Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 397 Heaven Swallows

Chapter 397 Heaven Swallow ([-])

Chi Chi!

Cai Shang's wolf face, which was smiling sinisterly, shrank suddenly, and then spit out a mouthful of blood, with a shock, a stream of blood spurted out rapidly, and at the same time, Cai Shang's silver-white hair stood on end.

The majestic sense of oppression roared towards Cai Shang like a volcanic eruption. In less than a few breaths, Cai Shang's body was directly covered.

The surrounding black miasma seemed to be a joke in front of the strong death intent. In less than half a breath, it spread directly to the surroundings. The swishing sound swirled rapidly, and the surrounding black miasma finally became Blast away.

"How is it possible, how is it possible for you to swallow the sky!" Cai Shang's shocked eyes finally showed a deep voice.

Before Cai Shang took over the wolf clan, he also searched for Huiya's former residence, but he couldn't find any news about Tiantun.

After all, the first generation of wolf emperors used the secret art of calming the sky to swallow a giant dragon alive, thus establishing the wolf emperor's position among the three royal families.

"Because only this emperor is the beast emperor, and you are just a joke, how can a joke have Tiantun!" Hui Fang's deep voice sounded, and then his whole body trembled suddenly.

At that moment, darkness appeared in the entire sky, and it was not over yet, the wolf head with whistling gray teeth seemed to come from the Shimen class of hell, and directly devoured Cai Shang.

"No!" Cai Shang was terrified, and roared from his heart. At the same time, the spiritual power of his whole body was completely bound, and the black miasma that had roared away completely disappeared. Cai Shang, who was originally invincible, now But it directly became a failure.

And all this happened in just a few seconds.

The sound passed quickly, and at the same time as all the surrounding scenes disappeared, Hui Fang swallowed suddenly, swish, the sky went dark, and at that moment, even the flowing spiritual power disappeared completely, which lasted for about ten days. Breathing, this piece of sky is bright again.

And after that, Cai Shang's body had already disappeared, leaving nothing behind, and was swallowed alive by Hui Fang, without even struggling.

In a cave that is tens of thousands of kilometers away in this forest, the entire cave is filled with dense black miasma. At this time, a body in the cave suddenly trembled, and a gleam appeared in its eyes. There was a hint of surprise in the voice: "How is it possible, Ladoras!"

At the same time, the space in the cave was distorted, and a figure slowly emerged, and respectfully said to the person sitting there: "Master Tian Yao, the momentum just now..."

"It seems that I still underestimated Ladolas, he didn't die, it's okay, Qinglong, you go and meet him for a while, the aura just now must be that trash Cai Shang is already dead!" The voice of the figure was somewhat hoarse It sounded slowly.

The suspended figure nodded, and then disappeared directly in place, and when it left, it was accompanied by a dragon's chant. Of course, Gu Feng and the others naturally didn't know what happened in front of them.

"Hui Ya!" Gu Feng took a few steps and came to Hui Ya.

"Thinking about the actions just now, the old thing Tian Yao has already noticed, we can't stay in this place for long, follow me!" Hui Fang said with some seriousness.

Gu Feng nodded, that's true. As for the wolves that had been surrounding the surroundings before, they all crawled down at this time, and all the silver moon wolves faced Hui Fang, as if they were welcoming their emperor.

Gray Fang roared a few times, and after a little hesitation, the pack of wolves quickly retreated towards the surroundings. According to Hui Fang, this was the last hope of his Silver Moon Wolf Clan. He told them to hide and save Silver Moon. The power of the last bloodline of the family.

Afterwards, Gu Feng galloped towards the distance with Hui Ya, the followers of Wufu.


Two days later.

"Elder Luo, did the lord send us here this time to slaughter the black mage?"

"Now the mainland is in a difficult situation. As for the black mage, we naturally don't need to take action. We are here for one thing, and that is the benefit. As long as they both lose, we can benefit from it!"

"Elder Luo, you are really wise!"

At this time, several figures are whispering each other, each figure is wearing a purple gown, and the purple gown worn by the old man called Elder Luo is constantly embroidered with a A golden texture.

At the same time, Gu Feng and his party were also rushing towards this direction. Along the way, Gu Feng and his party covered their whole bodies with black robes, not only to conceal their identities, but also to facilitate walking.

Hui Fang's body had already entered Gu Feng's spiritual sea a day ago, because his aura was so eye-catching, he could easily become the target of attention if he was not careful.

"There is someone in front, Elder Luo!" one of the youths whispered.

The old man who was called Elder Luo frowned slightly, and he could already feel a bit of oppression from that aura. Obviously, the aura of the visitor was definitely higher than him.

After turning his eyes, the old man said: "Don't worry, we just need to stand aside!"

"Boss, there seem to be a few people in front!" Fei Hu noticed the warriors in purple-red gowns with his eyes, and said to Gu Feng.

Gu Feng looked away, and his eyes happened to fall on the body of the elder Luo. The more he looked, the more familiar he became. Since the old man kept his head down, Gu Feng couldn't tell for a while. When the two teams were about to miss, a figure suddenly popped up in Gu Feng's mind.

That sound of wild laughter, that ruthless method!

Luo Xuan!

With a sudden wave of his hand, Gu Feng directly ordered the team to stop. The sudden change also made Luo Xuan's heart shudder, thinking to himself, why did they stop suddenly!

I saw Gu Feng walking slowly, trying to calm down the anger in his body, and asked, "May I ask if it's Elder Luo Xuan?"

Luo Xuan!These two words were also heard by Fat Hu and Elder Bo, and for a moment they connected with the person who almost destroyed Haoyue Academy back then, and there was coldness in their eyes.

As for Luo Xuan himself, he exhaled a long breath. He was still a little apprehensive, but when he heard that the other party recognized him, he presumably must be some of his admirers.

Slowly raising his face, Luo Xuan looked at the black figure walking towards him, and said slowly: "This old man is exactly Luo Xuan!"

The familiar face and that voice are exactly the same as the voice in Gu Feng's mind. It was this person who destroyed Hao Lanzong, and it was this person who almost caused Haoyue Academy to also be destroyed.

Suppressing the mania in his heart, Gu Feng tried his best to look calm, and said slowly: "I don't know which sect Elder Luo Xuan is in now, so I can visit you!"

Hearing this, Luo Xuan's smile became more intense, as expected, he said slowly: "Xuantianzong of the Central Region! Don't know the name of the little brother?"

Gu Feng said slowly: "Long time no see, Elder Luo Xuan, why did you forget the kid, my name is Gu Feng!"

(End of this chapter)

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