Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 379 Champion

Chapter 379 Champion
"Four dragons in unison!" The roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, these old men made their handprints, and each old man's face was full of solemnity. The successive handprints seemed to pierce the sky.

Swish swish!
One after another, each handprint has a width of several feet. What is completely different from before is that the target of these countless handprints is obviously this space.


One after another, the sound of dragon chants rose and fell in this piece of heaven and earth, and there were huge waves one after another in the deepest part of each handprint, crashing down, and the roaring spiritual power seemed to be directly condensed.

"Dragon Yin!"

"This is the guarding formation of the Juling Pavilion, the four dragons and the elephant formation!"

"It's really terrifying to be able to force the boss of Juling Pavilion to do such a thing!"


Finally, at the same time as each palm print was condensed, the entire land trembled, and the sound of bombardment followed one after another, and the entire continent crashed down.

"Mie!" Several voices sounded at the same time, and each voice was extremely dignified. The moment the slap came out, the world finally became dark.

Seeing this, Gu Feng was also slightly moved. What he didn't expect was that the move he made would cause such a momentum. He didn't dare to hesitate. Gu Feng hurriedly withdrew his spiritual power, as well as the still raging flame and ice power. .

There was a loud noise, and while the power of flame and ice was quickly withdrawn, the whole giant dragon with three elements finally calmed down, and then the old men from Juling Pavilion immediately made palm prints, trembling, a The huge formation filled with the power of dragon chant was directly condensed.

Chi Chi!

At the same time as the spiritual power sounded one after another in the formation, the world finally quieted down. Then, Bing Wushuang's voice came loudly, and he took a deep look at Gu Feng who was panting heavily, and directly pulled his hands out of thin air. , a huge opening broke through the air.

After taking a deep breath, there was a bang, and the entire formation was directly smashed into the space crack by Bing Wushuang. After doing all this, the spiritual power was slowly recovered, and at the same time, the roaring breath of this piece of heaven and earth was quiet down.


The audience was silent!
Everyone present understood that if it wasn't for Bing Wushuang just now, this space would have collapsed directly, because this kind of power has already surpassed the heavenly realm, and the power beyond the heavenly realm is simply not something that this space can bear.

And it was indeed a young man who exerted this turbulent power, a young man who seemed to be under 20 years old, and more importantly, this young man's name was Gu Feng!

If it is said that Gu Feng's name has resounded throughout the entire sky since the Eternal Secret Realm, then now, in this Bai Yuan Contest, the word Gu Feng may appear on the entire continent, and a generation of strong people will be able to use the name Gu Feng since then. Rise, and with him will be endless glory.


The surrounding hurricane was still howling, Haoyue and Bo Lao were completely stunned, never thought that this time the Hundred Courts Competition would reach this stage, and they would still be the final champion. All eyes were on Gu Feng, all because of the young man named Gu Feng in front of him, because of him, he was able to have this honor.

The space in front of him suddenly shattered, and Bing Wushuang's figure slowly fell, and then he glanced at Gu Feng. It can be said that Bing Wushuang had already developed a love for talents, and then disappeared in the same place again, and suddenly appeared on the highest point on the steps.

A strong voice resounded throughout the entire sky: "The result of this Hundred Academy Competition is clear, Gu Feng wins, and the Haoyue Academy represented by Gu Feng has become the winner of this Hundred Academy Competition!"

Even though the result was already known, when Bing Wushuang, the lord of the Bingcheng City, announced it personally, all the students present cheered deafeningly. In this world, there has always been only the honor of the strong, and every warrior longs for it. Become a strong man, because only by becoming a strong man can he gain honor and gain a foothold in this world.

All honor and praise should be attributed to the strong!
Feeling the roaring shouts around, Gu Feng finally exhaled a long breath, noticing the empty spiritual power fluctuations in his dantian, Gu Feng took another deep breath, nodded towards Bing Wushuang, He walked off the ring directly.

Afterwards, Bing Wushuang said in a deep voice again: "Next, I will invite all the sects of Zhongzhou to play. Every performance of each of your students is in the eyes of these people, and now I invite them to choose!"

If the words just now were already a blockbuster, then Bing Wushuang's words at this time directly pushed the atmosphere to a climax. Every martial artist who is practicing in the spiritual academy still desires to join a sect, but Now, this opportunity has finally come.

As soon as Bing Wushuang's voice fell, the entire attic was shaken suddenly, and then overwhelming spiritual power swept in, and warriors flew out from this attic.


Bloodthirsty Sect!
Skyrim Sect!

All the sects stood together one by one, and the faces of each sect representative were filled with smiles, because it was this time the Hundred Academy Competition gave them enough shock. Facing the students off the field, every sect has already made a decision in their hearts.


"Why didn't I see anyone from Wufu!"

"Yeah, why is there no one in Wufu!"

Soon sharp-eyed students noticed that there were no warriors representing the Wufu. It can be said that the youth and prosperity of the Wufu was the goal of most of the students present. The existence of the surging Wufu had already surpassed some old sects .

Just as the crowd was whispering, a figure in a black long gown appeared in front of the crowd step by step. This black figure did not stop at all, and stood directly among the representatives of the major sects. A sect named Wufu under the door.

This young man represents Wufu!

And when the young man's eyes slowly lifted up, everyone was finally shocked, because this young man was none other than Gu Feng who had brought shock and fear to everyone before!
And he is really the suzerain of Wufu!

The sound of sucking back suddenly came and went, and the eyes of everyone present were full of shock. Although some warriors had guessed something in advance, when the real scene appeared, everyone was also full of shock.

The suzerain of the Martial House, Gu Feng!
In the resting place of Haoyue Academy, Fat Hu's whole body was trembling, his eyes were fixed on the figure in front of him, and the heat was rapidly expanding.

(End of this chapter)

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