Supreme Chef

Chapter 1014 Confrontation of Geniuses

Chapter 1014 Confrontation of Geniuses
After Lin Mu asked about the meeting place, he also left the second level directly, and went to meet Bai Yan and others at the meeting place.

Lin Mu hadn't thought about actually going to this trial ground. Of course, this didn't mean that Lin Mu really didn't want to, but Lin Mu felt that he didn't have the strength.

According to Taoist Guang, when Lin Mu can have the strength of the Immortal King level, and when he will come again, it is barely enough.

It took a month for Lin Mu to find the meeting point.After arriving at the meeting place, Lin Mu saw that thirteen people including Bai Yan had arrived.

Lin Mu's eyes swept away from the faces of the 14 people one by one. Five of the emperor's sons, Lin Mu, had already seen each other. Needless to say, Lin Mu also knew that these were the geniuses of the ancient aristocratic family.

Seeing that Lin Mu finally arrived, Bai Yan stepped forward with a smile on his face and said, "Brother Lin, you are finally here."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "There was a delay on the road."

Bai Yan took a look at Lin Mu's cultivation level, bowed his hands, and congratulated him, "Congratulations to brother Lin for making another breakthrough in cultivation level. It turns out that brother Lin was late because he found his own opportunity."

It is a matter of congratulations that the cultivation base has reached the level of Lin Mu and the others, and it has indeed broken through the first level.

Lin Mu also bowed his hands, which was regarded as a return gift.

"It's just a small alchemist, but he wants me to wait, it's really incomprehensible!" Lin Mu didn't wait to make trouble, someone had already made trouble for him.

Lin Mu squinted his eyes, looking at the proud young man wearing a top-level defensive armor comparable to a half-immortal weapon.

This person is indeed very, very strong, Lin Mu can completely feel his strength.

This is definitely a terrifying opponent, regardless of talent, but his cultivation, even among these 13 people, is considered a top existence.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Lin is a ninth-grade alchemist. Without the support of Brother Lin's pills, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to complete the ancient path." Bai Yan also came forward to mediate.

"Jiang Shili?" Lin Mu looked at the young man opposite and asked.

Jiang Shili looked at Lin Mu contemptuously and said, "Have you heard my name?"

Lin Mudao: "When you make a sound, it will be accompanied by the vision of heaven and earth. It is known as the supreme candidate. It was hidden by the family in ancient times. How could I not have heard of it?"

The matter of Xuezang disciples from the ancient aristocratic family has long been released.First, of course, this is to create momentum for the full comeback of the ancient family, and second, it is also the ancient family that wants to tell everyone how strong its heritage is.

Jiang Shili looked at Lin Mu and said proudly: "Since you know my name, then you can come here and accept the crime yourself. You insulted my Jiang family's honor, which is a capital crime, but it is still useful to read your dog's life, so I will It's just abolishing your cultivation."

Lin Mu looked at Jiang Shili, couldn't help laughing wildly, and said: "You Jiang family members are really confident. I know you, but I just want to see if this opponent is worth my shot. Since you Known as the supreme candidate, it is the genius of the Jiang family that has been hidden in ancient times. I am wondering, if you die, will the Jiang family collapse? And I am also very interested in beheading an ancient genius .”

"Looking for death!" Jiang Shili was furious when he heard Lin Mu's words, and then crushed with his palm, a huge light palm, Chao Linmu crushed over.

Almost all of Jiang Shili's true energy has turned into immortal energy, and this alone is already much stronger than Lin Mu's.

However, Lin Mu would not be afraid of him. Facing Jiang Shili's attack, Lin Mu also raised his hand with a shocking sword energy, and directly traversed it.

With the comprehension of the Fourth Heaven Splitting Slash, Lin Mu's comprehension of this sword energy became more and more profound.

At this time, the trees can not only send and receive freely, but their power has also increased several times.


The sword energy was like a dragon, directly crushing the light palm to pieces, and even forced it in front of Jiang Shili.

Jiang Shili couldn't help but change color immediately when he saw the startling sword aura. Facing such a terrifying sword aura, Jiang Shili didn't dare to greet him, and also took half a step back, and then flicked with his fingers, shattering the terrifying sword gas.

Lin Mu saw that Jiang Shili shattered the terrifying sword energy with just a flick of his finger, and his expression changed a few times immediately.

It is not without reason that Jiang Shili was chosen as the supreme candidate and was hidden by the Jiang family.

His own sword energy was so terrifying, but Jiang Shili shattered it with just one flick of his fingers.Although Jiang Shili's palms had wiped away most of the power of his sword energy, it was not something ordinary people could resist.

This Jiang Shili is definitely a peerless and terrifying enemy, and he definitely has the capital to be proud.

Jiang Shili looked at Lin Shu, his expression fluctuating, and said, "Is this the sword left by that man in the battle of gods and demons?"

Lin Mu said: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Jiang Shili stared at Lin Mu with ruthlessness in his eyes.But in my heart, I was also shocked.

He has been to the battlefield of gods and demons, and he wanted to comprehend this peerless and terrifying sword energy back then.But he couldn't get close at all, and was about to be strangled by the sword energy. Even if time passed and the power of the sword energy weakened, it shouldn't be the people in the cultivation world who can comprehend it.

"You slapped me, so you can also punch me now." After Lin Mu finished speaking, the Wushen Fist was also thrown out directly.

Lin Mu's Wushenquan has also entered a critical period of transformation at this time. At this time, the Wushenquan is no longer a whirlwind of red hair, but replaced by a mysterious and mysterious golden light.

Although the color has changed, the power has more than doubled.

When Jiang Shili saw Lin Mu throwing out such a terrifying punch again, his face couldn't help but change again.

Before the juniors in his family told him how scary Lin Mu was, Jiang Shili didn't even think about it.

In his opinion, these juniors are just useless. If Lin Mu meets him, he will have to run for his life.

But at this time, Jiang Shili has completely put away his contempt. Lin Mu is definitely a terrifying opponent, and he is also a terrifying opponent who can threaten his life, because Jiang Shili felt a strong feeling from this punch. the smell of death.


Jiang Shili also didn't dare to hide, he raised his hand and punched out, the true energy in his whole body was desperately swaying, and his long gown fluttered.

"This is the Zhou Tianquan lost in ancient times!" Bai Yan couldn't help but tighten his eyes when he saw Jiang Shili's punch from the side.

It can be seen from the name of Zhou Tianquan that this boxing method is to sweep the universe of Zhou Tian, ​​but this boxing method has been lost in ancient times. It is said that this boxing method is a peerless and terrifying existence in ancient times. It was deduced based on the real dragon. The power is naturally extremely terrifying.

The collision of two powerful punches, even the people here have the aptitude against the heavens, they have to retreat at this time.


The fist wind shook, a huge explosion happened in an instant, the violent energy swept across tens of thousands of miles, countless meteorites turned into dust, a large open space appeared, and both of them took three steps back.

The two took three steps back, and the void collapsed in three places.

This kind of power, even the same genius, is also frightened in the heart.

Jiang Shili's face was unpredictable, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood was about to spurt, but Jiang Shili forcibly suppressed it.

(End of this chapter)

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