Xuanbing Martial Ancestor

Chapter 427 The He Family

Chapter 427 The He Family
With a roar, the sitting Hongye's aura immediately rose violently, and then the spiritual power in his whole body suddenly gathered, and with a bang, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face darkened instantly.

And those vicissitudes of the eyes are full of water drops!

Because at that moment just now, Hongye felt the shattering of the consciousness connected to her, and that shattering seemed to be completely annihilated.

With a long breath, Hongye suddenly seemed to be many years older. She stood up slightly, turned her eyes to the front, and said, "Nuel, let's go!"



The spiritual power here is extremely strong. Compared with the other four regions, it can be said that the entire Zhongzhou belongs to the central region. The spiritual power is the most vigorous, but today there is no trace of spiritual power here. It's nothing else, but the extremely dense black miasma.

The viscous black miasma gas seemed to condense into a liquid, and slowly condensed little by little in the space. At the same time, the entire sky became extremely quiet.

On the continents crowded with many warriors on weekdays, at this time there is no trace of a figure, except for a monster that flies past from time to time, and the nearby buildings are even more collapsed. The scene is extremely cold.

"Master Tian Yaohuang, the He family is in front of you!" On the slightly raised hillside, a figure stood proudly, the figure was coiled up backwards, the whole person stood quietly, his eyes were looking straight ahead at the same time , showing a trace of coldness.

And at the side of this figure, there was a black shadow standing at this time, the black shadow buried its head extremely low, and seemed to be afraid of the black shadow in front of it.

"The He family, hehe, I'm afraid it won't take half a day for the inside to collapse!" The Heavenly Demon Emperor stretched out a pair of white palms, his fingers were slightly upturned, and there was a playfulness in his eyes.

A pair of confident appearance!

Ho family.

"Patriarch, what should we do?" In a high hall, there are already many warriors around at this time, and every warrior here is wearing a light blue gown, and the word "He" is outlined on the gown, which is very eye-catching.

If every martial artist here would be able to swallow the sky and destroy the earth if they were all shaken by their feet on weekdays, each one of them is even more important in the entire Zhongzhou.


The sound of rapid breathing continued to spread in the entire hall of the He family at this time, and every warrior's eyes were full of horror.

The old man known as the Patriarch was sitting at the head of the entire lobby at this time, holding a dagger in his hand, and his breathing was not as calm as usual, but a little restless.

This is the head of the contemporary He family, Gu Feng's grandfather, He Huan's father, He Xuantian!

He Xuantian, who is already 70 years old, can be said to be a genuine strongman in the ancestral realm, but not long ago, the army of black magicians came under oppression. He Xuantian faced the Sky Demon Emperor, but he couldn't walk through the opponent's hands for a round, and was directly seriously injured. Fleeing, this is the scene of retreating in He's house.

Although both of them are in the ancestral realm, only He Xuantian can guess clearly how big the gap between the two is. Above the ancestral realm, there is no longer one to nine levels. On the contrary, there is only one level above the ancestral realm. It is good fortune and boarding!
Looking at the entire continent, the only person who has reached the throne is the Sky Demon Emperor. Even those old monsters who have been hiding in their homes for an unknown number of years are still in the realm of good fortune.

To put it simply, even if a martial artist in the Realm of Ascension stands still, it can be said that he will not be damaged at all by a strong man in the Realm of Creation for a year. This is not just a difference in strength, it is already an essential difference. the difference.

It can be said that a person in the realm of good fortune is already a demigod. As long as he fully understands it, he will become a real god, similar to the ancient death god, who will fly directly out of the plane and no longer exist in this star field.

He Xuantian's complexion was also extremely ugly, because at the moment he fought against the Sky Demon Emperor, He Xuantian understood the gap between the two. If he hadn't held the divine weapon in his own hand, he might have been slapped by the Sky Demon Emperor directly. Death, how could there be such a result.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in the lobby slowly stood up, and said in a deep voice: "Now that the general situation in the mainland is gone, even if my father exists, I can't resist the Heavenly Demon Emperor, so I think it's better to surrender good!"


As soon as these words came out, He Xuantian's face immediately became gloomy, and he stood up abruptly, a big rough hand directly hit the mahogany armchair in his hand, after the loud noise, He Xuantian shouted in a deep voice: "Bold!"

This middle-aged man is the eldest son of the He family, He Bian!

"Father, you are old, and the weather has changed now, hahaha!" It was a little strange that He Bian stepped down suddenly, and then the manic spiritual power roared out directly, bang bang bang, one after another At the same time as one after another, there was a brief roar on the entire land.

At the same time, endless black miasma qi jumped directly from the originally quiet lobby around, layer by layer, continuously roaring towards the surroundings.

Chi Chi!

When everyone saw this, they finally took a deep breath. This was clearly the black magician: "Hahaha, now I don't have to hide in Tibet anymore. The existence of the Demon Emperor is great, it's time to change!"

"Breaking Heaven Fist!" At this moment, a cold shout came out, and then the sky suddenly cracked, and with a bang, a pitch-black fist print was directly condensed, and the violent spiritual power was constantly shining on the fist print, ruthlessly Fiercely bombarded towards He Bian.

He Huan!

The person who came was Gu Feng's mother, He Huan. She must have been more than ten years ago. Even the passage of time did not leave a mark on He Huan's pretty face. poor young women.

"Quiet me!" At this moment, He Xuantian shouted in a low voice and trembled, the surrounding black miasma immediately dissipated, and at the same time, a mouthful of blood spewed out of He Bian's mouth, which he never expected His biological father would actually attack him.

There was a loud noise, and He Bian's body slammed straight back, and with a bang, it was directly embedded into a stone wall, and a depression appeared on his chest.

"Nizi..." He Xuantian hadn't finished speaking when a deep voice sounded from around.

"Tsk tsk, it's really a good show, the emperor is a little bit reluctant to kill you?"

At the same time, the entire lobby trembled, a huge hole was formed out of thin air, and a black shadow stepped forward step by step from the huge hole. The atmosphere is a bit dignified.

"The Heavenly Demon Emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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