Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 341 Mutation

Chapter 341 Mutation
When this shocking scene appeared, everyone present gasped, their faces were shocked, and their eyes were filled with fear.

Indeed, no one had ever seen Nuo Lan's martial spirit before, and never expected that behind this alluring face was such a terrifying piranha.

The flower is huge, with sharp fangs growing in the huge gaping mouth, and the entire flower is several feet high, and the stench full of corrosion is constantly coming out of the flower, which is extremely pungent .

"what happened?"

"This is a piranha!"

"I didn't expect Nuo Lan's martial spirit to be a cannibal flower!"

At that moment, all the warriors swallowed subconsciously, and their thoughts kept circling. When they thought that they would still pursue Nuo Lan closely, a coolness rose behind these warriors.

Piranha!I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I will be eaten by this piranha and even my bones will disappear!

The strong wind kept roaring, Nuo Lan floated up slightly, her eyes were closed, and the spiritual power in her whole body was constantly circling. Suddenly, drink, with a low drink, Nuo Lan's eyes suddenly opened, and the spiritual power in her whole body burst out at that moment , frantically devouring away towards the surroundings.


With all the spiritual power dried up, the huge piranha behind came directly to the stone tablet. With a buzzing sound, the piranha opened its mouth completely and devoured it towards the stone tablet.

"She actually wants to devour this stele!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and at that moment, everyone looked at Nuo Lan with shock.

Devouring, bloodthirsty, cold, ruthless!

Nuo Lan, who was originally sought after by everyone, did not expect her real body to be a cannibal flower.

There was a hint of coldness in the corner of Nuo Lan's mouth. Originally, she was going to let Gu Feng send it away first, and then let her swallow the stele alive. Nuo Lan knew very well that if she could swallow the energy contained in the stele, It will definitely increase her cultivation greatly, but what she didn't expect was that Gu Feng would be so disrespectful to her.

Gu Feng was also surprised. Although he had already guessed that Nuo Lan's martial spirit must be related to flowers and plants, he did not expect that his martial spirit was actually a cannibal flower. This kind of martial spirit is extremely domineering and can even affect the host. Spirit, under the devouring of this piranha, it is certain that Nuo Lan definitely has a side that devours essence and blood.

The piranha martial spirits in the entire continent are almost extinct, and the Nuo family definitely does not have such a piranha martial spirit. What Gu Feng can be sure of is that Nuo Lan is definitely not a direct descendant of the Nuo family. A family of cannibals destroyed.

The horror of the cannibals is that they constantly strengthen themselves through devouring, and in some respects, they are even better than the black magician. Therefore, in ancient times, the cannibals suffered a devastating blow. Unexpectedly, , unexpectedly appeared the shadow of cannibals on Nuo Lan.

"Monster!" There was a trace of coldness in Gu Feng's eyes, and he shouted loudly, his golden fighting spirit quickly condensed, without saying a word, he directly punched Nuo Lan.

With a muffled snort, Nuo Lan's fist of fighting intent hit Nuo Lan's tender body directly. Wow, a mouthful of blood spurted out. At the same time, Nuo Lan retreated violently, but her eyes were indeed full of excitement and excitement bloodthirsty.

It seems that Gu Feng's domineering punch didn't have much effect on her, and some of it was just a mouthful of blood.

The gust of wind wrinkled again, and saw Nuo Lan's gloomy and cold eyes swept away. When he looked at Gu Feng, he immediately put his hands in the air, and lifted Wu Ling behind his back.

"Give it to me!"

Nuo Lan shouted coldly, and saw the huge man-eating flower expand little by little. At the same time, Nuo Lan's expression was also full of bloodthirsty, and with a buzzing start, she directly devoured towards the stone tablet.

The huge sound came immediately, and the huge stone tablet was only slightly shaken, and then it completely disintegrated, turning into dots all over the sky, and was completely swallowed by the piranha behind Nuo Lan.

"what happened?"

"how is this possible!"

"Impossible, how could this happen!"

All the warriors around opened their mouths wide open, and their eyes were full of horror. They couldn't imagine that this stone tablet with a height of tens of feet was actually swallowed in one gulp.

"Hahaha, as expected, my man-eating flower has the effect of separating heaven and earth. As long as I swallow it, this monument of the ancestor will lose the communication with the spiritual power between heaven and earth, and it will completely become my Nuolan thing , Hahahaha!" A burst of wild laughter escaped from Nuo Lan's mouth.

Chi Chi!

The coercion that was originally all over the sky has completely disappeared after being swallowed by Nuo Lan, and all the spiritual power is completely closed, and the vast monument of the ancestor has disappeared like this.

Gu Feng's eyes also became solemn, staring at Nuo Lan and the vast man-eating flower behind him, actually devouring the monument of the ancestor just like that.


At this moment, the entire sky was shaken suddenly, followed by countless thunderbolts, the space that was originally intact was split open, and a hole with a length of several tens of feet directly appeared in the depths of the sky.

A huge opening appeared in this space without warning, and at the same time, the dark and cold purple air began to roar out layer by layer.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's really good. I found that you humans are so kind to me. You actually swallowed the tablet of the ancestors. Without the suppression of this tablet, the limitation of this piece of space will disappear completely. Yes, Jie Jie Jie!" A cold voice came from that opening.

The voice was extremely low, and it sounded like it came from hell to the ears of all warriors present, extremely cold.

As soon as the words fell, everyone present was shocked. The coercion that had been pervading the sky slowly disappeared. The restrictions that had existed since entering the secret realm disappeared at this moment, and the whole body was completely lightened. .

The same scene appeared in every corner of the entire secret realm. Some warriors who lowered their strength and entered the secret realm recovered their own strength at this moment, and all the warriors in the original heavenly realm recovered their strength.

"Young master, I'm afraid something will happen!" Besides the inheritance of the holy ancestor, the two old men have already protected Gong Xiao by their side, and the breath in their bodies is constantly gathering. It is obvious that these two old men have the strength of the heavenly realm.

Gong Xiao nodded, took a deep look at the disappearing passage, felt the black miasma gathering around him, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Two elders, let's go back to the family directly, Tell the whole family about this, I'm afraid there will be troubles in the whole continent!"

(End of this chapter)

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