Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 363 Departure

Chapter 363 Departure
As soon as this remark came out, Fei Hu immediately took a deep breath, and his face became even more dignified. He did not expect to meet such an opponent just after entering Zhongzhou.

"Alas!" With a long sigh, the old man's eyes moved slightly, and then he gradually explained the development of the matter.

Just in the last Hundred Academy Competition, the Haoyue Academy led by Uncle met the Tianying Academy in the first round, but that time Tianshang was only a supporting role.

Originally, the strength of Tianying Academy was far greater than that of Haoyue Academy. However, the gang of Tianying Academy were extremely cruel. After defeating their opponents, they even killed their opponents. As a result, the warriors of Haoyue Academy were lacking one by one.

Later, a martial artist who was most valued by an uncle in the academy had already reached the ninth level of the Profound Realm. That warrior directly concentrated all the spiritual power in his body on his hands. In order to avenge his senior brother, the warrior shouted coldly and directly Jump up.

Because the person from Tianying Academy was extremely careless, and the martial artist from Haoyue Academy looked at death like home, and was caught off guard, the warrior blasted all the spiritual power of his body on that person's head.

Just after this bang, the man's head exploded directly, and the whole person collapsed slowly, dying on the spot. This scene made the warriors of Tianying Academy go crazy.

After the match, the warriors from Tianying Academy launched a surprise attack on Haoyue Academy, and all the young warriors died one by one. If the old man hadn't escaped in the end, the entire Haoyue Academy might be ruined on that day.

As for why Tianying Academy didn't kill the killer just now, it was because there were warriors from Dichang Academy present, not so much because Tianying Academy and Dichang Academy let Haoyue Academy go, but because Tianying Academy has some scruples about the existence of Dichang Academy.

After all this was said, the old man's eyes were already flushed. Unexpectedly, Yuanjia Road was really narrow. Just after arriving in Zhongzhou, he met those people from Tianying Academy again.


The strong wind continued to howl, and the spiritual energy scattered around also howled non-stop, slapping on the uncle's body, which was extremely painful.

The fat tiger on the side was completely moved, and he cursed himself secretly, enduring such hatred, the uncle was still able to show such calmness, but he was extremely manic, and almost killed the three of himself.

Thinking of this, Fat Hu immediately looked apologetically at the old uncle, and said firmly: "Old uncle, don't worry, if I meet Tianying Academy again this time, I will definitely make them regret it!"

After the elder uncle let out a long sigh, he turned his eyes to the distance, and said slowly: "This year's competition is completely different from previous years. It is said that many big sects will come to watch, which is not seen in previous years. Presumably this year Zhongzhou should be the winner. Something happened, probably this is also one of the reasons why Tianying and the others have some scruples!"


Wu Fu!

Gu Feng uttered a robe, and stood proudly at the forefront of the martial arts arena, his face was full of solemnity, he looked around, looked at each of the warriors with fiery eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "I received the invitation from the Hundred Academy Competition , My Martial Mansion will go to Zhongyu to observe the ceremony on behalf of Vientiane Domain!"


As soon as these words were said, the entire crowd erupted into an upsurge. The Hundred Academy Competition can be said to be the largest spiritual academy competition in the entire Zhongzhou. The organizers rumored that it was jointly organized by various families in the entire Central Region.

Being able to be invited by such a force can only explain one problem, that is, today's Wufu has already been recognized by those behemoths in the Central Territory.

Every warrior present with such an honor is naturally extremely happy. Some hall masters who were a little depressed because they were merged into the Wufu, at this time, there is also a thick blaze in their eyes. If it was before, such an honor would definitely It will not happen to them. Even the Golden Elephant Sect has not been invited to the Hundred Academy Competition in previous years.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Feng continued: "Since I set off from this seat, Elder Shen Yun will act as the acting suzerain, in charge of everything big and small in the mansion, and Elder Hongye will assist, and the hall masters will set off with me!"


Roars erupted immediately below, and everyone responded to Gu Feng at the top of their voices. In the past few months, they have been convinced of Gu Feng's methods, and now they have such an honor. It is in their hearts that can no longer be erased.

Afterwards, Gu Feng looked at Nuoer, motioned to Nuoer, Nuoer understood, and gave a cold drink, and then, the majestic spiritual power quickly condensed on his hands, rumbling, black clouds rolled continuously, Nuoer's hands were directly out of thin air Tear it!

A huge opening directly appeared, and Nuoer's originally rosy cheeks turned pale after all this was done, and he looked directly at Gu Feng, Gu Feng nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "Follow Elder Nuoer, let's enter !"


After two loud roars, Gu Feng grabbed Bi'er's little hand, smiled slightly, and said, "Bi'er, let's go!"

Afterwards, the first one stepped into the torn space, and after Gu Feng, the other warriors stepped in one by one. When Nuoer finally entered, the space regained its tranquility.

This is an ultra-long-distance space transmission. The two major domains, the Central Domain and the Vientiane Domain, can only be said to be separated by hundreds of thousands of miles. If it weren't for Nuo Er, who has already reached the Small Ancestral Realm of the Three Small Realms, and has a space Martial Spirit , It is also impossible to carry so many people for teleportation.

"Uncle, Fat Hu, Dean Haoyue, how are you all? I wonder if you've arrived yet!" Gu Feng held Bi'er's hands tightly, whispering softly in the turbulent flow of space.

At the same time, Bi'er's arms were tightly wrapped around Gu Feng, and she buried the whole head directly on Gu Feng's chest, and said softly: "Brother Gu Feng, is the fat tiger you are talking about that fat man? "

Fat man!

Gu Feng's face darkened, he gave a wry smile, and said, "Fatty, that's right, he is a fatty!"

"This teleportation time will be a bit long, it will take a day, everyone cheer up, any turbulence in this space turbulence can directly cut you apart!" Noel's deep voice sounded.

Afterwards, Noel looked at Gu Feng with a puzzled look in his eyes, and said slowly: "Little master, are you sure you want to participate in the competition this time?"

Gu Feng smiled slightly, and responded: "Patriarch Nuoer, this is a promise I made when I was still in the Western Realm!"

Noel suddenly realized.


"Don't worry, no matter whether you have come or not, after this Hundred Academy Competition, I will definitely make the name of Haoyue Academy resound throughout the entire continent, and even the entire Zhongzhou!" Gu Feng looked into the distance with firm eyes, and his heart slowly road.

(End of this chapter)

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