Supreme Chef

Chapter 1013 Collection

Chapter 1013 Collection
One day passed, and when Gu Xuan exploded the last node of the natural formation, the entire natural formation also collapsed instantly, turning into light rain and disappearing into the canyon.


And when the natural formation was shattered, a phoenix cry resounded directly through the heaven and earth, and then the shadow of a purple phoenix soared directly into the sky.

"Sure enough, it's still here." Seeing this, Xiao Yi couldn't help being happy.

Lin Mu looked at the shadow of the purple phoenix in the sky, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyi, you are lucky. This purple phoenix grass has evolved to a fifth-level fairy medicine. It is the most suitable for you to nirvana. The effect of the medicine will not be too overbearing. It won't be too tiring."

"Level [-] fairy medicine!" Xiao Yi couldn't help being surprised when he heard Lin Mu's words.

"Let's go, let's go inside and take it off first, don't wait to attract anyone?" Lin Mu said to Xiao Yi.

But before Lin Mu entered the canyon, the communication jade slip that Bai Yan gave him started beeping.

After Lin Mu took out the communication jade slip and glanced at it, he also frowned.

"Brother Lin, do you have anything else to do?" Xiao Yi asked tentatively.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "It's all trivial matters, let's take away the Purple Phoenix Grass first."

"it is good!"

Xiao Yi also nodded happily.

The three of Lin Mu entered the canyon, and Lin Mu was also shocked by the rich elixir in the canyon.

This canyon is filled with top-ranking ninth-grade elixir, and one or two elixir trees were also seen.

How could Lin Mu let go of such a high-quality medicine valley, and directly made a formula to put away all the elixir in the medicine valley.

"Xiaoyi is the purple phoenix grass." Lin Mu pointed to the center of the canyon, where a purple fairy grass like a phoenix spread its wings and said to Xiaoyi.

Xiao Yi also took out the jade box, picked off the purple phoenix grass, and quickly put it in the jade box to seal it.

Seeing that Xiao Yi put away the purple phoenix grass, Lin Mu picked out some of the fairy grasses he had just collected from his ring, and handed them to Xiao Yi, saying: "These fairy grasses should work together with the purple phoenix grass. I have refined the Purple Phoenix Nirvana Pill. This is an elixir. I don’t have the ability to refine it for you yet, but I think you, the ancestor of the mermaid clan, must have a way to refine it. Let her refine it for you. Zihuang The effect of Nirvana Pill is ten times better than that of taking Purple Phoenix Grass alone, and the most important thing is that it has no side effects."

How could Xiao Yi accept Lin Mu's elixir, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Brother Lin, I can't take your fairy grass, the purple phoenix grass is enough for me."

Lin Mu said: "These fairy grasses are all from this medicine valley, and they should belong to you in the first place."

Xiao Yi still refused to accept it, and said: "Brother Lin, although I found this medicine valley, if you hadn't arrived in time, Brother Lin, maybe I would have died long ago, so I can't take your fairy grass."

Lin Mu put the fairy grass into a storage ring, and then forced it into Xiaoyi's hand, saying: "I let you hold it, you take it, I have collected a lot of elixir, this is useful for you. Besides, wait You will become stronger in the future, maybe I still need you to protect me."

Gu Xuan also said from the side: "It's Sister Xiaoyi, you can take it, my little dad has always been very fraternal to beautiful women."

Xiao Yi's pretty face couldn't help but blush when she heard Gu Xuan's words, but she felt a little sweet in her heart.

As for Lin Mu, Gu Xuan made her face blush.

Xiao Yi finally accepted the elixir given by Lin Mu, and at this time, Bai Yan's communication jade slip rang again.

"Brother Lin, if you have something to do, go and do it first, I can do it myself." Xiao Yi said.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Xiaoyi may become very dangerous waiting here. Now that the goal has been achieved, you should leave here first and return to your clan's ancestral land."

