Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 396 Heaven Swallows

Chapter 396 Heaven Swallow ([-])

God roar!

Two loud noises roared from Hui Fang's mouth, swish swish, the two figures approached rapidly, and at the same time, the roaring spiritual power around them was completely washed away.

The huge voice seemed to condense into a big knife. Surrounded by the spiritual power of the sky, the big knife shuddered and slashed towards Hui Fang. The surrounding space collapsed instantly, and even the ground was Trembling, of course, this is not over yet, the majestic spiritual power was completely fused together at that moment.


With a low growl, Hui Fang's body swelled rapidly, and at the same time, the giant roar that had already roared roared towards the surroundings as if it had been bombed.


At this moment, the originally whistling spiritual power seemed to have been pierced, and actually gathered in mid-air, and in less than a few breaths, it exploded directly.


Cai Shang's rapid body shook suddenly, and then a wild force emerged from the surface of the gray teeth, and at the same time as the sounds kept colliding, Cai Shang spurted out a mouthful of blood, heavily Slam back.

The wolves standing proudly around explained that they were shocked, because what they saw was that their wolf emperor had cracked and hit the ground directly.

"Crack me!" a low growl sounded.

Hui Fang jumped again, and the hooves with thick limbs were like thunder, and they slammed heavily on the ground. With a bang, the whole ground collapsed. At the same time, a majestic force rushed towards the ground. Cai Shang spun away rapidly, hitting its body heavily.

From a distance, Cai Shanglang's body is like a thrown ball, spinning and bouncing.

After finally hitting the ground beside him, Cai Shang's eyes darkened suddenly, and another mouthful of blood spewed out. With a wow sound, the breath in his body dropped rapidly, and the fangs in that wolf's mouth were even broken.

Hoo hoo!The howling spiritual power raged rapidly, and at that moment Cai Shang's wolf body seemed to collapse, and the spiritual power in Cai Shang's dantian was already in a mess between the collisions and combinations of rapidly flowing breaths .

"How is it possible, you are clearly only at the stage of the realm!" Cai Shang's face was full of disbelief, it was true, a gray tooth who only had the realm of the realm beat Cai Shang who had already reached the stage of heaven into such a state, it definitely overturned everything cognition.

Even Gu Feng was dumbfounded, and thought to himself, this Huiya's ability to step up and challenge is even more insane than his own!


Rapid breaths sounded, and at the moment when all the spiritual power gathered, Cai Shang let out another loud roar, roar, roar, the earth-shattering roar quickly condensed, and the howling spiritual power was like rushing air currents, unexpectedly with The speed visible to the naked eye condenses towards Cai Shang.

At the same time, the black miasma that was originally scattered by Gu Feng began to gather little by little at this time, and the strength of the injuries all over the body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye at that moment.

boom! boom! boom!
Every time he healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the black miasma crazily invaded, Cai Shang's whole wolf body was slowly suspended, spreading towards the surroundings bit by bit.

"Dark magic energy! You are indeed a running dog of the black magician lineage. Today, I must clean up the door!" Hui Fang's two front hooves kept bombarding the ground, shaking the whole side of the ground at the same time, A cold voice came out from the corner of his mouth slowly.

"Broken!" With a low growl, Gray Fang jumped up, and with a swish, the wolf body disappeared directly in place. The speed was so fast that even the white light beam could not be seen clearly. It only took a few breaths before it appeared. After getting behind Cai Shang, at the same time, Hui Ya's two front hooves stomped forward, and with a bang, they slammed heavily on Cai Shang's body.

Swish swish!
It was accompanied by the influx of endless spiritual power, but a smile appeared on the corner of Cai Shang's mouth, and Cai Shang's whole wolf body suddenly condensed, and then the howling spiritual power suddenly stopped at that moment. Stopped, completely resisted by the black miasma, at the same time, a huge recoil swept towards Hui Fang.

boom!A low hum sounded, and at the same time as Hui Fang spewed out mouthfuls of blood, his entire body was slammed into the distance, and with a loud noise, a tree in the distance was completely split.

"Jie Jie Jie, Ladolas, even if Lord Tian Yao didn't execute you that day, you still have to die today. Under the great Lord Tian Yao, the power I will gain will be endless, and you, Lado Lars, you are just a scum of the Silver Moon Wolf Clan, you are not qualified to survive, go to hell!" Hui Fang's eyes kept turning red, and the whole wolf roared at that moment .

"Hui Ya!" Gu Feng said anxiously, due to the contract relationship with Hui Ya, Gu Feng could feel the constant weakness coming from Hui Ya.

"Xiaofeng, this black devil energy needs your death intention, so I will lend you a death talisman!" Hui Fang's voice sounded.

Gu Feng nodded and shouted: "Death Talisman, Ning!"

The space trembled suddenly, and then Xu Su gathered countless death intentions. Within a few breaths, the appearance of a death talisman was formed immediately, and then Gu Feng didn't dare to hesitate, and directly patted the death talisman towards Hui Teeth go.

An ear-piercing sound sounded, and the moment Hui Fang accepted the death talisman, his originally weak body began to recover. Although the majestic death intent is something that all living things fear, but things must be reversed at the extreme, this majestic death intent is also the most terrifying. Good healing.

In less than a few breaths, Hui Fang's body stood up again.

Looking coldly at Cai Shang who was growing in front of him, Hui Fang suddenly stepped on his front hooves, and then his entire body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.


While the roaring spiritual power kept beating, within just a few breaths, Hui Fang's body grew to a height of tens of feet, and the spiritual power in his body continued to invade from top to bottom, and Hui Fang's entire body became unusually tall.

"Nie Zhan, you shouldn't exist in this world. You have completely disgraced the face of the Yinyue Wolf Clan, but you forgot that there has always been a secretary in my clan, and that was the first generation of the Wolf Emperor. The secret technique of swallowing the giant dragon is precisely this kind of secret technique that makes our family one of the three royal families, let you experience it today, Tiantun!"

The moment the voice just fell, Huiya's already tens of feet tall body expanded again, and this is not over yet, the whistling spiritual power continued to gather towards Huiya, and at that moment, Huiya's wolf head was full of blood. It is as large as tens of feet.


Shocking, without any stagnation, it directly devoured towards Cai Shang...

(End of this chapter)

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