Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 406 Condensed 3-pattern Dragon Body

Chapter 406 Condensed Three-pattern Dragon Body ([-])

Chi Chi!

The two whistling sounds of breaking wind were like heavy bombs, and they roared directly on the ground, and the violent spiritual power around them was like a waterfall falling thousands of feet, continuously bombarding the ground layer by layer.

"Child, get ready!" The Dragon Emperor's deep voice sounded, and then Gu Feng's whole body was shaken suddenly, and the thoughts that had spread out were completely merged at that moment, and with a buzzing sound, all the spiritual power around Condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"In the name of the Dragon Emperor, the tile of the black dragon, Ning!"

There was a loud bang from the sky, and then the spiritual power formed all over the sky directly entrained a giant net, and a majestic aura gushed out from the entire giant net. In just half a breath, it directly crashed Gathered and devoured towards Gu Feng.

Every ounce of spiritual power on the giant net was trembling non-stop. In less than a few breaths, Gu Feng's bones made loud bang bang bang bangs, and the black dragon's tile that had been floating in front of Gu Feng's body quickly flashed past. a glimmer of light.

Immediately afterwards, the black dragon's tile seemed to be filled with life, and directly bombarded Gu Feng.

Swish swish!
Uninterrupted voices sounded, and Gu Feng felt that every cell in his body ejected layers of black miasma power, and each layer of black miasma power seemed to form a huge net, completely It completely bombarded Gu Feng's body.

The urgent voice was condensed, Gu Feng sucked in a breath of cold air instantly, and then a wave of spiritual power that seemed to come from the wilderness gushed out from Gu Feng's dantian, layer by layer of spiritual power continued to condense.

At the same time, the surface of Gu Feng's whole body trembled slightly, and with a bang, an extremely thick dragon scale emerged from the surface of Gu Feng, and the dark dragon scale continuously shone brightly. In an instant, the black dragon's tile that had been suspended in the distance directly turned into a huge light.

With a bang, it fell directly towards Gu Feng's body, puff, at the moment when this sharp light disappeared completely, Gu Feng only felt a sudden shock all over his body, and then his whole body trembled, hissed, and fell down. Suck, a line appeared on that dark skin, black dragon!

When this line of lines was condensed, Gu Feng's spiritual power was also stimulated, and then there was a sudden shock, and the spiritual power that had already reached the eighth level of the realm had once again broken through. Swish, the ninth level of the realm order!
The eyes of Nuo Er and others were completely condensed together, and their eyes were fixed on Gu Feng's body. From a distance, Gu Feng suspended in mid-air was like a center of light, constantly blasting towards the surroundings. With spiritual power.

"My child, this is the Yiwen dragon body, and the next one is the second layer, the tile of the ice dragon. In the name of the Dragon Emperor, Ning!" the Dragon Emperor's deep voice continued to sound.

Afterwards, there was a burst of violence in the entire sky, and it seemed that the entire sky was about to collapse at that moment. At the same time as the majestic spiritual power gathered rapidly, the whistling space around was completely quiet.

But during this quiet time of only a few breaths, at that moment, a wave of spiritual power that was even more violent than before spewed out, but this wave of spiritual power seemed extremely cold, as if it had been taken out of the Jiuyou ice cellar, one after another The icy intent smashed towards Gu Feng.

Chi Chi!

It seemed that this piece of the world could be directly frozen, and the space that was still showing golden power suddenly changed suddenly at that moment. The violent spiritual power passed through, and this piece of space directly changed dramatically.

"In the name of the Dragon Emperor, I call you born, Ning, Yan Zhiwa!" The deep voice sounded again.

Before the ice dragon's tile bombarded Gu Feng's body, another change appeared in this piece of sky, and the spiritual power in the sky was condensed at a speed visible to the naked eye. There was a trace of inflammation in the already extremely cold world.

Layer after layer of heat is like a series of fire dragons, and the sprayed manic flames covered the previous ice dragon tiles at a speed visible to the naked eye at that moment.

One ice and one flame!
Two completely different auras have been completely condensed at this moment, layer after layer of spiritual power roared rapidly, and at the same time as the sound of swish, swish, swish, there was a huge change in this world .

"Yan Bing, Ning!" At this moment, Gu Feng's deep voice sounded, and then the whole sky was shaken, and the roaring spiritual power was completely condensed at this moment.

The tiles of the flame dragon and the tile of the ice dragon, which had already changed the entire space, condensed into countless fragments at this moment. While the loud bangs continued to resound, only three pieces of extremely harsh shapes were seen. The crystal emerged.

One is pitch black, but there are streaks of devouring power appearing and disappearing on the surface!

One is pale, and there is a pale flame on the surface!
The last one has a dark red color, but the power of flames on this crystal seems to be able to split the entire world, extremely overbearing!


The surrounding gust of wind still howled rapidly without stopping.

"This is Yanbing!"

"The suzerain actually has three flame ice!"


Just when the three flaming ices appeared in front of Gu Feng, the eyes of all the warriors in the Martial House below were shocked. Each of them could not understand what the flaming ice was, but once The appearance of three flames of ice, what this means, they are also very clear.

What they didn't expect was that their suzerain, a young man who seemed to be no more than ten years old, had such a violent trump card. At that moment, the eyes that looked at Gu Feng were full of shock.

"Child, control the flame ice in your body. Although the tile of the ice dragon and the tile of the flame dragon are also objects of ice flame, they are still different from the power of flame ice. Control your power of flame ice and fuse together! "A deep voice sounded.

Before the voice dissipated, the howling spiritual power gushed out directly, and rushed towards the distance. While the swishing sounds continued to sound, the tiles of the flame dragon and the tile of the ice dragon directly shot into Gu Feng's body. within the body.


The moment Gu Feng was submerged in the body, he felt his whole body tremble, and the spiritual power in the sky seemed to turn into a wave of hideousness, spreading to the cells of the whole body layer by layer. This is not over yet, just at this moment, A bolt of lightning appeared out of thin air and struck towards Gu Feng's body.

As if the sky was falling apart, Gu Feng's body trembled suddenly, hissing, hissing, one after another, the violent spiritual power was completely condensed at that moment, accompanied by a bang, the whole area The world is cracked.

And this only lasted for a few breaths, because when Gu Feng's body resurfaced again, the three lines were very eye-catching...

(End of this chapter)

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