Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 364 Central Domain

Chapter 364 Central Domain
a day later.

Accompanied by the tearing of a piece of space, several figures fell directly and slowly, and then with a muffled groan, the torn space disappeared directly, as if it had never appeared before.

Exhaling a long breath, Gu Feng's eyes moved slightly, and he secretly said: "Is this the Central Domain? Compared with the Vientiane Domain, the spiritual power is really thicker!"

At this moment, a deep voice sounded out of thin air.

"Welcome to the guests of Vientiane Domain, welcome to Wufu!"

There was a huge earthquake, and a middle-aged man slid down directly, and landed lightly on the ground. At the same time, he looked at Gu Feng with a trace of respect, and said: "I think this is the one who was on the mainland recently. The famous ancient suzerain, right?"

Gu Feng smiled slightly, but was secretly surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that he and others would be discovered just after they stepped into the central domain. This place is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and when did his name become so powerful, it has already been passed down? All over the entire middle domain.

Nodding his head, Gu Feng said: "Thank you!"

The middle-aged man didn't put on a show, and said directly: "Sect Master Gu, all the participating schools in the Hundred Academy Competition have basically arrived, and there are also top academies from the four worlds in the south, east, north, and west. Tomorrow will be the first round of the Hundred Academy Competition." Test, Sect Master Gu can choose it himself!"

And when the middle-aged man mentioned the personal selection, his tone was aggravated intentionally or unintentionally...

When he heard the four worlds in the south, east, north and west, a gleam of joy quickly flashed in the corners of Gu Feng's eyes, but it only passed away because the current Gu Feng could not let others know about his relationship with Haoyue Academy.

If it is serious, Gu Feng is still a student of Haoyue College!

"That's hard work, please lead the way!" Gu Feng nodded, and then said slowly, the middle-aged man's complexion did not change at all, after all, every top fighter has a bit of a bad temper, although Gu Feng is young , but in the heart of this middle-aged man, he has silently assigned Gu Feng to that type of person.

Moved by the figure, a smile appeared on the corner of Gu Feng's mouth, and with a sudden flash of his big hand, he led all the warriors of Wufu towards the distance.

ice city!

This is a relatively strange city in the Central Region. There are thick ice all year round, but this is not a snowy region, but a moderate temperature in the Central Region. Some powerful people have come to explore the ice city before, but In the end it all came to nothing.

However, in some powerful legends, it seems that there is a piece of flaming ice under the ice city, and it is also a flaming ice with extremely cold power.


The surrounding air kept shrinking. When Gu Feng and the others arrived at Bingcheng, it was already half a day later. His eyes were staring at the front with some seriousness. Gu Feng rubbed his hands subconsciously, and said slowly: "This place is really touching. Out of mind!"

Noel also nodded, and a flash of memory emerged from the depths of his face, so he said slowly: "This city has existed like this since the ancient war, I didn't expect it to still exist now!"

It has appeared since ancient times, and this ice city really has a long history. Just as Gu Feng's eyes looked at the two majestic characters of Bingcheng, there was a burst of heat in his eyes, and then there was a shock in his mind , as if something was triggered.

But this kind of breath only passed away in a flash, and he couldn't touch any brains anymore.

"It's weird!" Gu Feng secretly said.

"Gu Sect Master, we are here!" At this moment, the middle-aged man from before slowly turned his head, looked at Gu Feng, and said.

Gu Feng nodded, and said in a low voice, "Let's go!"

Everyone was shocked, so Gu Feng took Bi'er's little hand and stepped in first.


When Gu Feng's figure stepped in, there were gusts of cold wind around him immediately. These cold winds were obviously filled with icy air, and the icy air was still very thick. Visible speed turned to frost.

What surprised Gu Feng the most was that the ground under his feet was not a big bluestone, but bottomless ice. In short, this ice city was built on endless thick ice.

Seemingly seeing Gu Feng's doubts, the middle-aged man immediately walked a few steps and explained: "Gu Sect Master, don't worry, the hardness of this ice has already broken through the limit of human beings, even if it is as strong as the ice city's city lord." With one blow, the ice still won't shake for half a minute, and our ice city lord has reached the ancestral realm!"

As soon as this remark came out, Gu Feng and the others all trembled slightly. A mere ice city lord has already reached the ancestral realm. Is this the true background of the Central Territory!

"Please!" After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man stretched his arms straight forward.

Gu Feng nodded, and then stepped forward directly. Now he must find the Haoyue Academy team immediately, and he also wants to join Haoyue Academy to become a contestant.


In another corner of the same ice city, Fei Hu and the others also came. Just after stepping into the ice city, the feelings of Fei Hu and the others were almost exactly the same as Gu Feng's, except that Bo Lao had been here before and behaved a little better.

"Tomorrow will start the match!" Bo Lao's dignified voice sounded, because he has not seen Gu Feng's figure until now, and he is a little worried in his heart, afraid that something will happen to this kid!
Haoyue on the side nodded, as if she had seen the old man's mind, and said slowly: "Old man, have you forgotten, that kid is a pervert who rang the nine big bells of Jiuzhong Mountain, don't worry, he Will definitely come!"

Just as the few people were whispering, there was a slight fluctuation in the space, and then several figures came to the ice city. There were as many as six people in this group, and the gloom could be clearly seen on the faces of every warrior. The first one spoke extremely sharp words.

"It looks like some trash is here to join in the fun!"

And behind the leading young man, an extremely curvaceous young man walked a few steps, his eyes seemed to scan the punch intentionally or unintentionally, and then he let out a sigh of relief, saying viciously: "Punch the poor man! "

"What did you say?" Fat Hu's face suddenly turned cold, and he took a step, and the momentum in his body expanded rapidly, and he shouted in a deep voice.

"Hahaha, I still don't believe you are a poor ghost. A martial artist who is only at the ninth level of the Profound Realm. Are you sure you are here to participate in the Hundred Academy Competition? Hahaha!" At the ninth level of the Profound Realm, he immediately laughed wildly, with deep disdain in his eyes.

At this moment, a majestic voice sounded: "The Hundred Courts Competition is approaching, fighting is prohibited, if there are offenders, kill them!"

Afterwards, the young man revealed a hint of joking, and said sarcastically, "I hope to be lucky enough to see you tomorrow. You have long nights and many dreams, so you can live a good life, hahaha!"

(End of this chapter)

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