Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 342 Ancestral Realm

Chapter 342 Ancestral Realm
As soon as the voice fell, one of the old men directly tore apart the space with his bare hands, hugged Gong Xiao, and disappeared in this space. The same scene also happened to the warriors who were waiting outside the secret realm. A warrior's face was full of horror, because the sky outside had completely turned into darkness.

"This dense black miasma is actually the Black Mage, so it must be because of him!" Mo Ran, who was suspended in mid-air, flashed a trace of solemnity in his eyes, and said in a deep voice.

I'm afraid something went wrong in this secret realm!

You must know that the person who was suppressed in this secret realm was a foreigner who had reached the ancestral realm of human beings. The strength of this person had already surpassed that of the holy ancestor. If the holy ancestor did not suppress it with the stone tablet, he might not die .

Originally thought that with the passage of time, that person would definitely die under the stele, but what he didn't expect was that after so many years, there are still countless dark forces trying to resurrect that person.

Right now, she knew silently that there must be a problem with the Ancestral Monument in the secret realm, which caused the entire secret realm to sway, the original restrictions disappeared, and what was more serious was the arrival of the black demons.

After thinking up to this point, Mo Ran didn't dare to pause any longer, and after taking a deep look at the secret realm, the figure disappeared directly in place, shooting towards the palace with lightning speed.

At the same time, Hong Ye's eyes, who had been waiting for Gu Feng outside the secret realm, shrank suddenly. As a strong man in the heavenly realm, he was also a priest of the dead. He definitely knew too much. With such a majestic black miasma, Hongye didn't stop at all, tearing apart the space with one hand, and disappeared in place.

He had to rush to his little master's side immediately.


Feeling the continuous backlog of black miasma around her, Nuo Lan was also shocked, because the black miasma was constantly eroding her body, and the dense black miasma that seemed to be forming water droplets gradually Going towards Nuo Lan's pressure, no matter how Nuo Lan fights, it is still useless.

Chi Chi!

"What's going on?" Nuo Lan asked in surprise.

"Jie Jie, I really want to thank you. I have been looking for the descendants of the cannibals, but I didn't expect them to appear. What's even more coincidental is that they actually devoured this stele. Holy ancestor, holy ancestor, you I never imagined that back then you tried so hard to kill our clan's death chief, but unexpectedly, after ten thousand years, such a thing would happen, Jie Jie Jie!" The cold voice kept approaching, followed by the black miasma that filled the sky Suddenly, a man in a long robe appeared in everyone's field of vision.

The man was covered in a pitch-black robe, with a strange face, a pair of eyes filled with gloom swirling constantly, layers of black miasma lingered on the man's body, and the spiritual power in his body appeared and disappeared from time to time.

"Black Mage!" Gu Feng who was watching suddenly trembled, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, unexpectedly attracted a black mage, and observed the strength of the black mage, although he couldn't see anything at all , but Gu Feng always felt that this black magician was definitely better than the one who was beheaded by Gu Feng before!
And it's stronger than 01:30!
"What do you want to do!" Nuo Lan's eyes fluctuated a little, her floating body subconsciously took a step back, her eyes were fixed on the black magician who was already floating in front of her, and while her pupils shrank suddenly, she was horrified. road.

"Jie Jie, why don't you want to do it, I just want to deprive you of your martial spirit, and then this monument of the ancestor will be mine. At that time, my elder master can be resurrected, Jie Jie!" The man said sinisterly. The sound kept coming out.

When the ancient Outland clans invaded, warriors in the entire continent fought to the death, but there were also countless strong men in the entire Outland clan, among them were the Ten Great Elders.

Every elder has the strength of the human ancestral realm, and the one who fell with the eternal ancestor is a strong man called the death elder.

At that moment, Gu Feng suddenly understood that the monument of the holy ancestor was basically used to suppress the death of the Elder Lord. Due to the extremely strong vitality of the people of the foreign race, reaching the level of the Elder Lord can basically be said to be immortal .

Therefore, the ancestor of the year could only use the tablet of the ancestor to suppress the death of the elder, and wanted to suppress the elder through the passage of time, but what he did not expect was that today, someone actually killed the elder. The monument was devoured.

In normal times, absolutely no one would be able to do it, but the current opportunity is extremely coincidental. It happened to be at the time of obtaining the qualifications, because when the Holy Ancestor set up such a checkpoint, there was no restriction to affect the challenger, plus After the ancient war, the cannibals can be said to have completely disappeared. How could they have thought that they would meet the descendants of the cannibals one day.

After all, only the cannibals could devour the stele, and what's more, it was the cannibals who actually swallowed the stele.

After the world was cut off, the restriction of the secret realm collapsed. After all, the entire secret realm was suppressed by this stele. At this perfect opportunity, the black demon who had been watching the secret realm directly tore apart the space and came to This is a secret place.

Although the strong in the heavenly realm can also tear the space, it is only a short-distance tear after all, and the black magician who suddenly appeared in front of him obviously teared through thousands of miles away. The strength of the black magician has reached the level of the ancestral realm.

A black mage in the ancestral realm is enough to destroy everything.

Of course, Gu Feng was not the only one who had such an idea, Nuo Lan also thought of it, she was so smart that she would never have thought that just because of a moment of greed, she would bring disaster to herself.

At this thought, Nuo Lan's face turned pale, and he couldn't see half of the blood, and his whole delicate body was trembling non-stop. Facing a strong man in the ancestral realm, how could a Nuo Lan be different from an ant.

"Jie Jie, deprivation!" A gloomy voice sounded, followed by a sudden tremor in the audience, a mighty force centered on the man instantly expanded to the surroundings, swish, swish, swish, swish, black miasma quickly hit On the body of every warrior present.

One mouthful after another, every martial artist present let out a muffled groan, followed by a mouthful of blood, even Gu Feng was no exception, he slammed into the distance heavily, and the thick black miasma continued to flow towards him. The physical body of every warrior is eroding.

The same Bi'er also let out a muffled groan, and slammed back directly, hitting the ground heavily, her delicate body was panting continuously, and Bi'er's face was also full of horror, if she hadn't inherited the inheritance of Rou Zu, I'm afraid that this One move is enough to destroy her.

(End of this chapter)

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