Chapter 330
The look of horror on his face had completely filled the depths of his face, and the old man felt such a heavy death aura, as if it was a look of fear that contained tens of thousands of catties of strength, constantly oppressing him.

The meaning of death is constantly being conveyed, one layer after another, coming out of Gu Feng's body.

Chi Chi!

"This is the power of death, dead clan, who are you from the dead clan?" The old man obviously had a lot of knowledge, and he roughly guessed Gu Feng's origin in a few breaths.

The dead!

Isn't this a race that has completely retired? How is it possible? How could this kid have anything to do with the dead race? It is rumored that the entire dead race is some weird people who kill without batting an eyelid. If this kid dies here, God knows Will these weirdos take their anger out on themselves?

I still hope that this kid's identity will not be too big in the entire dead race.

The old man's moderate voice sounded like a thunderbolt to the ears of everyone present, all of them showed serious expressions, and some people who were originally vacillating even closed their mouths.

The dead!

grim Reaper!

All of this information is connected with Gu Feng, and the dead race in ancient times was even more prosperous. At that time, the entire dead race was known as the first race in the mainland. It was not until the suppression of various races in the entire continent that it gradually declined.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even today, the dead family is definitely not comparable to ordinary families. When inquiring about Gu Feng's origin, he only knew that Gu Feng came from the Vientiane Domain and the Western Realm, but he didn't even know Gu Feng Has a relationship with the dead.

There was a loud noise, and the old man turned around cleverly, directly avoiding the slash of the god of death. Swish, endless death spewed past, and Gu Feng looked at the old man, and said lightly: "This seems to have nothing to do with you!" It doesn't matter much!"

The old man's face was slightly embarrassed, and there was already a trace of fear in his expression. He originally thought that Gu Feng had no strength and was just an unknown casual cultivator, but now he had a strong backing like the dead.

If this is the case, then the Mo family has dug their own grave, and the matter has come to this point, there is no way out, only to kill Gu Feng completely, otherwise, it will be too late.

"Hehe, the dead race is notorious. You are actually a member of the dead race. I think everyone should know what the dead race means to the entire continent. There are bloodthirsty people in it. No wonder there are demons like you !" The old man turned his eyes slightly, and immediately burst out with a sense of icy coldness.

In the name of the god of death, he directly put a big hat on Gu Feng. In this way, it seems that Gu Feng is no different from those black magicians.

After all, in the hearts of every martial artist on the mainland, the entire dead clan is very similar to the black magician. Even though the dead clan has a noble intention, as the saying goes, the winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit.

The dead were almost devastated in ancient times, and the so-called righteous people in the mainland would naturally not let such news spread.

"That's right, I didn't expect you to be a member of the dead clan, hehe, I'm so ridiculous!"

"The dead are horrible people, no wonder you are so bloodthirsty!"

"Hehe, I understand now. You killed He Leng just now, presumably because you were afraid that He Leng would reveal your secret to the public. What a scheming plan!"

"Holy Son Gu Feng, I never thought that someone like you could become a Holy Son!"


The people below started discussing immediately.

Gu Feng's face was still icy cold, bloodthirsty was revealed in his eyes, and he looked at the old man, his eyes were still icy cold.

"What's wrong with the dead, hehe, it's really funny!" After a few breaths, Gu Feng smiled coldly and said in a deep voice.

"In ancient times, races from outlands invaded. If it weren't for the powerful Reaper, wouldn't it be possible for you to think that you still have such a comfortable posture now!"

"Converting right and wrong, bullying the good and fearing the evil, if the dead hadn't been persecuted by you self-proclaimed righteous people back then, would they have ended up like this now!"

"You are acting so pretentious now, isn't it because I ruined your chance and completely destroyed your chance to enter the inheritance of the ancestors, isn't that what you are all jealous of now!"

"If I tell you now, as long as you keep your mouths shut, I will guarantee that you can enter the inheritance. I don't know if you still have the will!"

Gu Feng's upturned sarcasm became more and more intense, and his eyes full of contempt scanned this group of people, and his words were full of disgust.

Originally, Gu Feng yelled every sentence, which made everyone present breathless for a while, because what they said was true, and it was indeed because of Gu Feng that he and others were so pretentious.

But when Gu Feng uttered the last sentence, the faces of all the people present changed greatly, and each of them was extremely distorted. Recalling Gu Feng's identity just now, the majestic voice became so respectful, and each of them took a moment. They all fell silent.

As Gu Feng said, they have all kept their mouths shut now, and even some warriors started to lean towards Gu Feng, but they hesitated a little because of their previous attitude towards Gu Feng.

Gu Feng noticed the slowly changing faces of everyone present, gave a cold drink, and then looked at the three members of the Mo family, with a hint of murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

For them, Gu Feng was completely murderous!
"This group of seemingly obedient dogs don't seem to be completely at your mercy!" Gu Feng said coldly, brows slightly raised.

Mo Yan and the others naturally noticed the expressions of all the people present. The daring look at each other made Mo Yan's face extremely ugly, just like a group of dogs that he had worked so hard to raise were taken away by others. generally.

at this time.

Chi Chi!

The death hovering around began to swell layer by layer, swish swish, swish, swish, and with the roar of countless death intents, a dark figure behind Gu Feng became more and more solid, and the death talisman that had been suspended in Gu Feng's spiritual sea was even stronger. is constantly spinning.

Swish swish!
In less than a few breaths, the entity of the God of Death was stared at directly. Under the cover of death, the God of Death has completely appeared in front of everyone, and the seemingly endless coercion began to rush away from everyone present.

"what is this?"

"So strong!"

"This kind of aura is so weird, it's actually gazing out, is this really a martial spirit!"


Accompanied by whispers, Gu Feng raised his eyes suddenly, a coldness appeared in the depths of his face, he slowly opened his hands, and said in a deep voice: "Death is coming!"

(End of this chapter)

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