Supreme Chef

Chapter 1005 Starry Sky Ancient Road

Chapter 1005 Starry Sky Ancient Road (1)

"I'm willing to change with you!" Soon someone stood up and was willing to exchange a place with Lin Mu.

This is a siren from the Heartless Sea. Its body is a fish unknown to the forest, but it should not be a big clan in the Heartless Sea. It is reasonable for a genius of a small clan to sell his quota.

After all, in such a small race, he may be the only genius, and if a genius like him perishes in the trial ground, it is likely to drag down the entire race.

Now he exchanged his quota for a high-grade spiritual vein, plus two furnaces of ninth-grade pills, which was not only in his own interest, but also in the interest of the entire ethnic group.

It is very likely that two or three masters will be created after two furnaces of ninth-grade pills, so that the revival of their family is hopeful.

Seeing that Lin Mu had concluded the deal so quickly, the members of Dimai and the ancient family were all very angry.

However, it is impossible for them to take out ninth-grade pills to buy places like Lin Shu.

They don't have a ninth-rank alchemist, but if they use one less than one of these nine-rank elixir, they won't use it to buy quotas.

But fortunately, Lin Mu only bought a quota for Gu Xuan. After purchasing, Lin Mu also directly arrested Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan was forcibly captured by Lin Mu, and she was also dancing.

"Little dad, I don't want to go in, I want to play with my mother and Ziyan." Gu Xuan danced and screamed as she flew.

Hearing Gu Xuan's cry, everyone couldn't help but feel ashamed.I was fighting for a spot, but this Gu Xuan didn't want to go in yet.

Lin Mu held Gu Xuan in his hand and said, "Did you forget what I told you?"

When Gu Xuan heard Lin Mu's words, she was also honest, flattened her lips, and said, "Those from the Ten Thousand Demon Sect are really annoying, and I'm going to go on an adventure with Ziyan?"

When Lin Mu heard that these two little rascals were going to explore, he felt ashamed for a while.

The quotas were traded quickly, and among the [-] quotas, there were always more than [-] people who agreed to the transaction.

After all, not every big clan is a giant like an emperor. Since they have vested interests in front of them, they are not willing to take risks.

After the transaction was completed, everyone also stepped into the teleportation array in the ancient trial ground.

Lin Mu hugged Gu Xuan and followed her up. Lin Mu was also full of endless curiosity about this magical place of trial.

The teleportation array started on its own, and after a whirlwind, Lin Mu and Gu Xuan finally appeared in this ancient trial place.

"Starry sky!"

Looking at the starry sky in front of him, Lin Mu was also a little at a loss.

This ancient trial place turned out to be a starry sky.

Lin Mu asked Taoist Guang, "Senior, is this the place of trial?"

Taoist Guang replied, "Yes."

Lin Mu said: "But this place is clearly a starry sky, and there is the shadow of the trial ground there."

Taoist Guang said: "The starry sky in front of you can be called a place of trials."


Lin Mu originally thought that the place of trial was a secret place, but he didn't expect that it was a vast expanse of starry sky. With such a vast place of trial, how could Lin Mu find opportunities.

Daoist Guang said: "I have been here once, but there is a map here, you should take a look first."

After talking about Lin Mu, an extra map appeared in Lin Mu's mind.

Seeing this map, Lin Mu was really sure that this endless starry sky was the place of trial.

However, although this trial ground is a bit too vast, there are still priorities.

Among the trial places, the most important trial place is an ancient starry sky road.

This is also the path taken by the ancient supreme being. According to legend, if one can reach the end of the ancient road, one can become supreme and command the world. However, this legend is really just a legend, because no one has really verified it.

Even if someone has come to the end and achieved supreme status, he will not prove these things with ordinary people.

Of course, besides the Starry Sky Ancient Road, there are countless branches, all of which lead to mysterious areas, with endless secrets and opportunities.

Many ancient powers entered here but their lifespan was nearing the end of their lives, and their tombs are here. These ancient powers' tombs are great treasures for anyone, even immortals.

"So that's how it is." After reading the map, Lin Mu had a general understanding of the place of trial.

In fact, the Starry Sky Ancient Road, to put it bluntly, is composed of one hundred and eight huge stars.

These one hundred and eight big stars can be said to be the one hundred and eight passes on the ancient starry sky road, or these one hundred and eight stars are the real place of trial.

These [-] stars cannot be crossed by anyone. Of course, if you want to take a detour, you will always deviate from the ancient path of the starry sky, and you will never be able to become supreme.

However, although one hundred and eight stars do not seem to be many, let alone the area of ​​each star, it is almost comparable to the vastness of the cultivation world. Even the danger on each big star is not something ordinary people can bear ,
Even if there are many powerful existences in ancient times, I am afraid that they will not be able to pass the first big star.

Lin Mu compared the map and found that he was in the middle of the first and second big stars.

But although the big star is extremely huge, compared to the boundless star field, it is not a matter of a day and a half to reach it.

As for the ancient road to the fairy world that Bai Yan mentioned, Lin Mu is not interested in taking care of it for the time being. When Bai Yan finds him, he will have time to go.

Lin Mu made a choice, and finally decided to go directly to the first big star, after all, the front is safer.

"Senior, did you say that the ancient road leading to the fairy world really exists?" After arriving here, Lin Mu was even more confused about whether there was an ancient road to the fairy world.

Daoist Guang said: "There should be, because there are legends that this trial land is actually connected with Wanyu, and almost every domain has an entrance. According to this statement, it is entirely possible to connect to the fairy world Yes. It’s just that the legend is an ancient legend. In the ancient place of trial, it seems that there is only one entrance to the cultivation world. I don’t know how it is. After all, this place is too strange for ordinary people to detect. "

After hearing Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu suddenly had a very bold idea in his mind, and said, "Senior, do you think that the end of this ancient starry sky road will be another world that exists completely higher than the world of ten thousand realms, or that there Is it the real dwelling place of the supreme being? Could it even be the source of all worlds?"

Lin Mu's idea was really bold, but after careful consideration by Taoist Guang, he felt that although Lin Mu's idea was bold, he also felt that this idea was not impossible.

Thinking of this kind of thought, Lin Mu's heart moved again, and said, "Is there a time limit for this trial place, senior?"

(End of this chapter)

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