Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 394 Killing Ouyang Wudao

Chapter 394 Killing Ouyang Wudao
Ouyang Wudao's body, which was roaring wildly, trembled slightly, and then a chill came from behind quickly, icy cold, and all the hairs on Ouyang Wudao's body stood up.

At the same time, Ouyang Wudao's complexion finally changed drastically. Ever since he became the minion of the black magician, it can be said that there have been some lines on the surface of Ouyang Wudao's body, and it is precisely in these lines that there are majestic black lines. miasma of air.

The dense black miasma protects Ouyang Wudao, just like a layer of armor. Ordinary warriors in the terrain cannot break through this layer of black miasma, let alone hurt Ouyang Wudao.

Originally, Ouyang Wudao was extremely confident in the defense of his body, but this time Ouyang Wudao panicked because his skin felt a tingling pain. Similarly, his layer of protection was directly broken. The air was broken, and the sharp spear in Gu Feng's hand completely threatened Ouyang Wudao's life.

It was too late to say it, but then it was too late, and a "噗嗤!" sounded.

Ouyang Wudao spat out a mouthful of blood, and then threw his whole body backwards heavily. With a shock, his whole body directly hit a giant tree in the distance.

While the giant tree was shaking constantly, Ouyang Wudao also spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Ouyang Wudao stared at Gu Feng with his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "How is it possible?"

Gu Feng smiled slowly, and at the same time his eyes were fixed, he jumped up immediately, clenched his sharp spear tightly, and shouted: "Human gun is one!"

The ear-piercing sound sounded, and the God-Punishing Spear in Gu Feng's hands seemed to be completely integrated with Gu Feng. While the surrounding spiritual power roared rapidly, Gu Feng also rushed away quickly.

boom! boom! boom!
There were bursts of voices around, and wherever it passed, the space appeared to collapse, and the majestic spiritual power gathered directly at that moment.

"It's death intent, damn it is death intent!" Ouyang Wudao said in shock, death intent is the best nemesis of black miasma, and at this moment, the death intent emanating from Gu Feng's whole body was completely condensed together , like a daunting giant sword, slashed down towards Ouyang Wudao.

At the same time that the sky was filled with death rapidly, the originally viscous black miasma seemed to see a natural enemy. With a bang, it was ejected directly backwards, swish, swish, and within a few breaths, this black miasma Qi will disappear seven or eighty-eight.

It's not over yet, Gu Feng exhaled a long breath, his eyes spun rapidly, and the God-killing Spear he was holding tightly in his hand didn't stop at all.

"Punishing God Spear, Extinguish!" A deep voice sounded.

Gu Feng's protruding body suddenly stopped, and then his footsteps retreated slightly, and with a sound of swish, his whole body actually swayed upwards.

At the same time, the entire sky trembled, and the black miasma that permeated the sky disappeared in a hurry, swish swish, endless death appeared in the sky, followed by a sheet of tens of feet long The giant hand condensed out of thin air.

The giant hand was constantly condensed with death intent, and under the giant hand was Gu Feng's black shadow, holding the God-killing Spear tightly in his left hand, he squeezed it forward again, bang, there was a loud noise, and the front The whole space directly burst, and at the same time, Gu Feng's left hand grabbed it suddenly.

Swish swish!
The space shattered directly, but the originally extremely hard space was now as fragile as a piece of cotton, and the power of nothingness contained in the cotton was completely condensed at that moment.

"Catch the black devil!" Ouyang Wudao's face was also extremely gloomy, and he yelled directly.

Similarly, a giant hand was formed out of thin air. Like Gu Feng, the giant hand also had a self-frequency of tens of feet, but the difference was that this giant hand was filled with countless black miasma.

At this moment, there was a brief buzzing in the sky, and the two giant hands collided with each other, with a bang, like two clouds of black mist colliding.

At the same time as the violent spiritual power sounded, all the time around seemed to have stagnated.

"So strong!"

"Sect Master, I'm afraid this move is about to reach the level of the heavenly realm!"

"Then Ouyang Wudao, presumably he has just broken through to the heaven realm, and his breath is still a little unstable!"

Gu Feng's eyes were completely concentrated, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Break it!"

At the same time as the spiritual power condensed, countless manic thoughts also gathered instantly, and at that moment, the roaring spiritual power completely disintegrated.

At this moment, Ouyang Wudao's complexion finally changed drastically, his eyes widened suddenly, and the eye sockets seemed to pop out as the eye sockets enlarged infinitely.

The corner of his mouth even murmured: "How is it possible, he is just a realm!"

As the wind and cloud passed, Ouyang Wudao spurted out a mouthful of blood, and with a bang, his complexion turned pale, his whole body was more like a bug, and he fell heavily behind him.

The huge palm that was originally condensed by black miasma air collapsed directly.

This is not over yet, Gu Feng's sharp eyes suddenly changed, and the movements of his hands did not stop at all. After a buzzing sound of the God-killing Spear he was holding tightly in his hand, Gu Feng jumped up directly and shot towards Ouyang Wudao ** and go.

Looking at the ever-enlarged Gu Feng in his pupils, Ouyang Wudao clenched his cracked silver teeth, with bloodshot eyes remaining at the corners of his eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Break it!"

At this moment, the black miasma that had disappeared completely condensed again, but this was only the end of the battle after all, and even if it condensed again, it would be nothing more than a drop.

Facing the real God-Punishing Spear, a transcendent artifact, this little resistance is nothing. After a sudden tremor, the God-Punishing Spear directly pierced through the last ray of black miasma, and with a swish, firmly It pierced into Ouyang Wudao's chest.

Endless death entered vigorously, and with a puff, after Ouyang Wudao spat out a mouthful of blood, the breath of life in his whole body dropped rapidly, and within a few breaths, it disappeared completely.

"I want to escape!" Gu Feng snorted coldly, grabbed his left hand forward, and with a bang, the sky shrank, and the soul that had just escaped from Ouyang Wudao's body stagnated immediately, followed by a surge of The attraction roared out.

Ouyang Wudao's soul was directly swallowed by the devouring flame, and Ouyang Wudao died since then!
With a long exhale, Gu Feng calmed down the restless spiritual power in his body. Once upon a time, he could only run away when he saw a strong man in the heavenly realm, but now, he has successfully blasted a strong man in the heavenly realm Killing, even though he is only at the first level of the Heaven Realm, is enough to be proud of for a warrior who is only at the eighth level of the Earth Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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