Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 365 Encounter

Chapter 365 Encounter ([-])

After all, the few people stepped forward directly, and disappeared into the space with a wave of fluctuation.

Looking at the disappearing figure, the corners of Fat Tiger's mouth kept shaking, and his fists were clenched tightly. In this world, there is no respect without strength, and all honor is based on one's own strength.

From entering Zhongzhou to now, many academies have disdained and insulted themselves and Haoyue Academy. Natural selection, in fact, survives. This is the reality.

Exhaling a long breath, Fat Hu tried to calm down the anger in his heart, he knew that now was not the time, since those people wanted him to look ugly, then he would definitely make them pay the price.

Although he is only at the ninth level of the Profound Realm, the Black Tiger Transformation he has practiced has already reached a peak. If he uses the Black Tiger Transformation, he will definitely be able to leapfrog the challenge.


a day later.

In the center of the ice city, there are huge martial arts arenas made of ice. Each martial arts arena is tens of feet wide. From a distance, it looks like blooming ice flowers.

Cold and heavy!

When Fei Hu and the others came to the Martial Arts Field, several men came immediately, and after whispering a few words with the old uncle, he handed a piece of parchment on his body to the old uncle, and immediately disappeared in place.

What is recorded on this piece of parchment is the competition rules of this Hundred Academy Competition and their respective opponents. The rules are very simple, direct elimination, and each academy has three chances to play, because considering that some academies only have one student, so These three appearance opportunities can be the same person.

But the rule is that the participating students must be from various spiritual colleges, and the age requirement is under 35 years old. After all, a 20-year-old warrior can be called a genius.

When he saw the battle list, Bo Lao let out a wry smile, because the opponent of Haoyue College in the first round was Dichang College. It can be said to be extremely accurate.

But at this moment, several figures came to Fei Hu, one of them was obviously Xiao Jie who had conflicts before, seeing Xiao Jie's disgusting face, Fei Hu clenched his fists in his heart, wishing he could He directly punched Xiao Jie to the ground.

"Hehe, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you in this first round, waste, I'm afraid it's this year's Hundred Academy Competition, and you are just passing by, hey!" The young lady said slowly with a cold face.

Fat Tiger took a step forward, his eyes focused on Xiao Jie's eyes, like a ferocious giant tiger, and with a roar, Xiao Jie took a few steps back, showing a strong sense of fear in his eyes.

"It's really useless!" Afterwards, the corner of Fei Hu's mouth formed a sneer, and said ironically.

Xiao Jie's complexion was flushed, and he wished he could dig a thin slit in, because just now, he saw mania in Fat Tiger's eyes, and this mania seemed to be able to swallow Xiao Jie directly, it was so terrifying!
"Boy, tell you, don't come kneeling and begging me when the time comes, let's go!" Xiao Jie's face turned gloomy, he shouted coldly, and stepped straight into the distance.

"Hehe, I will wait, I don't know who will be lying on the ground and begging for mercy!" Fat Tiger said coldly.

Time passed little by little.

After half a stick of incense, an old man in a white long gown appeared out of nowhere in the center of several martial arts arenas, looked around, and said in a low voice: "Old man Binghao, I am the elder of Bingcheng. All colleges are welcome to participate in the Hundred Academy Competition. The rules of this year's Hundred Academy Competition will be different from those in the past. Every performance you perform in the competition field will be watched by the entire Zhongzhou, and even the entire continent's sects. Once you are favored, Then you can directly join the sect!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone present immediately cheered, and all warriors showed joy. As long as they join the sect, they have already stepped into the ranks of the strong. After all, the background of a sect is incomparable of.

"I heard no. Among the major sects this time, there are some ancient sects that have survived for hundreds of years. Hehe, Jiezong, which we have always respected, can't be ranked at this time."

"Hehe, these are just false rumors. I have already inquired about it. Now the sect named Wufu is in the limelight. It is rumored that the suzerain of Wufu is only around [-], and the entire Wufu is already Completely unify the Vientiane Domain and become an existence that can be on an equal footing with the Eternal Palace!"

"Hiss, 20 years old, this is terrible!"

"This is the first choice of our young people. Only such a sect can arouse our greatest motivation!"


"Senior Brother Tianshang, is this Wufu also your favorite?"

"Wu Fu is indeed in my consideration!" The young man called Senior Brother Tianshang said in a deep voice with a sneer slowly appearing on the corner of his mouth.

Pausing for a while, as if waiting for the inner peace of the students below, Bing Hao waved his big hand, pointed his fingertips at an attic behind him, and said in a deep voice: "The suzerains of all sects have already arrived at the attic. Every move will be related to whether you can be favored by the sect, now, the competition officially begins!"


All the students swallowed a mouthful of saliva, all of them showed excitement, and rushed towards their martial arts arena. Fat Hu looked around, but he still didn't see the familiar figure, and his worries increased. He grew up a lot. At this time, the uncle patted Fat Hu's shoulder with his palm, and said slowly: "Play well, we have to trust him, and nothing will happen!"

Fat Tiger nodded heavily, took another look at the tall attic, and rushed straight to his third martial arts arena without any hesitation.

That's what Fat Hu looked at. On a certain floor of this attic, a young man in a silver-white gown stood up suddenly, with extremely complicated expressions on his face, full of joy, excitement, and nostalgia. have brothers...

With trembling lips, he murmured, "Fat Tiger!"

Afterwards, the young man quickly took off his robe, changed into the plain clothes he had prepared long ago, and said to Bi'er and Nuoer: "I have found my own academy, and I will be a student of Haoyue Academy from now on. The task of finding some good seedlings is entrusted to you, Patriarch Nuoer!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Nuo Er's mouth, he nodded, and said, "Don't worry, little master!"

Afterwards, after explaining a few words to Bi'er, Gu Feng went straight out of the attic, and headed towards the third martial art field where Fat Hu was at with lightning speed...

(End of this chapter)

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