Although Xiao Yi was reluctant to give up, she also knew that Lin Mu was doing it for her own good.

"Okay! Brother Lin, you should be more careful yourself." He said with a smile.

"Little dad, can I go to the mermaid's house with sister Xiaoyi?" Gu Xuan suddenly raised her head and said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu frowned, but did not immediately answer Gu Xuan's words.

Gu Xuan now has a complete Wanling pupil, which is an unparalleled temptation for anyone.

Although Xiaoyi's strength is strong, Lin Mu is also worried about whether Xiaoyi can really protect Gu Xuan.

Xiao Yi obviously also saw Lin Mu's worry, and said: "Brother Lin, before the ancestor left, he gave me a secret method, which allows me to return directly to the ancestral land of the mermaid clan. I will take Xuanxuan directly to my mermaid clan The ancestral land of the clan should not be in danger."

Lin Mu hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and said, "Okay."

The reason why Lin Mu agreed with Gu Xuan to leave, firstly, of course, was that Xiao Yi said that he could directly return to the ancestral land of the mermaid tribe.In the ancestral land of the mermaid clan, but the ancestor of the mermaid clan, Lin Mu believes that no one in this cultivation world can do anything to her, even if she is just a projection, but after all, she was once a supreme being.

Second, Lin Mu is also worried that he will go to find Bai Yan by himself later, and if he encounters any danger, he may not be able to fully protect Gu Xuan.Of course, Lin Mu can also ask Xiaoyi to hand over Gu Xuan to Gu Meiru and the others, but Lin Mu feels that it is better to take it with him now than to leave it to Gu Meiru and the others.

Wan Yaomen must have known everything, everything Wan Yaomen did was for Wan Lingtong.Now that they know that Wan Lingtong has succeeded, they will definitely snatch it at all costs.If that's the case, it would be even more dangerous for Gu Xuan to follow Gu Meiru and the others.

Seeing that Lin Mu agreed, Gu Xuan also said excitedly: "Great! Great! I can finally visit the mermaid's house."

"You can only stay there, and you can't leave to go anywhere. After the things here are over, I will go back and find you." Lin Mu said to Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan nodded and said, "Don't worry, little dad, I promise to follow Sister Xiaoyi closely and wait for you to pick me up."

Xiao Yi also smiled and said, "Brother Lin, don't worry, I will take good care of Xuan Xuan."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Then I will trouble you."

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu told Gu Xuan again that after Gu Xuan arrived at the ancestral land of the mermaid clan, she must not make trouble, and obediently listen to Xiao Yi's words.

Gu Xuan impatiently agreed a few times, then urged Xiao Yi to take her to her house as a guest.

Xiao Yi also nodded, and directly summoned a teleportation formation using the method taught by the ancestors of the mermaid clan.

In fact, there are many ways to leave this place of trial. One is to go back the same way and use the original teleportation array to go back, and the other is to use some secret methods to summon some hidden teleportation arrays.

Xiao Yi is using this kind of secret method now, and before leaving, Xiao Yi also gave this secret method to Lin Mu, and told Lin Mu that this is directly leading to the ancestral land of the mermaid clan.

Lin Mu watched Xiao Yi and Gu Xuan leave, and at this time, the communicator given by Bai Yan rang for the third time.

Bai Yan was calling Lin Shu to gather, and then together they went to find the ancient road leading to the fairyland.

In fact, to be honest, Lin Mu really has no interest in this ancient road. After all, Lin Mu knows that as long as he works hard, he can break the formation and leave the cultivation world.

Although he has no interest in the ancient road of the fairy world, Lin Mu is still very interested in verifying some of his conjectures, and Lin Mu feels that if he can solve one or two emperors on the ancient road, it may be more perfect.Isn't there a saying that fathers should pay their debts to their sons? What the Four Great Emperors owed to Lin Mu should be repaid from their sons.

(End of this chapter)

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