Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 393 Ouyang Wudao

Chapter 393 Ouyang Wudao
Demon domain!

It is located in the extreme east of Zhongzhou, just opposite to the Vientiane Domain, while the Snow Domain is in the extreme north, the Eternal Domain is in the extreme south, and the Central Domain is in the middle.

Therefore, it is necessary to tear the space directly from the Vientiane Realm to the Demon Realm, and with so many warriors, even Nuoer cannot complete it alone, so it is necessary to cooperate with Hongye.


"Damn it, Xiao Qian, you go here and run away separately. You must bring the news here!" In a hurry, a middle-aged man said anxiously to a woman beside him.

The woman named Xiao Qian was slightly startled, and then a trace of hesitation flashed in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, "Second Uncle, take care!"

But at this moment, the sky shook violently, followed by the rapid condensation of countless black miasma, and a black shadow slowly emerged.

"Jie Jie Jie, what a coincidence, we have met again!" Soi Ying's strange voice came out slowly, his cold tone full of bloodlust.

"Dugu Tiandao, you betrayed the mainland and joined the ranks of black magicians. Today I will act for the heavens!" The middle-aged man stared at this black shadow, gritted his teeth, his eyes seemed to pop out, and said in a deep voice drank.

"Heavenly Devil Catch!" The black shadow shouted in a deep voice, and grabbed the middle-aged man directly. The majestic black miasma quickly condensed and enveloped the middle-aged man in the blink of an eye. Layer after layer of spiritual power exploded. exploded.

In less than half a breath, the middle-aged man's body was directly annihilated in this piece of heaven and earth.

"No!" Xiao Qian blushed and roared. She regretted that if she hadn't insisted on going to the cave at the beginning, the entire sect would not have become like this.

Because Xiao Qian discovered a shocking secret in that cave, it was this secret today that caused Xiao Qian's entire sect to be massacred. Seeing the tragic death of her doting elders, Xiao Qian's heart has already collapsed.


The hurricane that was laughing wildly around was still ringing. After Dugu Tiandao killed the middle-aged man, he turned his eyes to Xiao Qian, and said slowly in a gloomy voice, "I'm so sorry, as long as you dress me up Feel comfortable, I will let you go!"

The corners of Xiao Qian's eyes showed death, and she took a step back, her tiny fists were tightly squeezed, like a hedgehog that had completely protected itself.


At this moment, the sky suddenly trembled, followed by a huge hole torn apart out of thin air, swish swish swish, within a few breaths, dozens of figures directly appeared on this piece of land.

"It's such a strong black miasma!" The leading black-robed man frowned slightly as if he had smelled something, and said in a deep voice.

This middle-aged man is naturally Gu Feng, and these dozens of warriors are the core of the entire Wufu. Coincidentally, after tearing apart the space, Gu Feng and his party came directly to this forest. , I ran into Ouyang Wudao again here.

Lonely Wudao also frowned tightly, because from the aura of this group of people, Ouyang Wudao clearly felt the coercion, and that kind of strength surpassed his coercion.

Subconsciously, Ouyang Wudao took a step back slightly.

"En, Ouyang Wudao!" Hongye narrowed her eyes slightly, and immediately recognized Ouyang Wudao. At the same time, a hint of disgust appeared in the depths of her face, "It turned out to be you. After disappearing in the Vientiane Domain, you actually came When you arrive in the Demon Realm, with such a strong black miasma, you must have been completely corroded by the black miasma now!"

"It's you!" Lonely Wudao reacted immediately, turned his eyes to Hongye, and at the same time swept slowly, finally locked his eyes on Gu Feng, and said in a deep voice, "You are Gu Feng!"

Gu Feng nodded, recalling the original scene in his mind, this Ouyang Wudao was the father of Ouyang Shaogong who was bombarded and killed by him at the beginning. It has become the minion of the black magician.

"Hehe, it's ridiculous. You are Ouyang Shaogong's father, right? Ouyang has no way, I didn't expect to become the black magician's minion!" Gu Feng said coldly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Minions!Black Mage!

Ouyang Wudao's face was bloodshot from the cold, and he said in a deep voice: "Hahaha, so what if you become a minion, you really have a way to heaven, if you don't go, there is no way to hell, you have to go, take your life!"

The figure was fast, and Ouyang Wudao grabbed Gu Feng with his palm, swish, swish, and at the same time as the surrounding space exploded instantly, a huge hole floated out directly, and countless black miasma condensed suddenly, opening and closing, Ouyang Wudao's hands had already reached in front of Gu Feng.

"Black Mage, you should kill him!" Gu Feng's eyes narrowed, blocking the urge of Noel and the others to make a move, and the whole person jumped up. The first level, like layers of huge waves, directly blasted towards Ouyang Wudao.

There was a loud noise, and countless spiritual powers were fully aroused. At the same time, the death intent gathered in the sky rapidly. Ouyang Wudao didn't stop at all. While pressing his hands continuously, his whole body screamed directly.

"Give it to me!"

At that moment, Gu Feng only felt that the spiritual power in his whole body was completely locked up. With a bang, the spiritual power that Gu Feng had condensed before instantly shattered. Before he could rest, he smashed directly into a ruin.

"Jie Jie Jie, son, today my father will avenge you, Jie Jie Jie!" A gloomy smile sounded, Ouyang Wudao shook his hands, and with a slap, he grabbed Gu Feng again.

This grab full of black miasma seems to be locked by countless black clouds, and the roaring black miasma is swallowing towards Gu Feng, but Ouyang Wudao, who is constantly screaming, seems to be unaware of the great changes in front of him .

There was only a bang, and a sharp spear was held tightly in Gu Feng's hand. At the same time, the black energy on the sharp spear condensed directly, and the death talisman suspended in the spiritual sea also rushed upward.

The endless majesty was completely merged into one at that moment, hum, piercing sound sounded, Gu Feng shook his hands suddenly, and the figure disappeared directly in place, turning into death.

With one blow, before Ouyang Wudao could react, Gu Feng had already appeared behind Ouyang Wudao. This is what a killer should really do, that is to kill completely invisible!

There was a hint of sternness in the corner of his eyes, Gu Feng raised the sharp spear tightly held in his hand, a look of coldness appeared in his eyes, and stabbed fiercely at Ouyang Wudao...

(End of this chapter)

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