Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 366 Encounter

Chapter 366 Encounter ([-])

The third martial arts arena.

At this time, the two figures were standing face to face on the martial arts arena. The two figures were obviously quite young, but there was a trace of bloodlust in the expressions of the two figures at this time.

"Jie Jie, it's really refreshing. I didn't expect to meet you again so soon. It seems that your martial arts journey has come to an end here. I'm so sorry!" Xiao Jie said slowly with a gloomy expression.

Fat Hu's somewhat bloated body was standing upright at this time, his whole body's spiritual power was completely gathered, the coldness in his eyes appeared and disappeared, his eyes were slightly raised, and he stepped forward with a loud bang.

"You're talking too much nonsense!"

The movement of the figure is completely different from that bloated body. At this time, the figure of Fat Tiger is like lightning, constantly shuttling around, and there are streaks of cold murderousness between the afterimages.

"It's interesting!" Xiao Jie was obviously not a vegetarian, his tone was cold, and he jumped up, heading straight towards the several figures formed by the fat tiger.

Chi Chi!

"Ice Fist!" With a cold shout, a fist mark was formed out of thin air, and with a swish sound, violent spiritual power gushed out, and the punch marks directly formed sharp thorns, fiercely towards Fat Tiger's figure. Smash it.


When there was a loud noise, Fat Hu trembled suddenly, and then a stream of blood spewed out directly. With a bang, Fat Hu slammed back heavily.

"Hahaha, that's true, garbage!" With bloodthirsty in his eyes, Xiao Jie roared and rushed towards Fat Tiger, bang bang bang, loud noises were continuously heard around him, punches Wherever the seal passed, the space was solemn and tense.

It's just that what Xiao Jie didn't realize was that there was no shock at the corner of Fat Hu's blood-stained mouth at this time, but it was full of bloodlust.

"Black Tiger Transformation!"


Two roars came, and violent spiritual power was formed directly, and then the spiritual power burst out from the depths of the sky, forming a black beam of light, pouring directly towards the fat tiger.

Every infusion of spiritual power will cause crackling sounds around, and there is a huge explosion in the depths of the eyes, and the madness of the sky gathers, and finally forms a seal.

This talisman was several feet high, firmly imprinted on Fat Tiger's body.

There was a loud noise, Xiao Jie's body, who was roaring towards the fat tiger, trembled suddenly, and there was a loud noise, and the figure fell backwards quickly, followed by a violent and hostile spiritual force towards the fat tiger. Xiao Jie devoured it.

With a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood gushed out directly. While the spiritual power of Xiao Jie's whole body fluctuated continuously, a deep look of shock appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he murmured: "How is it possible!"

At the same time, in that attic, the eyes of some sects all focused on Fat Hu, and the sound of horror came from every box in this attic.

"It turned out to be a demon spirit transformation!"

"There is such a genius!"

"It's unbelievable that such a one-in-a-million genius actually exists!"

"It seems that he still can't control his demon spirit transformation very well, he can only use it if he is injured and provoked!"


Indeed, although Feihu has been in seclusion in Jiuzhong Mountain for several years, it can be said that Feihu is still only half-understood about Feihu's talent, demon spirit transformation, and this mysterious talent skill, even Uncle and Haoyue were helpless.

But although there is no good control method, after countless experiments, Fat Tiger has mastered the essence of this demon spirit transformation, which is anger and anger.

From the very beginning when he was insulted by Xiao Jie, Fei Hu had already remembered this person in his heart. Therefore, from the moment he went to the martial arts arena, Fei Hu never thought of being lenient. Instead, what Fei Hu had to do was to hit Kill him, don't give him any chance to survive.

The wise Feihu directly chose the Black Tiger Transformation, but the first thing he had to do when performing the Black Tiger Transformation was to injure himself, and this was how Fat Tiger was punched flying, paralyzing his opponent At the same time, it also strengthens itself.

It has to be said that Feihu's IQ is extremely high, and every step of the opponent is under his extremely meticulous calculations, which is why after thousands of years, Feihu has a place among the five ancestors of the mainland.


The violent spiritual power in the martial arts arena spewed out rapidly, and Fat Tiger's body had already begun to appear densely packed with fluff, and the bones all over his body also began to grow continuously. In less than a few breaths, it was fully doubled in size than before.

With a roar and a hum, Xiao Jie felt his spiritual power suddenly stop. Facing the fat tiger in front of him, Xiao Jie didn't know how to deal with it.

"How could this be possible? What kind of monster is this!" Xiao Jie stared at Fat Tiger with horrified eyes, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and hurriedly ran away.


With the howling wind, Fat Tiger jumped up directly, and his two palms that had turned into giant claws shook suddenly, and then without the slightest pause, he slapped Xiao Jie directly.

When the loud noise came, the space trembled immediately, and the collapse spread rapidly. In less than a few breaths, the entire space collapsed.

You must know that the current Fat Tiger is only at the ninth level of the Profound Realm, and that a martial artist at the ninth level of the Profound Realm can actually create such a big momentum, which is no longer a genius.

"This kid, he's grown up a lot!" In a corner, a young man in extremely simple clothes with a dark spear on his back, watched the changes in the third martial arts field, and said softly.

It's just that in his soft eyes, he looked at Fat Hu with joy, and he really grew up in more than two years.

There was a loud howl, and Fei Hu's roaring hands came down, Xiao Jie's body went numb to the ground, and Xiao Jie was so shocked that he couldn't move a single point, and he really withstood the heavy blow from Fei Hu.


There was a loud noise, and the whole ground trembled, and then Xiao Jie spit out a mouthful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and his whole body fell down limply.

Quiet!All quiet!
The warriors who were still whispering around the third martial arts field were all quiet now, and they all looked at Fat Hu with horror.

Xiao Jie is the young generation of Dichang College, although he is not the top, but he is also the core of the whole college. He was shot to death like this, which naturally caused the whole college to roar out.

One of the short young men's eyes was full of killing intent, he ignored the referee, jumped up, pointed at Fat Tiger, and roared: "Monster, take your life!"

(End of this chapter)

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