Chapter 428

A muffled sound sounded, and then the entire sky trembled. A pitch-black figure came out of the crack, stepping towards the outside world step by step. Every step caused the entire sky and earth to collapse.

Ripples appeared in the void under every footstep, and the entire space seemed extremely oppressed under the black miasma of the sky.

"Master Sky Demon Emperor!" He Bian's eyes caught the figure of Sky Demon Emperor in an instant, and he jumped up, ignoring the injuries in his body. of greed.

"Trash!" It's just that the Heavenly Demon Emperor said lightly, and then pulled out his hand, his playful eyes immediately became dignified, and with a snort, his palm pierced through the air and hit He Bian's body directly.

With a swish, He Bian's body froze in place, stunned, endless pain gushed out from his limbs, and he wanted to say something, but found that his throat was firmly stuck, only The one-eyed pupils opened wider and wider.

With a sound of shock, He Bian collapsed heavily towards the ground, and with a bang, the breath of life in his whole body quickly leaked out, and within a few breaths, it completely disappeared.

This scene naturally stunned everyone present, they never imagined that the method of the Sky Demon Emperor was so cruel that he even wanted to kill his own people.

"A person who can only betray, it's useless to keep it!" The Sky Demon Emperor said lightly, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

"Old man, what a pity, facing me, even you don't have the slightest chance of winning. It seems that this continent is what it looks like. If this is the case, there is no need for you to exist, all go to death! "The Sky Demon Emperor said with his hands on his back, suspended in mid-air.

This sentence was extremely harsh and desperate in the ears of every martial artist present, but they didn't have the slightest heart to resist against the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"Huan'er, you are the one I'm most sorry for my father in my life. I'm afraid that after today, the whole continent will be completely torn apart. You close your eyes, and my father will send you to death. The biggest nemesis of Qi is death!" A deep voice sounded in He Huan's heart.

He Huan's eyes trembled suddenly, and his eye sockets became moist instantly. For more than ten years, he hated his father for more than ten years. At this moment, seeing He Xuantian's words, He Huan understood everything. There is nothing more human than this.

At this moment, the space behind He Huan was torn apart, and with a bang, He Huan's body jumped into the space. At the same time, the torn space closed again, and this The series of actions took only half a breath, so fast that even the Sky Demon Emperor didn't realize the existence of it.

"Have you escaped, so what, as long as you are on this continent, you will become the dead souls of my subordinates!" The Tian Yaohuang's deep voice sounded slowly, and then he raised his left hand suddenly, pointed at the sky, and swished Shocking, the spiritual power of the sky was directly condensed, and at the same time, a stern look shot out from the eyes of the Sky Demon Emperor, and he directly bombarded the ground.

The entire lobby of the He family was instantly submerged in black miasma, and all the spiritual power around it also disappeared completely, leaving behind only a strong sense of death...


At this time, Hongye and the remaining members of Wufu were standing in the hall of the once-dead clan. There was nothing else here, only the sky full of spiritual power and strong death energy.

At this moment, the entire sky suddenly cracked, and then the sky was filled with death, and with a bang, a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Sister Huan!" At this moment, a voice sounded, with a strong feeling of yearning in the voice, caught off guard, and a black shadow shot out.

"Brother Gu Hao!" The person who came was He Huan who was sent away by He Xuantian before, and just now he came out of the crack in the space and saw Gu Hao.

It has been more than ten years since the two separated, and now they meet again, naturally they are extremely excited, but at this moment, the meeting between the two is a bit inappropriate.

"Brother Gu Hao!" He Huan never imagined that he could see his lover here, and saw one jumping into Gu Hao's arms, his delicate body trembled instantly with excitement.

It's not like Gu Hao, for countless nights, he looked up at the window sill, hoping to see his wife, but along the way, countless thoughts and expectations burst out completely at this moment.

"Sister Huan, why are you here?" After a few breaths, Gu Hao calmed down first, hugged He Huan's body tightly in his arms, and asked in a low voice.

He Huan was tender for a while, and mist had already appeared in his eyes, and he still had the posture of the devil in the world, so he narrated the experience of this period of time bit by bit.

When it came to the destruction of the He family, He Huan's delicate body trembled even more.

Letting out a long sigh, Gu Hao tightened his grip on the delicate body in his arms again, and a hint of worry rose in his eyes. Even the He family in the Central Territory had been defeated, or even perished. Completely fell into the hands of the black magician.

At this moment, a delicate body walked slowly, looked at Gu Hao and He Huan, and said in a low voice: "Uncle, is this Auntie?"

He Huan was taken aback for a moment, looking at this girl who was no worse than him or even above him, there was a trace of pity in his eyes, and he looked at Gu Hao suspiciously.

Gu Hao smiled awkwardly, and immediately told the story.

After hearing this, He Huan smiled once again on his extremely sad expression, and scolded: "This kid is ruining people..."

That's right, Bi'er, who was already shy, lowered her head even more.

"This must be Madam, the little master is currently in retreat, and now the entire continent has been occupied by black magicians, but the death realm is still peaceful, we just need to wait patiently here!" Hongye's body walked away He came over and said slowly, looking at He Huan with even more respect.

Gu Hao naturally introduced Hongye's identity. As a result, He Huan's already astonished gaze became even more strange. What has happened to his son during this period of time? Call him little master.


At this moment, there was a sudden shaking in this space, and the strong death energy seemed to be bombarded, forming a ripple out of thin air, spreading towards the surroundings.

"Are you here so soon?" Hongye looked around with serious eyes, and said in a low voice.

"Jie Jie, as expected, they are all here, what a pity, I, the person you least want to see, is here again!" A hoarse and gloomy voice slowly rang out in the entire space...

(End of this chapter)

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