Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 405 6 Pattern Dragon Body

Chapter 405 Six-pattern Dragon Body
Not only Gu Feng, but every warrior around looked at the Dragon Emperor with surprise at that moment, except Hui Fang's expression was still very calm.

Huiya knew that from the day he chose Gu Feng, the young man in front of him was already different. After all, Huiya was a generation of wolf emperors, who could rival the existence of dragon emperors. How could such an existence be so low-minded?
Swish swish!
At this moment, there was a rapid sound, and at the same time, the spiritual power roaring around went completely mad at that moment, and the eyes of every warrior present were full of shock.

The Dragon Emperor didn't speak, but slowly lowered the dragon's head, and then the dragon's big mouth suddenly opened. Gu Feng only felt a little tension in his whole body at that moment, and then he felt a little bit of tension in his body under the spiritual power that filled the sky. Under the roar, Gu Feng's whole body was suspended bit by bit. During the process of continuous levitation, layers of spiritual power around him spread towards Gu Feng at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Every trace of spiritual power spread would make the skin of Gu Feng's whole body turn ruddy. This is not over yet, the manic spiritual power suddenly changed.

The ear-piercing sound sounded, and Gu Feng's face was completely dull, because he only felt something in his body shoot out directly, and with a bang, an extremely black tile suddenly appeared on Gu Feng's body forward.

The tile of the black dragon!

"Son, your talent is the most powerful I have ever seen among human beings. I have seen a lot of hope in you. Now that the continent has undergone tremendous changes, perhaps the burden of saving the entire continent will be handed over to you!" Long The emperor's voice sounded slowly, but now the voice no longer has any fluctuations, but is full of peace, like a kind old man.

"The one on your body is the tile of the black dragon. I can also feel the aura of the Dragon Emperor on you. It must be because I have practiced the Dragon Emperor's dragon scales to refine the body. In ancient times, the Dragon Emperor and my family had a deep friendship. , and Jin Ri, you Gu Feng will also become my dragon clan's eternal friend!"

"Son, do you understand now? My request is not a matter. I just want you to maintain this world. The continent has been multiplied for tens of millions of years. I don't want to be destroyed in our generation!" Having said that, The voice of the Dragon Emperor has already shown vicissitudes.

Every martial artist present is from Wufu. It is because of the changes in the demon domain that the other four domains have joined forces. Now the dragon clan has become like this, but the dragon clan that was once extremely powerful is only left with this face.

Hui Fang's body was also trembling constantly, his eyes were looking straight at Gu Feng, and all kinds of thoughts arose in his mind, a boy who used to be only in the Profound Realm has grown to such a level now, even a The suzerain of the sect.

This kind of change also confirmed Gu Feng's potential.

Gu Feng clenched his fists tightly, stared straight at the Dragon Emperor, and said in a deep voice: "Dragon Emperor, although I am not a righteous person, if the mainland is in trouble, I will definitely go all out, even if it means sacrificing !"

There was a hint of determination in his tone.

The Dragon Emperor was stunned. At this time, the majestic golden power around him was gathering little by little. The determination released from Gu Feng's body just now had deeply shocked the Dragon Emperor, because this kind of It is impossible to falsify the decisive trend.

Nodding deeply, after a brief shock, the Dragon Emperor slowly said: "Son, do you know that if there was any slight disobedience in your words just now, your name Gu Feng will disappear with the next breath, But you didn't, all your words are so sincere, I believe that everyone who puts their trust in you will not be disappointed."

As soon as the words fell, before Gu Feng could react, the golden power around him trembled, and then there was a swish sound, countless icy meanings emerged rapidly, and the majestic power of ice gathered at one point, puff , like the sound of fear breaking the shell, at that moment, an extremely white tile emerged.

It's not over yet, at this moment, the Yanlong who has been hovering beside the Dragon Emperor trembled slightly, Haotian's flame intent condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye at that moment, swish swish swish, in less than a few breaths Directly formed countless manic flames.

With a bang, a dark red tile appeared on top of the pure white tiles that had just been condensed.

One is as white as jade, and the other is dark red and full of flames. The two tiles are completely bonded to the previous one that shows the power of pitch black.

Chi Chi!

The surrounding voices kept ringing, and Gu Feng's face was completely dull at this time. The two tiles in front of him were the tiles of the ice dragon and the tile of the flame dragon that were necessary for the dragon body technique.

At this time, with the addition of a black dragon tile, the three tiles are completely suspended in mid-air, as if they correspond to each other, and their momentum is constantly expanding.

Gu Feng was shocked. The three tiles in front of him were exactly the tiles of the black dragon, the tile of the ice dragon, and the tile of the flame dragon that his dragon body needed.

"Son, you must have noticed by now that this is exactly what is needed for the dragon body technique. Dragon tiles, every piece of dragon tile is made from the death of every giant dragon, and the world only I know the technique of dragon body, but what I don't know is that even with only these three kinds, it is already possible to refine dragon body."

"The dragon body needs tiles of six major elements in total, which are divided into six-striped dragon body. In simple terms, as long as the power of these six patterns is reached, the dragon body can be trained to great success. Although there are only three dragon tiles in front of us. , you can also practice the three-striped dragon body!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was shocked. The name of Dragon Body Art is absolutely impressive, because the second place on the continent's body training list is Dragon Body Art.

"Son, I have nothing to give you here. The only thing that can help you is to make your physical body reach the three-striped dragon body, but don't think that the three-striped dragon body is bad. I can guarantee that as long as you reach With the body of a three-striped dragon, your physical body is not weaker than that of an adult dragon."

Even Gu Feng, who was already prepared in his heart, immediately took a breath after hearing this, what a shock this is, if this is really the case, it has already explained a lot of things, the physical strength of this dragon body is absolutely It is higher than ordinary giant dragons, and it may even be comparable to the physical body of the Dragon Emperor.

If this is the case, then the dragon body technique is too domineering. You must know that the disadvantage of human beings compared with monsters lies in the physical body, but once the physical body reaches that strength, Gu Feng dare not imagine that it will change. How about Cheng, because that is really terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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