Supreme Chef

Chapter 1000 The Essence of Blood Demon Sword

Chapter 1000 The Essence of Blood Demon Sword (1)

The trees kept dodging, and the battlefield between the two also spanned thousands of miles.

The heartless sea is boundless, and the battlefield spanning thousands of miles is already considered a huge movement, but placed in the entire heartless sea, even a single wave cannot be stirred up.

Lin Mu was delaying time while fighting. Lin Mu had the advantage of speed, but the speed of that old antique was not slow. The most important thing was that the blood-red sword glow from the ancient sword in his hand was too fast. Now Lin Mu was getting faster and faster. It's hard to avoid.

"This old immortal's blood is so strong, it's been delayed for so long, but it's fine." Lin Mu thought angrily in his heart.

Old Antique, who was following Lin Mu, seemed to see what Lin Mu was thinking, and smiled contemptuously: "Boy, you think you know the secret of the Blood Demon Sword, and you want to delay so much and drain my blood. I tell you You, the old man, have collected the blood essence of countless strong men in this life, even if you are exhausted, the old man's blood essence will not be exhausted."


Hearing what this old antique said, Lin Mu also cursed secretly, and he just kept avoiding it blindly, forgetting that blood essence can be collected. This old antique has lived for many years. Since he knows the temper of Blood Demon Sword so well, Naturally, they will frantically collect blood.

After so many years, he really didn't know how much blood essence he had collected.If I still blindly escape like this, I am afraid that when my physical strength is really exhausted, this old antique's blood will not be exhausted.

Thinking of this, Lin Mu simply did not run away.

Old Antique, who was following Lin Mu, saw Lin Mu stop, and also said, "Why don't you run away, boy, but keep running. The old man will see how long you can escape."

Lin Mu looked at the old antique and said, "I just remembered that I still have some things to do, so I decided to deal with you here."

Old Antique sneered, and said: "I'd better let this old man take your life here. Your Sky Fire is pretty good, and this old man likes it. I'm going to take it away."

After finishing speaking, Old Antique swung the blood demon sword directly, and endless blood-colored sword energy rushed towards him, vowing to strangle Lin Shu to death.

Faced with such a large amount of blood-red sword energy, Lin Mu didn't dare to take it hard, and he just dodged and left the place.


The bloody sword energy directly blasted a small island with a radius of a hundred miles behind Lin Mu. The island was bombarded by the bloody sword energy and completely disappeared from the heartless sea on the spot.


Seeing the power of the Blood Demon Sword, Lin Mu couldn't help but gasp.

"Still running away, I think you can escape there this time!" Old Antique waved his hand again, this time circles of sword energy blasted out, blocking all the escape routes of Lin Shu.

"Boy, your speed is good. If you keep running away, I really can't do anything to you, but if you stop, then you can only go to hell." Old Antique's mouth showed a smirk.

"Since you like Tianhuo, I will show you the true power of Tianhuo!" Lin Mu sneered in the same way, and directly integrated Tianhuo into Wuying Dao, and swept out with the first cut of Tianhuo.

Immediately, a huge sky fire saber formation appeared in front of Lin Shu, and the sky fire saber formation frantically strangled, no matter how many bloody sword lights came over, they were all strangled in an instant.

In front of Tianhuo, the bloody sword energy had no ability to resist at all.

"Knife formation!" Old Antique saw Lin Mu's sword formation, not only did he not have the slightest fear in his eyes, but was unusually fiery.

This is definitely an unworldly combat skill. If you can master it, your strength can definitely be raised to a higher level.

"Boy, as long as you hand over the sky fire and sword manual, and leave the battlefield of hundreds of clans, I can let you go!" Old Antique had already thought about Lin Shu's splitting sky nine times in his heart.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "Okay! Then I'll demonstrate it to you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Shu also directly slashed out, and endless murderous intentions swept across. With the cooperation of Skyfire, violent murderous intentions spewed out directly, turning the entire ruthless sea into an endless purgatory.

When Old Antique saw Lin Shu's terrifying knife, he couldn't help but change color. With the Blood Demon Sword in his hand, he slashed crazily, and hundreds of blood-colored sword qi swarmed out.



The sword energy kept colliding with this purgatory, and finally after all the sword energy was exhausted, the old antique just escaped from the trap.

"Although the old guy has collected a lot of blood essence, I don't think you can last long if you continue to consume it like this? And I think the Blood Demon Sword needs a lot of blood essence to nourish it every day. You have a lot of blood essence stored, But I'm afraid it won't be able to withstand its consumption!" Lin Mu said with a sneer.

Of course Taoist Guang told Lin Mu these things, but this just happened to allow Lin Mu to test this old antique.

Sure enough, when this old antique heard Lin Mu's words, his heart couldn't help beating violently.

Although the old antique was well concealed and his expression didn't change at all, Lin Mu also captured some details, knowing that Taoist Guang's guess was right.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Taoist Guang said. The power of the Blood Demon Sword is against the sky, and of course you have to pay a sufficient price.The price is naturally that it must be fed with a large amount of blood every day.

So although this old antique kills a large number of monks every day, the appetite of the Blood Demon Sword is getting bigger and bigger, so although his storage is rich, as the appetite of the Blood Demon Sword increases, his storage is not left. How much did you download?

The pursuit of Lin Mu just now consumed nearly one-third of his storage, and he still dare not use up the remaining two-thirds.

Because the Blood Demon Sword has a characteristic, that is, every time he fights for him, the demand for blood essence will more than double than before. The remaining two-thirds, at least more than half, must be reserved for the Blood Demon Sword. Used after a sword fight.

"The old guy has been hit by me." Lin Mu said.

Old Antique snorted coldly, and said: "Even if you guessed it right, so what, you're still going to die."

Lin Mudao: "I went to the fortune teller to look at the physiognomy. He said that I have a long life. I think I will live longer than you. Unlike you who are lifeless, I am afraid that there are only a few days to live. I advise you Just enjoy your life and don't waste your time here."

When Old Antique heard Lin Mu's words, he was also furious, and he went up with his sword, ready to fight Lin Mu hand-to-hand.

Lin Mu sneered disdainfully, and then directly bullied him. This is what Lin Mu wanted.

Lin Mu really didn't have a good solution for the long-distance attack of the Blood Demon Sword. After all, the sword was a bit weird, but if he was close to him, as long as he used the sky fire to protect himself, the Blood Demon Sword would be helpless.


Holding the Shadowless Knife, Lin Mu rushed forward, and it was the first time that the two of them fought together without any fanfare.

(End of this chapter)

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