Supreme Chef

Chapter 1002 Clan Contest Opens

Chapter 1002 The Hundred Clans Contest Opens (1)

Beggar God couldn't help being stunned when he heard Lin Mu's words, and said, "Who do you want to bring in?"

Lin Mu pointed to Gu Xuan who was playing with Chen Ziyan, and said: "I want to bring Xuanxuan in, Wan Yaomen is staring at Xuanxuan, I am worried that they will make a move secretly, so I want to bring Xuanxuan with me. The ancient trial There are not many people who can enter the land, and even if there are people from the Wanyaomen, there will not be too many, so I will protect it and be safer. At the same time, everyone does not have to worry about being harassed by the Wanyaomen."

The reason why Lin Mu wanted to bring Gu Xuan in was also decided after beheading Jiao Chong.

Lin Mu didn't think that Beggar God and others couldn't protect Gu Xuan, but that there was only one person after all, and it was impossible for him to take care of everyone. This was unrealistic and impossible.

And if Gu Xuan stays here, Wan Yao Sect will always be thinking about it secretly. If it hurts other people, or catches other people as a threat to threaten themselves, then they will be even more passive, so it is better to simply Take Gu Xuan with you.

Beggar God said: "The ancient trial grounds only allow 1000 people to enter, and I'm afraid it won't work to bring people in. The ancient trial lands are extremely mysterious, and ordinary treasures that can bring people can't be hidden unless there are legendary The Chaos Spirit Treasure may be able to bring people in."

There is Chaos Spirit Treasure Lin Mu, and it is still a chaotic world, but Lin Mu's chaotic time cannot pretend to be a person at all, so even if there is Chaos Treasure, Lin Mu has no way at all.

Lin Mudao: "Aside from Chaos Treasure, is there any other way?"

Beggar God said: "There is no other way, maybe it can only be negotiated with the 1000 people who have already entered, in exchange for a quota to enter. But such a quota is extremely precious, I am afraid you will not be able to negotiate at all."

Lin Mu said: "If you can't discuss it, you have to try."

The two days passed quickly, and Lin Mu never left the villa.

When the Hundred Clans Battlefield opened, Lin Mu also led people to the place where the Hundred Clans Battlefield was located.

The battlefield of hundreds of clans is not controlled by anyone, nor is it controlled by anyone. Its battlefield arena is completely evolved by itself.

When Lin Mu brought people here, the Hundred Clans Arena had just begun to evolve.

I saw a series of mysterious lines, gathered from all directions, forming a thousand arenas, large and small, in mid-air.

Obviously, these thousand arenas are prepared for the last thousand people who can enter.

The rules of Hundred Clans Contest are very simple, and very brutal.

When the arena appears, everyone can go up on their own. After going up, they will naturally face the challenges of the same people in the world. As for how many rounds you can last, it all depends on your own ability.

However, the arena is not completely without rules. The arena is only open for three days, and the guards are limited to half a stick of incense for each battle. If there is a winner, the winner stays.

And after two battles, that is to say, after a stick of incense, the ring guards will have a rest time for a cup of tea. During this time, no one can step into the ring.

"You wait for me here." Lin Mu confessed, and went directly to the top of the ring.

Although Lin Mu was flying in mid-air, his spiritual sense had already scanned the audience. When Lin Mu saw the people who went to the banquet with him that day, they all chose to fight on their own with a tacit understanding.

After all, everyone is a genius, and they are the people who are most likely to enter the trial ground. There is no need to fight each other.

Because there are only a thousand arenas, and because of the rules, the competition for the arena at the beginning is already very intense.

Lin Mu valued the arena, and there were no less than a hundred people competing with Lin Mu at the same time.

Among them are geniuses of all ethnic groups, and some old antiques.

However, Lin Mu's speed is not comparable to that of ordinary people, so Lin Mu just stepped out, and by shrinking the ground into an inch, he was already standing on the ring.

Once Lin Mu stands on the ring, he will be automatically recognized by the ring and become the master of the ring.

And when a ring has a master, it can accept only one challenger each time.

"The speed allowed him to occupy a leading position, let me kill him first!" A young man who couldn't tell what kind of sea monster he was, looked at Lin Shu and said arrogantly.

After the genius among the sea monsters finished speaking, he also took a step forward, and he was about to crush the trees when he stepped onto the ring.

He is arrogant but he does have the qualifications to be arrogant. At the age of less than [-] years, he has achieved the Ascension Realm, and [-]% of his immortal energy has been transformed into immortal energy. This is definitely a great genius.

But so what if he is a genius, compared with Lin Mu, such a genius is nothing at all, and if he is not a genius, Lin Mu feels that he has no sense of killing.

Seeing this siren, such a principal, Lin Mu also let out a cold snort, and then punched out directly, and at the same time used his own killing pattern.

The invincible fist, plus the Dao pattern of killing, just a face-to-face, Lin Mu beheaded the genius of this sea monster.

With such a fast speed, a genius was beheaded before the opponent's feet even touched the ring. Such a powerful force made everyone around Lin Mu's ring gasp.

This tree is too powerful, it is not invincible at all, this is the thought in everyone's mind.

"How did he manage to kill a genius of the Siren Clan with just one punch?"

"Who the hell is he? He has such power. Surely he won't be an unknown person?"

Soon Lin Shu's information was picked up by someone.

The only ninth-rank alchemist in the cultivation world, forced the four great emperors and four ancients to endure humiliation and pay compensation, killed the four pavilions, changed his name against the sky, and robbed the luck of Dongxuanzhou...

After such shocking things were dug out one by one, everyone no longer felt that Lin Mu's blow just now was difficult to understand.

For such a peerless and powerful young man, let alone beheading a member of the Kraken clan is normal, it is very normal for him to kill a few old antiques.

And with such an idea, it is true that Old Antique came up to challenge Lin Mu.

Needless to say, Lin Mu could even kill an unworldly strong man with the Blood Demon Sword, not to mention this old antique who has no name.

It took only a cup of tea, and the other party had already surrendered directly.

For those who surrendered, Lin Mu didn't make things difficult for them, and let them go directly.Lin Mu is not a bloodthirsty person.

(End of this chapter)

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