Supreme Chef

Chapter 1006 Starry Sky Ancient Road

Chapter 1006 Starry Sky Ancient Road (2)

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Taoist Guang understood what Lin Mu wanted to ask, and said, "There is no time limit here. Moreover, this place is hardly affected by the destruction of the ancient times. The rules of heaven and earth here are almost the same as those in ancient times. Even the road ahead should be the same as that of the ancient times." The ancients are exactly the same. There will definitely be the great powers of the ancients ahead, but you don’t have to think about it, they are too far away from you, and they will not look back.”

Lin Mu gasped when he heard Taoist Guang's words. Lin Mu was just guessing before, but he didn't expect his guess to be true.

Lin Mu was shocked in his heart, in his heart he really wanted to see the demeanor of the ancient Almighty, but Lin Mu also knew that he was too far away from them, and it was impossible to go that far.Such an idea, Lin Mu just thought about it.

Taoist Guang paused for a moment, and then said: "And I suspect that the destruction of the ancient times was probably man-made."

"Man-made!" The trees shook again. This kind of thing that destroyed an era can still be man-made. This is too amazing.

Dao Guang said: "I came here too, and after seeing the situation here, I came up with such a speculation."

"An era has been shattered, who did this? What is the purpose?" Lin Mu was shocked.

Guang Dao said: "It is very likely that it is for this path of supremacy, for the achievement of true supremacy!"

"The real Supreme? Didn't you say that in ancient times, has someone already walked this ancient road in the starry sky?" Lin Mu was even more confused.

Guang Dao said humanely: "The reason why the Supreme is called the Supreme is that there can only be one, how can there be several. Even if there are two, it is impossible."

Lin Mu was shocked when he heard Taoist Guang's conjecture. If this conjecture is true, then the truth is too shocking.

Guang Dao said: "This is just my own guess. What is the real situation is beyond what we can understand now. When your cultivation level arrives, you will naturally understand the real situation."

Lin Mu nodded, and then he stopped thinking about these things, and just rushed to the first level quickly.

What Daoist Guang said is right, even if Lin Mu now knows that all the speculations of Taoist Guang are true, what can Lin Mu change? If he is not strong enough, he is just an ant after all, knowing the truth is powerless.

Holding Gu Xuan in his arms, Lin Mu flew for an unknown distance in the starry sky, and finally saw a huge planet, at least as huge as thousands of suns, lying in front of him.

Such a huge planet, before it approaches, gives people a great sense of oppression.

"The planet in front of little dad is so big, it feels as big as many suns?" Gu Xuan said with her arms around Lin Mu's neck.

Gu Xuan is used to being called Lin Mu's father, but she is also used to adding a small one.

Just as Lin Mu was about to answer, he was sucked by a huge suction force, and his body fell down heavily.

With such a high distance, even if the tree is flawless and perfect, if it falls straight down like this, the undead tree will peel off its skin. The key is that there is Gu Xuan in my arms.

Lin Shu frantically operated his skills, trying to resist the huge suction, but the suction was incomparably huge, and Lin Shu could not resist it at all.

"Ah! Grandpa, will we fall to our death!" Gu Xuan yelled.

The gravity of this planet is at least ten thousand times that of the cultivation world.

It is even many times greater than the pressure in Sunset Valley.

Although it was useless to resist, Lin Shu couldn't just be thrown to death.If I fell to my death here, the fun would be really great.

Lin Mu tried his best to resist, and Lin Mu's kung fu was used to the extreme, but it only slowed down the speed, and could not completely offset it.


Lin Mu's body slammed heavily on a mountain range, and with a loud bang, most of the entire mountain range was trampled down.

Although Lin Mu didn't fall to his death, he was thrown into a mess.

Gu Xuan was firmly protected by Lin Mu in her arms, so Gu Xuan only suffered some shocks and did not suffer any harm.

"Little dad, are you okay?" Gu Xuan looked at Lin Mu and asked.


Lin Shu moved a bit, and felt that at least five of his ribs were broken.

Running the "Witch God Body Refining Technique", the broken ribs were quickly repaired.

Getting up from the ground, feeling the abnormal gravitational force here, Lin Mu finally realized the horror of this ancient road in the starry sky.

My own flawless body has already been perfected, and five ribs have been broken. If it were someone else, I would definitely be thrown to death, and this is only the first level.

Lin Mu also asked Taoist Guang how to pass the level. Taoist Guang told Lin Mu that each level has a teleportation array, and only passing through the teleportation array to go to the next level is considered a pass.

Of course, if you appear in the second level instead of the first level, then you don't have to go back, just go forward.

But generally speaking, the place where everyone appears will only be the first and second levels, not the later levels.Unless it is due to the outbreak of certain characters, there may be subsequent levels, but it is impossible to exceed ten levels at the farthest.

Looking at the mountain range that he trampled on, Lin Shu couldn't help but click his tongue.

Seeing that there are brown stones everywhere but no vegetation, Lin Shu doesn't know where the teleportation array is.

In such a gravitational place, even if Lin Mu wanted to escape, he had no chance.Because of the gravity here, it is determined that the trees cannot fly at all.

Only when he finds the teleportation array and enters the second level, can Lin Mu leave this ancient road in the starry sky.

Lin Mu inspected the place and made sure there was no danger. He said to Gu Xuan, "Xuanxuan's place is very suitable for practicing "Sorcerer's Body Refining Technique".

Gu Xuan nodded and said, "Little Daddy, you can go."

Leaving the mountains, the forest is still completely clueless.

This star is really too big, too big for Lin Shu to imagine.

If he just walked by himself, Lin Mu really didn't know how long he would have to walk.

"That's it!" Just as Lin Mu wanted to continue looking for a way out, he suddenly saw a wall of earth rise up from the end of his vision.

Lin Mu looked carefully, and finally saw clearly what caused such a wall of earth.

"Iron Arm Demon Ant!" Lin Mu couldn't help but tighten his eyes after seeing the creature that made the earth wall.

The iron-armed magic ants are level seven spirit beasts, but they live in groups.Moreover, the number of people living in groups is in the millions. If millions of seventh-level spirit beasts attack together, even the masters of the Ascension Realm will be strangled instantly.

And there are more than a million iron-armed demon ants in front of them, probably hundreds of millions.

"This... your mother, it's really the iron-armed ants!" When these iron-armed ants approached, Lin Mu was shocked again, because Lin Mu found that these iron-armed ants were completely mutated, and every one of them The strength is comparable to the eighth level, and the leader is even comparable to the ninth level.

(End of this chapter)

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