Chapter 380
All the warriors who were stunned by Gu Feng's blow were all shocked at this time, and the expressions on their faces were even more colorful. Both Xiao Chuan and Bing Nai opened their eyes wide.

This young man is actually the suzerain of Wufu, Gu Feng!


Although Gu Feng was wearing a black robe today, and after the battle just now, there was not much spiritual power left in his body, only the dantian was devouring the flames and turning wildly.

But it's so simple that it can't be more simple. When Gu Feng stood in the middle of the various sects, he immediately became the focus of the audience. Gu Feng was swallowed.

A clear voice sounded, Bing Wushuang stood up slightly, then waved his big hand suddenly, and shouted in a deep voice: "Presumably, the performance of the students just now has won the approval of every elder or suzerain present, now please choose each other!"

"I want that person from Tianying Academy!"

"Hehe, I want him!"

"It's a good idea, this old man is going to make a decision today!"

Immediately, whispers sounded, but the choice is often two-way. It is not enough for the sect to choose the students, because it just needs the college to also choose the sect to be meaningful!
Soon, some students were selected by their own sect, showing a satisfied smile. Of course, there were also many colleges that were not selected by the sect, which made them regretful.

There are so many sects present, the only one who has no choice is Martial House. I don't know if it is intentional or not. As the sect master of Martial House, Gu Feng is standing quietly at this time, his eyes have been closed at some point Standing up, without moving the spiritual power in his body, from a distance, Gu Feng seems to have become an ancient tree, quiet and peaceful!

"Gu Sect Master, please make a choice!" Bing Wushuang said with a trace of complexity in his eyes, walked slowly a few steps, and came to Gu Feng's side.

The voice was not loud, and the surrounding area was very noisy, but this sentence immediately spread throughout the martial arts arena, and it was heard in the ears of the students who had been eager to try.

It's time to make a choice!
"Sect Master Gu, I am the son of the dean of Qingshan Academy!"

"It's just the son of the dean, Sect Master Gu, my father is the king of the Eastern Realm!"


Voices rang out one after another immediately. Most of these students were the children of high-level executives, and the depths of every warrior's eyes were full of excitement. In their hearts, Gu Feng was already a god-like existence.

"Hey, get out of the way, fatty!" At this moment, a piercing voice sounded from the crowd. The voice was loud and full of arrogance, and it was very uncomfortable to hear.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand grabbed Fat Hu's shoulder, and with a click, he was caught off guard and crushed Fat Hu's shoulder. Hiss, a painful roar sounded immediately, and then the owner of that big hand let out a cry. With a sneer and a bang, Fei Hu was directly shaken out.

"Fatty, don't block my way next time!" A cold voice sounded, and then the figure walked forward, just like what happened to Fat Tiger, all those students who blocked his way were all punished The spicy method was discarded to the side, and for a while, the entire martial arts arena fell silent.

A long road was left in the middle, and a young man was striding in the middle, surrounded by two somewhat old figures, each of which showed a majestic meaning, obviously to Fei Hu and others. It was these two somewhat old figures.

This change naturally attracted Gu Feng's gaze, and he frowned slightly, but Gu Feng did not immediately use his means, but instead looked at the figure with a flat gaze.

Accompanied by a muffled snort, the figure came directly in front of Gu Feng, with a sense of arrogance still in his eyes, he glanced at Gu Feng casually, and said proudly: "Sect Master Gu Feng, right? Member of Yuwang family, your performance is not bad, the Wang family is going to absorb you as a servant!"

Wang family!

"Oh my god, it's actually a member of the royal family of the Central Region!"

"It's really good luck. I heard that the Wang family has people who have reached that level. It's really good luck. As long as you enter the Wang family, you can say that the future is already bright, and it is not impossible to directly become a top person on the mainland. ah!"

"I didn't expect that this Hundred Academy Competition would attract people from the Wang family, tsk tsk tsk!"


When the word "Wang Family" was spat out from the young man's mouth, everyone around was shocked. Finally, among the four major families, there was a row of the Wang Family, and it was still ranked second. It's a mystery that basically no one knows.

And the third and fourth ones are the Dugu family and the He family, and the He family is naturally the family of Gu Feng's mother He Huan.

The young man's proud eyes glanced at Gu Feng intentionally or unintentionally. He enjoyed this feeling very much. He liked those so-called geniuses who became his servants. Now, he didn't think that Gu Feng would refuse such a temptation, because from beginning to end , no one will refuse this temptation.

Besides, this invitation is not just a simple temptation. More importantly, there will be oppression in it. If you refuse, you will lose face to the Wang family. At that time, let alone entering the Wang family, you will even die. I no longer know.

Everyone quieted down, and some other sect masters also quieted down, as if they were all waiting for Gu Feng's decision, and Bing Wushuang's face was slightly ugly, he saw Gu Feng's potential in his eyes , not to mention that Gu Feng still has the secret of Yan Bing.

Presumably the Wang family found him for this reason, and if they let the Wang family take Gu Feng away smoothly, there will definitely be troubles. At that time, whether Gu Feng will live or die will become an unknown. Now the catastrophe of the mainland is coming. Bing Wushuang, the head of the four major families in Central Region, really couldn't figure out why the Wang family would do this.

In fact, it is not that the Wang family wants to do this, but this young man wants to do this. This young man is named Wang Tian, ​​and he is the fourth generation of the Wang family. Some good seedlings were selected from this hundred courtyard contest.

But Wang Tian, ​​who is arrogant and arrogant, is extremely narrow-minded. Basically, it can be said that anyone who surpasses him in talent will become a thorn in his eyes and be killed by him. He, plus he is also the Suzerain of Wufu.

Wuyou has already developed a heart of jealousy. In order to show his strength in front of the world, what Wuyou wants to do is to completely ruin Gu Feng's reputation...

(End of this chapter)

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