Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 357 Killer

Chapter 357 Killer


There was a sound, and Gu Feng grabbed Lin Tian and retreated violently. At the same time, without the slightest hesitation, he slapped out with a palm, the air shrank, and the figure who was hit by Gu Feng's palm was suddenly startled. Get up, and shoot out towards the distance with lightning speed.

"Brother, I'm embarrassing for you!" Lin Tian tightly held the sacred sword that Gu Feng gave him, and a gloomy light flashed in his eyes. This is true, Lin Tian is already extremely self-blame now.

At the beginning, Gu Feng gave him the sacred sword originally as a kind of trust, and it was to give Nuo Er the responsibility to Lin Tian, ​​but unexpectedly, he was attacked by someone and almost died in the hands of the black shadow.

Gu Feng didn't show any anger, instead he said calmly: "This person must be a famous killer. You and I are brothers, so don't say such things in the future!"

A trace of gratitude flashed in Lin Tian's eyes.

At this moment, a cold and hoarse voice sounded: "You really have a deep brotherhood, looking at you, you should be Gu Feng!"

These words made Gu Feng slightly taken aback, the other party knows me?
"Hehe, when did a killer like you appear among the black mages? It seems that I have given you too much surprise, you guys, and you remember me so clearly!" Gu Feng raised his mouth slightly, faintly road.


There was another sound, and then the figure of the black mage slowly emerged from the darkness. It was a thin shadow, the whole body was a little thin, and a pitch-black dagger was hanging on the fingers of his left hand.

The whole body's spiritual power is completely gathered here, and the slightest fluctuation can't be seen clearly. It can be seen that the skill of hiding has reached the extreme. The only thing that surprised Gu Feng is that the black magician is actually a one-armed one.

"Jie Jie, I have been in the world of killers for so many years, I have never met someone who has completely become a famous person in the world of killers at such a young age, I don't know what you have done, but you are really unfortunate to meet me! "The hoarse voice sounded slowly.

As a killer, the biggest taboo is talking too much, but this left arm is really excited, because he has never encountered such a prey, and even said a few more words.

An ear-piercing sound sounded, and the pitch-black dagger in his left arm trembled suddenly, and then the whole figure disappeared in place, trembling loudly, and stabbing Gu Feng directly with a scream.


Under Gu Feng's feeling, this pitch-black figure is like a huge beam of light, and the target of this huge light is Gu Feng, the speed is extremely fast, and it is especially sharp, even the entire space appears broken.

Especially that arm, it is a sharp weapon for killing people.

Gu Feng didn't dare to be negligent any more, the spiritual power in his whole body was fully aroused, at this moment Gu Feng stepped on suddenly, the whole person did not retreat but advanced, facing the direction of the one-armed thrust, Gu Feng directly rushed up .

What the killer fears the most is melee combat. Since the left arm is directly crippled in order to pursue the ultimate speed, then he will definitely not be very good at melee combat.

With a swipe, Gu Feng dexterously moved his wrist, and the pitch-black Sky Thunder Gun slipped directly into his hand. The cold tip of the gun kept sending out bursts of coldness, which penetrated into Gu Feng's heart layer by layer.

His eyes froze suddenly, and he shouted in a deep voice: "This is it!"

Without any pause in the movement of the hand, the tip of the gun suddenly lifted up and stabbed directly towards that place. With a bang, the sound of metal impact came immediately.

I saw a pitch-black dagger completely blocking Gu Feng's spear.

Chi Chi!

Layers of death continued to emerge, and the pitch-black dagger seemed to have become a huge black hole, exuding a black miasma endlessly towards the surroundings.

"Jie Jie, every warrior who underestimated melee combat eventually died, and you are no exception. The old man cut off his right arm not to pursue extreme speed, but to make melee combat more dexterous!" A cold voice sounded.

Afterwards, his left arm flipped over deftly, and the pitch-black dagger in his hand was like a living fish that kept swimming, every movement was so perfect, within a few breaths, the pitch-black dagger had already arrived at Gu Feng Right.

There was a cold look in his eyes, and there was a dark sound from the corner of his left arm and mouth, and he stabbed directly, the target was Gu Feng's lower abdomen.

It's just that the left arm didn't notice that there was a sneer at the corner of Gu Feng's mouth, and the dagger rushed up, bang!

A loud bang came.

The left arm that had been wearing a faint bloodthirsty smile shook suddenly, and the expression on his face was completely frozen at that moment. His dagger did stab Gu Feng, but the imagined scene where Gu Feng vomited blood did not happen. Gu Feng was still standing calmly.

And the point he stabbed is more like a hard rock, no matter how hard he can stab it, it's not over yet, because at the moment of the impact, a crisp sound rang out, which surprised the left arm the most. a little bit.

The dagger in his hand shattered with a bang and shattered, followed by a roar that sounded like a dragon's chant. With a buzzing shock, violent power surged out rapidly, and completely bombarded the left hand of the left arm. above.

Fast as lightning.

There was only a roar of "Ah!", and the whole body of his left arm was shot backwards in the distance, hitting a place heavily on the ground. The left arm was also completely broken into several pieces.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and until now his left arm was still full of disbelief. He never thought that there was a dragon on Gu Feng's body!

"It seems that all of this is not as simple as you imagined. I'm really sorry!" Gu Feng said coldly, and then his body moved with his shadow. There was a murderous look in the air, and without saying a word, he directly punched it down.

At the same time as the air shrank suddenly, a trace of fear appeared in the depths of the left arm's face. Regardless of any face, he gritted his teeth, roared, and with two loud roars, a black curtain spewed out from the mouth of the left arm, directly devouring it towards Gu Feng and go.

There was a thick black miasma in the darkness, and while the endless black miasma was swallowing towards Gu Feng, his left arm also hurriedly got up and fled to the distance.

However, before the figure fled a few steps, Gu Feng's icy voice sounded: "Cut!"

A loud bang.

The whole figure on the left arm froze in place directly, and there were continuous rapid hurricanes coming from the ear. At that moment, the left arm only felt that the spiritual power of the whole body was completely stopped, and the whole person stopped in the same place numbly, unexpectedly moving no.

The space around the broken wind is completely broken...

(End of this chapter)

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