sky, rumbling, rumbling, two loud noises, the entire sky was shaken, The sky split open instantly, and a giant golden blade appeared out of nowhere in the depths of the sky.

The golden-yellow giant blade is tens of feet long, and the entire giant blade is extremely solid, with streaks of golden fighting spirit constantly surrounding the entire giant blade, swish, swish, swish.

"This is it?" He Leng's eyes suddenly trembled, and he subconsciously said, the moment the giant blade appeared, the speed of rotation of the black miasma in He Leng's body began to slowly slow down.

If the King of War was present at this time, Gu Feng would definitely be stunned. This giant blade with a length of tens of feet and a golden color is the ultimate martial art of the King of War. It was with this slash that he killed the five Heaven Realm lords with one blow.

It took a very long time to cultivate the King of War by himself, but he did not expect that Gu Feng would condense the King of War Blade in just a few days. In fact, the condensed giant blade , In a certain aspect, I also want to thank He Leng. If it weren't for He Leng's persecution, Gu Feng would definitely not be able to condense into this Battle King Blade.

This is the highest secret of using war to support war in the battle of spirit!
I saw Gu Feng's face was gloomy, his whole body was exuding a golden aura, his hands began to look empty, the silver teeth in the corner of his mouth suddenly bit down, and with a click, the entire giant blade was directly controlled by Gu Feng.

With a cold face, without any pause, he directly held the giant blade and slashed towards He Leng.

The fighting spirit gushes out, and the spiritual power of the entire space rises and falls one after another. This is not over yet, the originally strong black miasma qi is directly disintegrated in this slash.


He Leng looked at the ever-enlarging giant blade in his pupils, and his heart skipped a beat at this moment. The black miasma guarding He Leng's body fled quickly, as if seeing his own father.

The roaring black miasma air immediately burst out, and with a wow, He Leng spit out a mouthful of blood under the aura, his whole body trembled continuously, and the depths of his face were filled with deep horror.

Chi Chi!

He Leng, who was full of horror, wanted to run away, but found that all the space around him had been blocked at this moment. With his body trembling, He Leng couldn't make any movement to escape. Facing this cut, He Leng Leng has no chance to escape, and the only thing he can do is resist.

But with this level of deterrence, if He Leng resists, the result will be very clear, only death!

(End of this chapter)

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