Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 356 Killing Jin Xiangtian

Chapter 356 Killing Jin Xiangtian

Chi Chi!

The whole body's spiritual power roared continuously, and ripples were set off layer by layer all around. The howling helium continued to fill, and in less than half a breath, this space collapsed directly.

Jin Xiangtian only felt that the spiritual power in his whole body had completely stagnated. Looking at the figure with shrinking pupils, blood surged in Jin Xiangtian's body, and the spiritual power in his whole body was completely stagnated at that moment.


As the wind blew violently, Jin Xiangtian's frozen face finally showed a trace of fear, and the horrified expression of the whole person was even more ugly, and his pale expression kept shaking. At that moment, Jin Xiangtian was afraid.

But under this level of bombardment, Jin Xiangtian couldn't do anything, and all the space around him was completely sealed, and there was no way to retreat. Even the space that was originally intended to be torn became extremely hard.

If he was hit by this move, Jin Xiangtian would die!

Death is scary for anyone, especially for a martial artist who has already reached the pinnacle of the continent.

"do not……"

Before the words fell, the roaring phantom directly blasted towards Jin Xiangtian, with a click, Jin Xiangtian shook suddenly, the spiritual power in his whole body exploded, and at that moment the surrounding space also collapsed instantly.

As if gushing out, under the rapid roar of all the spiritual power, Jin Xiangtian only felt that at that moment, his whole body was completely numb, and the surging spiritual power around him was completely at rest. Inside Jin Xiangtian's whole body.

Bang bang bang!
Loud noises resounded continuously in Jin Xiangtian's body, and in less than half a breath, the originally powerful breath of life completely disappeared, hehe, facing such berserk power, Jin Xiangtian did not resist at all. It died directly in this piece of heaven and earth.

one move!
It's that simple to kill, even if the other party has stepped into the realm of the three little ones!

After a long time, the world became quiet again. Phew, let out a long breath, Nuoer's forehead was already covered with thin beads of sweat, his whole body trembled slightly, and the roaring death around him Little by little, the phantom of death slowly dissipated.

This move is called the phantom of the god of death, and it is the only martial skill left by the god of death to the entire dead race after his ascension. Caused a huge bombardment within a short period of time.

Not to mention just stepping into the small ancestral realm, with this move, Enuoer has now reached the strength of the small ancestral realm, and can completely leapfrog to kill a strong man who has just broken through to the ancestral realm.

If we talk about it carefully, the strength that Noel is using at this time does not belong to himself, but to the ancient god of death.

Looking around, Nuoer shuddered after pausing for a few breaths, and then went straight to Jingmen, Jin Xiangtian was dead, and the entire Golden Elephant Sect was no longer in good shape.


After Jin Xiangtian and Nuoer flew to the sky, the respective consuls of the two sects clashed with each other, and the battle below was also extremely fierce.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is a young man in green clothes. The young man has strong spiritual power. While roaring continuously, the surrounding space is also cracked with the movement of the young man.

Especially the golden giant sword in the young man's hand was like a real divine weapon, constantly bombarding and killing the warriors of the Golden Elephant Sect, and even some black mages who were originally hidden in the Golden Elephant Sect were particularly afraid.

"I don't know how the battle with Sect Master Jin is going?"

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about this. Do you really think that Jin Zongzhu is the only one?"

"Could it be that the purple-clothed patriarch is here too!"

"That's right, the ancestor in purple is always in charge of the Vientiane Domain, so he must be here this time. The thing about the dead clan Nuoer is definitely not that simple!"

"Since this is the case, there will be no suspense in the battle above. Even if Noel forces him to be alone, this kid is so arrogant now, he must be killed immediately!"

"Especially the giant sword in his hand, it is our nemesis!"

In a dark place, several figures were whispering secretly, each figure was surrounded by thick black miasma, extremely bloodthirsty.

"Master of the Left Arm!" With a low voice, a man in a black robe slowly emerged. The man's body was completely covered by darkness, and his whole body seemed a little thin. The sunken eyeballs kept spinning.

The only thing lacking was that the man's right arm had disappeared, leaving only his left arm hanging straight, and a pitch-black dagger was held loosely in the man's left hand.

"Master Left Arm, this kid in Tsing Yi is counting on you!" One of the black mages said slowly, with a very respectful expression on his face, he took a few steps forward and bowed slightly.

Nodding with his left arm, he moved his lips with his shriveled face that was almost sticking to the bones, and said: "Since the ancestor sent me here to solve some troublesome people, even if you don't say anything about this boy, the old man has already thought about it." Let's do it!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire body of the left arm disappeared in place, at an extremely fast speed, even surpassing Shanlei, but somewhat unexpectedly, there was no fluctuation in the surrounding spiritual power, it was quiet.

With a muffled snort, after Lin Tian beheaded a warrior, the giant sword he had just raised let out a low hum. With years of experience, his intuition told him that there was danger.

Not daring to hesitate in the slightest, he took a sudden step backwards, and the figure disappeared in place with a bang, and right at the legacy where the whole figure disappeared, a pitch-black dagger appeared in Lin Tianyuan's place.

The spiritual power roared past, Lin Tian's eyes narrowed immediately, and the black dagger that was carrying the dark figure trembled suddenly, whistling towards Lin Tian with the hurricane.


A stream of blood slid directly across the sky, a twist came from the corner of Lin Tian's mouth, his whole complexion turned pale instantly, Lin Tian was injured, and a violent black miasma flowed directly into Lin Tian's body.

"What a fast speed!" After Lin Tian shouted sharply, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly.

"Jie Jie, massacre is really a pleasure, Jie Jie!" The cold voice sounded again, and then the dark shadow passed by, and came to the left of Lin Tian again.

Just when the pitch-black dagger was about to pierce Lin Tian's lower abdomen, a deep voice sounded: "It's not good to be so stealthy!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a bang, a click, and a punch directly hit the black shadow. With a shock, the pitch-black death roared past, and a young man with a resolute face appeared in front of Lin Tian.

When he saw the young man's face clearly, Lin Tian showed a hint of ecstasy, and said, "Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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