Supreme Chef

Chapter 999 Blood Demon Sword

Chapter 999 Blood Demon Sword
Lin Mu looked at Old Antique on the opposite side, and said: "You are not ashamed, you can do such a thing, but you listen to my self-knowledge, know that I can kill you, come and stop me in advance."

Old Antique, with a gloomy face, said: "Boy, I know you have means, but I advise you better not to try, otherwise it won't be worth losing your life."

Lin Mudao: "Actually, I also want to tell you this, don't waste your life here, it's not easy for you to live for so long."

When Old Antique heard Lin Mu's words, he was also furious. He directly raised his flying sword whose age could not be seen, and beheaded Lin Mu.


The flying sword is so powerful that with one strike, the sea water in a radius of a hundred miles is directly evaporated.

Lin Mu looked at the quaint flying sword, and he didn't dare to neglect it in the slightest, and also sacrificed the Shadowless Knife to block it.


When the Shadowless Knife confronted Feijian, there was a sudden violent explosion, and the sea water under the forest was directly stirred up by a curtain of water, covering everything.

The flying sword flew upside down and returned to Old Antique's hand, and Lin Mu stared at the simple flying sword in Old Antique's hand, and his eyes were a little more solemn.

This flying sword is absolutely extraordinary, the probing blow just now caused Lin Shu's arms that were shaken to rise up, and Lin Mu felt a strange fluctuation from the flying sword, and this fluctuation seemed to swallow him.

Holding the flying sword in his hand, Old Antique looked at Lin Shu and said, "Boy, you still have a chance to regret it now, otherwise it will be too late for you to regret it later."

Lin Mu snorted coldly, and said, "Regret! I'm afraid it's you who will regret later."

Old Antique let out a rage, shook his wrist, and sternly shouted: "Go!"

The quaint flying sword burst out again, the flying sword was as powerful as a dragon, and the powerful oppressive sword energy made Lin Shu's nerves tense.

"Open it for me!"

Lin Mu held the shadowless knife in both hands, and chopped Huashan Mountain heavily on the flying sword coming over.


Swords clashed, and powerful sound waves scattered in all directions, completely crowding out the sea water with a radius of ten thousand feet. Even the reefs on the bottom of the sea were clearly visible. You must know that the heartless sea is tens of thousands of feet deep. At this time You can clearly see the reefs on the seabed, which shows the power of this attack.

Of course, the most important thing is not this, the most important thing is that Lin Mu felt that the flying sword seemed to be sucked on his shadowless knife, and there was an extremely strong bloodthirsty suction force from the flying sword, as if to draw It was as if Lin Shu's whole body had been sucked dry.

Lin Mu frantically operated his kung fu to resist this strange suction, but the suction was too strong, and soon Lin Mu felt that the suction had surpassed his own kung fu resistance.

Old Antique watched Lin Mu being sucked by his flying sword, and also sneered, "Boy, just wait to be sucked dry by my flying sword. With your blood essence, my baby will definitely be able to evolve again. It takes more Thank you for your blood."

Lin Mu didn't have the time to answer Old Antique's words at this time, Lin Mu was thinking about what he should do to resist this strange suction.

Although Lin Mu was resisting with all his strength, Lin Mu still felt that the essence and blood in his whole body were being attracted and flowed towards Feijian.

"Heavenly fire, burn me!"

Since he couldn't resist, Lin Mu was also planning to destroy the flying sword, and directly summoned Liushuangtianhuo, preparing to destroy it completely.

Just as Tianhuo appeared, the flying sword just flew backwards, not daring to touch Tianhuo at all.

"You still have Skyfire!" Old Antique looked at the flying sword in his hand, his expression also fluctuated.

Finally forcing the weird flying sword back, Lin Mu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I still have a lot of things. I'm afraid that you will die. You have seen so many things."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he punched out directly, and the flaming waves rolled out. The five layers of flaming waves were fully unfolded, directly evaporating the sea water, and the isolated island below was directly melted into billowing magma.

Seeing the flame waves sweeping towards him, that old antique also quickly backed away. At the same time, the flying sword in his hand slashed down quickly, and a lot of blood-colored sword energy blasted out, blocking the speed of the flame waves.

"The flying sword in his hand may be the number one magic sword in ancient times, the blood demon sword." Taoist Guang said in a serious tone as he looked at the bloody sword aura.

"Blood Demon Sword! What is this?" Lin Mu didn't know much about ancient weapons.

Guang Dao said humanely: "The Blood Demon Sword can be said to be a weapon, or it can also be said to be a living being. This Blood Demon Sword is very strange. It exists by absorbing the blood essence of the practitioner, and it also relies on the essence blood of the practitioner to advance. As for It is said to be a living creature because when it reaches a certain level, it will directly transform into a blood demon.

There are even rumors that this blood demon sword is simply the incarnation of a peerless blood demon who escaped from the ancient times.As for what it is, I don't know, but this blood demon sword is indeed very strange.

In ancient times, the Blood Demon Sword once caused huge waves that swept across an era, but in the end the Blood Demon Sword disappeared inexplicably. Unexpectedly, it has reappeared now. "

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu felt a little wary in his heart.

Lin Mu has never seen this kind of weird magic weapon, especially this kind of magic weapon that can be promoted. Lin Mu always thought that only his Shadowless Knife could do this in the entire cultivation world, but he never thought that there is such a magic weapon.

Of course, the Blood Demon Sword and the Shadowless Knife are quite different. The Shadowless Knife is a real magic weapon, while the Blood Demon Sword may be transformed by a peerless blood demon, which belongs to the existence of half life and half magic weapon.

The flames spread completely, and Old Antique was not wiped out by the flames, but he was also in a very embarrassing situation. Most of his beard and hair were burned, and the sleeve robe on his body was also burned with many holes.

"Old alopecia areata, what skills do you still have, show them all, otherwise I'm really afraid that you won't have a chance." Lin Mu said mockingly.

When Old Antique heard Lin Mu calling him alopecia areata, he was also furious, and immediately cut off his scorched hair and beard with the knife in his hand.

"Boy, you have successfully angered me, and I will let my blood demon sword suck you into a mummified corpse!" Old Antique also spoke fiercely.

Hearing the words "Blood Demon Sword" from his mouth, Lin Mu also confirmed the identity of the flying sword.

Lin Mu looked at Old Antique on the opposite side, and said: "With a broken sword, you want my young master's life. You old bald man thinks a lot."

When Old Antique heard Lin Mu calling him an old bald man, he was even more annoyed. He immediately slashed out with a sword, and the bloody sword energy shot out like a blood dragon.

Facing such a knife, Lin Shu also slashed out with the third slash, and the space was shattered immediately, completely splitting the blood dragon, completely shattered into blood-colored powder.

"He is using his own blood to arouse the power of the Blood Demon Knife. As long as you hold him back, he will surely die!" Daoist Guang sent a voice transmission to Lin Mu again.

Lin Mu nodded, also preparing to adopt a delaying tactic.

The Blood Demon Knife is a bit weird, and Lin Mu can't figure out the ability of this Blood Demon Knife, so he doesn't want to take risks. Since he can adopt a delaying tactic to drag the old bald man to death, Lin Mu naturally doesn't want to waste this opportunity.

Old Antique kept chopping bloody sword energy, and each time it became more powerful, even if Lin Shu kept dodging, he felt more and more dangerous.

Lin Mu had no doubts that if he was struck by the bloody sword energy, it would be difficult for him to get out of the body even if he had a flawless body.

(End of this chapter)

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