Chapter 332
Feeling the death intent surging in his body, Gu Feng slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, and then sighed secretly, unexpectedly, this power is already so strong!
The God of Death Slash, especially the God of Death Slash after enveloping the will of death, has really reached a level of astonishment. This kind of majestic power is completely qualified to easily kill the fifth level of the realm.

"Is there anything else you want to say now?" Gu Feng's indifferent eyes scanned slowly, and looked around, showing a trace of contempt in his eyes.

Quiet, all quiet.

In this situation, everyone at the scene no longer dared to say anything. Whether it was He Leng before or the old man who was beheaded now, they were all killed with one blow, clean and tidy.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and then Gu Feng looked at Mo Yan and Mo Hai, with his hands in vain, and a majestic voice came out slowly: "According to the bet, kill yourself!"

According to the bet, you commit suicide!
How crazy, the same sentence, before, these people think that Gu Feng is a lunatic, a complete lunatic, and even some warriors have always maintained their disdain for Gu Feng at the beginning.

Because of Gu Feng, they lost their qualifications to pass on to the inheritance, and all they had was disgust with Gu Feng.

But it's different now. The majestic force's beheading, clean and neat, has completely shocked everyone present, especially the black shadow with a height of tens of feet in front of them, which oppressed them. The feeling is even greater.

Even with just a slight look, that majestic power can completely blow them away. They never dare to provoke the strong. In this world where martial arts are respected, only strength is the capital of speaking.

Looking at Mo Yan again, at this time Mo Yan's face was already covered with grayness, his breathing was extremely uncoordinated, and for the first time regret appeared in the depths of his eyes, but this regret was only fleeting, because more It is a kind of jealousy and resentment. Although the Mo family can be regarded as a top family in the entire Zhongzhou, the loss of a strong man in the sky is unbearable for the entire Mo family.

Exhaling a long breath, Mo Yan's feet began to retreat step by step. Every step Mo Yan thought was extremely secretive, but what he didn't know was that Gu Feng had already seen all of this. in the eyes.

"Do you want to escape?" The cold tone came out slowly.

To Mo Yan's ears, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. With a bang, Mo Yan trembled immediately, cold sweat immediately appeared on his forehead, and his whole body was trembling non-stop.

"I..." Mo Yan quibbled.

"Hehe, there is no need to say anything. What I want to know now is whether I will do it for you or you will do it yourself!" Gu Feng walked towards Mo Yan step by step, and the cold words at the corner of his mouth were also conveyed sentence by sentence.

Mo Hai's face was extremely ugly, but after all, he was sent by the Mo family to protect their young master Mo Yan this time. Seeing that Mo Yan was being persecuted by Gu Feng to such an extent, Mo Hai finally took a step forward and said angrily: "Boy, Don't bully people too much!"

"Hahaha, it's nice to say, what is bullying too much, hehe, he forced me to do all of this, has he ever thought that when he was high above, the thoughts of those fragile human beings underground, bullying too much, I'm going to tell you today You really have to bully and oppress!" The smile on the corner of Gu Feng's mouth has become stronger and stronger.

A sentence of cold words, in Mo Hai's ears, was like a slap in the head. Mo Hai was so shocked that he was stunned, and he was unable to refute with words for a while.

"Gu Feng, I'm warning you for the last time. If you dare to touch me, the Mo family will never die with you!" Mo Yan took a deep breath. He was really afraid of death. In order to survive, he once again turned to Gu Feng threatened.

"It seems that this sentence has been said many times, and it seems that many people who have been beheaded by me have said similar words, but they all have only one ending in the end, that is death!" Gu Feng suddenly raised his eyes, his eyes There was a thick bloodthirsty in the middle, and then the whole person stomped back.

A huge sound came, and the whole earth trembled, followed by countless spiritual powers roaring directly, swish swish swish, each of which contained a strong death intent.

At the same time, the god of death, which is tens of feet high, slowly raised the scythe, chi chi, at the moment it was lifted, all the surrounding spiritual power emitted bursts of fiery heat, and countless fiery heat instantly condensed in the Together, boom, the sound is overwhelming!

"I said, kill!"

A cold voice sounded slowly, Gu Feng's mouth showed a trace of murderous intent, rumbling, Gundam's Reaper directly slashed down the raised scythe, swish, the space burst instantly, and all the spiritual power expanded rapidly at that moment.

Mo Yan's whole body trembled suddenly, looking at the ever-expanding sickle in his pupils, Mo Yan could only feel that every inch of his skin was trembling, and there were constant tingling sensations on his skin.

At that moment, a piercing voice rang out, and Mo Hai felt a chill behind him. At this moment, they finally understood the powerlessness of being swallowed by this strong death energy, because at this moment they didn't even have the heart to resist. Dare to own.

When there was a loud bang, the loud sound fell rapidly, chi chi, all the surrounding spiritual power opened and closed, and the moment Mo Hai tried to stretch out his hands to resist, the scythe fell down.

There was a piercing sound, and at the moment when the scythe fell, all the dead energy around was aroused, and all the spiritual power was like a series of life-threatening hooks, desperately devouring towards Mo Yan and the other.

Everyone couldn't see what happened at all, they could only vaguely hear the rapid breathing of the two of them, and the painful screams from the soul, all of which enveloped the two of them together.

Accompanied by a sharp roar, the two of Mo Yan's entire bodies disintegrated directly under this cut, and countless spiritual powers completely disintegrated at that moment. People simply disappeared into this world.

The same cut, the same way of death, the three of Mo Yan seemed like clowns, disappearing into the world one after another. Seeing this scene in the eyes of everyone present, everyone swallowed subconsciously, with dry throats There was a burst of bitterness, and now they really don't know what to do.

Gong Xiao, who was standing in the shadow, also let out a long breath secretly. After a while, he was afraid. Fortunately, he stood in the right position. With such domineering means alone, Gu Feng is definitely qualified to win the love of the entire Gong family.

After today, Gu Feng's name was finally passed on, and even walked out of the secret realm, there was a boy named Gu Feng...

(End of this chapter)

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