Supreme Chef

Chapter 1001 The Essence of Blood Demon Sword

Chapter 1001 The Essence of Blood Demon Sword (2)

As soon as he got in touch, Old Antique already regretted it, because he also discovered that Lin Mu's physical body was too strong, no matter in terms of strength or speed, he didn't have any advantage at all.

But now he wanted to retreat, but it was already too late. He wanted to retreat, but how could Lin Mu let him leave so easily.

Lin Shu's speed was at full speed at this time, and the speed rules were brought into play to the extreme, and he didn't give Old Antique any chance to distance himself from him.

Lin Shu kept fighting against Old Antique, the speed was getting faster and faster, and of course the strength was also getting stronger and stronger.

In physical confrontation, Lin Mu will not be afraid of anyone at all, even if he is an old man, unless he also cultivates to perfection, otherwise he will not be able to share the same prize with Lin Mu.

After a few hundred moves, Old Antique already felt that his arms had completely lost his instincts, and even the Blood Demon Sword was about to fall out of his control.


Taking advantage of Old Antique's distraction, Lin Mu directly punched the Witch Emperor's Fist, which almost cracked Old Antique's chest, blood flowed profusely, and his aura suddenly weakened.

"Cough cough!"

Old Antique coughed up blood and backed away, with horror and unwillingness written all over his face.

"I told you that you don't have much lifespan, and I told you to find a place to rest, but you just didn't listen." Lin Mu said.

Old Antique looked at Lin Shu, gritted his teeth and said, "You forced me to do this!"

After talking about Old Antique, he directly forced out his blood essence, and was really ready to desperately use his blood essence to sacrifice the Blood Refining Demon Sword.

Seeing this, Lin Mu hastily used the Dao of Slaughter, preparing to directly obliterate this old antique.

This old antique has lived for an unknown amount of time. Lin Mu couldn't have predicted how powerful his blood essence was. If he was really given a sword by it, he might really be unable to resist it.

However, as soon as Lin Mu's killing dao pattern was sacrificed, the Blood Demon Sword attacked on its own, and a huge blood-colored sword glow directly met the killing dao pattern.


The two collided together, arousing blood wolves all over the sky. The sea area thousands of miles below their feet was instantly stained with blood. As for the creatures in the sea, they were directly strangled. a Dead Sea.


After being blocked by the Blood Demon Sword, Lin Mu let out a muffled grunt, and took a step back, his Qi and blood surging.

Lin Mu looked at the Blood Demon Sword, and Old Antique was also looking at the Blood Demon Sword. Obviously, the sword just now was not triggered by Old Antique at all, but the Blood Demon Sword's own attack.


Suddenly, Old Antique let out a scream, and then he saw the blood all over his body frantically pouring into the Blood Demon Sword, and his body was quickly shriveled.

"Ah! It really is a magic sword, I'm not willing!" This was the last voice that Old Antique made before his death.

In just a few breaths of effort, the Blood Demon Sword sucked the old antique dry, and then it turned the tip of the sword and pointed directly at the tree. Obviously, it was also going to want the blood of the tree.

"Looking for death!" Lin Mu didn't care about the origin of the Blood Demon Sword, if he dared to draw his attention, he was looking for death.

Lin Mu directly sacrificed his own domain, and at the same time sacrificed the sky fire, preparing to destroy it directly.


The Blood Demon Sword exuding blood radiated a demonic howl, and then the sword body shook wildly, tearing apart the forest's domain and leaving through the air.

As soon as the Blood Demon Sword left, it disappeared without a trace, giving Lin Mu no chance to pursue him.

Lin Mu looked at the disappearing Blood Demon Sword, and was extremely depressed, but if this kind of ancient heaven-defying treasure wanted to escape, he would definitely not be able to stop it.

"It seems that the world is not going to be peaceful again?" Daoist Guang couldn't help sighing when he saw the Blood Demon Sword fleeing.

Lin Mu also nodded, and Lin Mu felt that the unrest after the appearance of the bronze palace this time was probably much greater than ever before.

The blood demon sword, a magic weapon that swept across an era, the gluttonous monster that devoured endless lives, and all kinds of treasures or evil things that had a great reputation in ancient times, all appeared in powder in this era.

One of these is enough to stir up the boundless bloody wind, if they appear together, I am afraid that they can directly destroy the world.

Such a thing is too far away, Lin Mu still cares more about everything in front of him, after solving the old antique, Lin Mu also directly turned around and answered Hundred Clans Battlefield.

As soon as Lin Mu returned to his villa, Fan Xiaoxiao and others immediately surrounded him.

"Lin Mu, are you okay?" Yu Yaqing asked worriedly.

Lin Mu looked at the crowd and said with a smile, "What can I do, just go to a banquet."

Beggar God said solemnly: "Didn't you encounter anyone blocking you on the way back?"

Lin Mu looked at the Beggar God and said, "How do you know?"

Beggar God said: "Many young geniuses have already fallen, and they were all shot by old antiques. Even the emperor's son of the Emperor Sect was harassed by those old antiques."

"En?" Lin Mu frowned when he heard the words of the Beggar God.

Lin Mu thought that what he encountered was just an isolated case, but he didn't expect that it was organized.

Apparently this was the result of discussions between some old antiques. Their goal was obviously to wipe out young geniuses like Lin Mu and the others, and then compete for the places that passed the trial.

"Did any famous genius fall?" Lin Mu asked.

The beggar said: "There are five people who have fallen so far. Except for one who is a disciple from the Jiang family, the other four are from some nine-star sects."

"Someone from the Jiang family has fallen, is it Jiang Shili?" Lin Mu asked.

The beggar said: "No! It's a genius named Jiang Hong. It is said that he is not the Xuezang genius that the Jiang family really wants to fight."

Lin Mu nodded, and knew that the hidden geniuses of the great families would not fall so easily, but the death of a genius would still do a lot of damage to the ancient families.

God of Beggars paused for a moment, and continued: "Because those old antiques have gone too far, so Dimai and the ancient family have jointly issued a statement that if any of these old antiques dare to attack their disciples, they will join hands to sweep the hundred clans. All the old antiques in the battlefield."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "They are really domineering, this is a battlefield, and no one is allowed to touch their people."

Beggar God said: "Although they say that, those old antiques will not be afraid at all. Besides, they have already formed an alliance. Even Emperor Mai and the ancient family have to be afraid of three points."

Yu Yaqing said: "There are still two days left, and the Battle of Hundred Clans is about to start, you should not go out, just stay in the villa."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I won't go out again."

After a pause, Lin Mu asked, "Senior, what if I want to bring someone in?"

(End of this chapter)

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