Supreme Chef

Chapter 1004 Purchase Quota

Chapter 1004 Purchase Quota
Having escaped a blow from Taoist Peng, Lin Mu wanted to get the pearl even more.

This pearl is definitely a treasure, the key is the pure yin and yang energy inside, which can definitely help Lin Shu advance.


Under the control of Taoist Ceng, Zhuzhu slammed into Lin Mu again, and Lin Shu dodged again, but this time the reinforced ring was not shaken.

"Boy, I see you hiding there this time!"

Daoist Guang's handprints flew up, and the pearls spun rapidly, and then with a bang, yin and yang qi rolled down.

Although the yin and yang qi are known as the mother qi of all things, their attack power is also extremely powerful. Anyone who is swept away may die instantly.


Seeing the yin and yang qi rolling down, all the spectators gasped. It seems that it is not unreasonable for the Taoist clam to be able to sweep all the way.

It's just that in the eyes of everyone, the extremely dangerous yin and yang energy is a great tonic in Lin Shu's eyes.

Lin Mu's eyes lit up, and he took a step forward, directly bullying him.

Taoist Bang sneered when he saw that Lin Mu was so ignorant that he was about to challenge his own yin and yang attack.

However, before his smile fully bloomed, it froze directly on his old face the next moment.

I saw that Lin Mu was not as good as the Yin and Yang Qi, and he made a strange hand formula, and then the Yin and Yang Qi, which could easily kill people, rolled into Lin Mu's body, and was directly refined by Lin Mu.

Yin and Yang directly enter the body, which is tantamount to seeking death, but Lin Shu can be directly refined, which immediately shocked countless people's jaws.

Taoist Bang looked at Lin Mu in disbelief, not knowing what to say at all.



The pure yin and yang energy entered Lin Shu's body, immediately making Lin Shu's clothes rattle, and Lin Shu's hair was also automatic without wind.

Seeing the yin and yang energy in his pearl flowing towards Lin Mu's body, Taoist Mu was completely panicked.

This is its life-saving magic weapon, a magic weapon bred by itself, if it is damaged, it will be fatal directly.

What's more, my own pearl, under my own sacrifice, finally absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, and evolved the yin and yang qi on its own.

Daoist Guang's handprints changed again and again, and he was about to put away the pearls.

Sensing that Taoist Guang wanted to take the pearl away, Lin Mu also opened his eyes, looked at Taoist Guang, and said, "Don't be so stingy, old man, let me borrow your pearls."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he stepped out with one step, and at the same time opened his domain completely, completely restraining the pearl.


Taoist Bang felt even more bitter when he saw that Lin Mu opened up his domain.

He never thought that he would get into trouble with such an evil star, and the yin and yang qi he cultivated seemed to be lost.

Taoist Ceng urged desperately, but Lin Shu's domain completely isolated all his urging, and Lin Shu absorbed it too fast, the yin and yang qi in his pearls, which were originally distinct, now only remained a ball. up.


Finally, with a crisp sound, a crack appeared on the pearl, and the yin and yang energy inside was completely sucked dry.


Taoist Ceng spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and his body couldn't help but staggered for a while.

Looking at the pearl that had completely lost its brilliance, Lin Mu waved his hand and directly grabbed the pearl in his hand.

"It's useless for you to keep this pearl, just give it to me, you can go, I don't want to do more evil!" Lin Mu said.

Taoist Bang looked at the pearl in Lin Mu's hand, feeling extremely unwilling, but he also knew that he was no match for Lin Mu at all, so he turned around and left angrily, unwilling to stay here any longer.

Lin Mu put away the pearl, and he was also in a good mood. The only regret was that the yin and yang qi in the pearl were still a bit weak, which failed to allow Lin Mu to advance smoothly, and his cultivation was stuck at the peak of the seventh level of the Ascension Realm.

Lin Mu directly defeated Taoist Bang, and this time, no one really challenged Lin Mu anymore.

Lin Mu is completely idle now, and of course there are many people who are as leisurely as Lin Mu.

The sons of Emperor Zong showed the demeanor of the great emperor and directly suppressed the heroes. As for some geniuses from the ancient family Xuezang, they were also born out of nowhere, and no one could match them.

Looking at these geniuses, some old antiques left silently, knowing that the trial ground this time must have nothing to do with them, and at the same time they also knew that this day has really changed, so many geniuses appeared, their The era is really over.

The competition continued, and Lin Mu saw that Xiaoyi had also displayed a strong fighting power, but Xiaoyi was too negotiable. After two and a half days, he didn't kill a single person, and all of them went to the end.

Of course, this is also completely in line with the character of the mermaid tribe. The mermaid tribe does not advocate violence.

In the last half of the third day, the competition was truly fierce and fierce. All the people who were likely to attack launched the final sprint.

Quite a few arenas have been repeatedly reinforced. Except for a few arenas such as Lin Mu, the rest of the arenas have almost changed owners several times.

There are even masters from other great domains who are directly wiped out in the realm of comprehension.


A beep sounded, which also meant the final end of the competition. The remaining 1000 people on the ring all breathed a sigh of relief. They all knew that they had obtained the qualification to enter last.

Just as Lin Mu was about to buy a quota, someone made a move before Lin Mu, and the one who made the move was someone from the Emperor Sect.

"Purchase the place of trial, two high-grade spiritual veins, plus the right to use the Dimaic Cave Heavenly Blessed Land for a hundred years!"

Lin Mu frowned slightly when he saw the price offered by Emperor Zong, but he still followed up with his own price.

"Buy me a quota, and I'm willing to take out a high-grade spiritual vein, plus two furnaces of any ninth-grade pill!"

There are indeed many opportunities in the trial ground, but the danger is also great.According to the ancient records, almost [-]% of the people who enter the trial ground will die in it every time, and the remaining [-]%, [-]% cannot go too far.

So the chances are great, but your own life is also more important.

At this time, if someone buys this quota, it is natural that someone is tempted, especially the price proposed by Lin Mu.

They entered the trial ground for nothing more than to make their cultivation and strength one step closer. Now that Lin Mu directly offered the temptation of the ninth-grade elixir, it was tantamount to directly helping them advance safely.

(End of this chapter)

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