Chapter 331

A series of solid death intentions continued to expand from Gu Feng's spiritual sea, layer by layer spiraling up on the body of the god of death.

Swish swish!
Every spiraling death was like an endless black track, from beginning to end, it began to spread out towards the sky.

Chi Chi!

In less than half a breath, the main sky began to dim slowly, and the dimmed death continued to pile up, and within a few breaths, it directly turned into a black cloud, and the roaring black clouds were like wild beasts, slapping each other The appearance seems to be continuously roaring, full of coercion.

The Death God entity, which had grown to tens of feet, stood in the sky, staring at Mo Yan and the others indifferently with majestic eyes.

Mo Yan and the others gasped, and Mo Hai's face trembled even more. He was already somewhat afraid of Gu Feng, but now it had climbed several levels.

The expression on the other old man's face was also extremely unnatural. He had never seen such a martial spirit in his memory. It could even be said that such a martial spirit had never appeared in the entire Zhongzhou. What is it!
Although it is said that some high-level martial spirits can be condensed, this only makes some illusory martial spirits become slightly more solid. They have never encountered a completely physical entity like Gu Feng. Wu Ling.

"Your life is under my control, and your death is also under my control. If I say life, you will live; if I say death, you will die!" Gu Feng's face has become extremely cold, and there are endless streams of death in Gu Feng's body. The body is condensed, and it is even more shocking to look at it from a distance.

"Boy, don't play tricks anymore, just create a monster, do you really take yourself seriously!" Another old man tried his best to calm down the shocking heart, and said coldly.

Afterwards, the outstretched palm turned into a thick mist, swish swish swish, layer after layer, continuously coming together, and in just a few breaths, it appeared directly in front of the old man.

Wu Wuling!
Such a change caused Gu Feng's face to change slightly. What he didn't expect was that the old man's martial spirit was Wu Wuling. Such a martial spirit is extremely rare. Such a martial spirit was mentioned in the "Must Know" chapter of the mainland. Rumor has it that it can cast a cloud of mist to completely shield the opponent's perception.

Therefore, all warriors are unwilling to face any opponent with such a martial spirit, because it is too weird.

There was a sneer on the old man's face, he drank, and his hands began to make extremely jerky marks one after another, each mark appeared to be nothingness, and the marks continued to slap on the huge fog in front of him.

Chi Chi!

Every time a mark was made, the thick fog began to spread to the surroundings, and the surrounding air became thicker, and the spiritual power originally scattered in this space began to thin under the spread of the fog.

"Boy, you are indeed capable, but don't be too arrogant. Today, I will let you know thoroughly what it means to have a sky beyond the sky, and someone beyond the human!" the old man said coldly.

Afterwards, the whole person let out a cold snort, and there was a bang, the water mist that had completely filled the sky suddenly shook, covering the surroundings, and within a few breaths, it devoured towards Gu Feng.

"Go to hell!" The old man said coldly.

It's just that the roaring old man didn't notice the coldness on Gu Feng's face at all, and there was a trace of playfulness in the deepest part of that coldness, and with a shock, Gu Feng also showed his hands in emptiness.

"I said, kill!"

With a cold drink, the god of death, which was tens of feet high, directly raised the sickle in his hand, which was more than ten feet long, and slashed towards the layers of fog.

At that moment, the sky suddenly changed, and the sickle held high contained a monstrous death intent, and each death intent was like a giant blade.

Swish swish!
After a few breaths, the mist that was originally permeated seemed to be completely split, and it continued to expand towards the surroundings. Chi Chi, under the continuous roar of the dark death, the mist that fell into the space was suddenly shattered. , a huge opening appeared out of thin air, exposing the solid body of the old man.

"How is it possible!" The old man's face was horrified, and there was a trace of panic at the corner of his mouth. Looking at the ever-enlarging sickle in his pupils, the old man's already horrified expression trembled.

He never thought that the mist that he had always been proud of would be so unbearable under this huge scythe. It was like an egg hitting a rock, and it collapsed completely without any resistance.

What frightened the old man the most was that under the threat of the huge scythe, the old man couldn't feel the slightest space to retreat, as if under this cut, all the surrounding space had been completely sealed off.

The feeling of powerlessness all over his body made the old man extremely uncomfortable. You must know that the old man is a real strong man in the heavenly realm, and every strong man in the heavenly realm can not only achieve it with hard work. The characters at the top of the pyramid must have great opportunities.

But it was such a heavenly warrior, who seemed so powerless when Gu Feng condensed the god of death.

He has no other choice now but to fight hard.

The coldness in Gu Feng's eyes didn't stop at all, his hands that were resting on the ground trembled suddenly, and he slashed down towards the old man. With a bang, the huge scythe passed by, and the whole space exploded. All spiritual power ceased.

At this moment, the only thing left in the world is that sickle.


If it was the sound of watermelon bursting, the old man's body exploded directly when the sickle passed by, and the spiritual power of his whole body shot out completely, like a deflated ball, the old man fell down limply.

Until he died, his face was full of fear. Under Gu Feng's slash, the old man had no chance at all, except for one death. It can even be said that until the last death, the old man didn't know why Gu Feng would have Such a powerful force!
"It will be you guys next!" Gu Feng then turned his eyes to Mo Yan and Mo Hai, with a strong coldness in his eyes.


Including the two of Mo Yan, everyone present subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and every warrior had a look of shock on their faces. They never thought that Gu Feng's methods would be so cruel. They seemed to recall the scene where He Leng was beheaded by Gu Feng.

The man in front of me is really not so simple, he is a god, and he is also a murderer!
(End of this chapter)

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