Supreme Chef

Chapter 1015 Mine Detection

Chapter 1015 Mine Detection
From the test just now, it was obvious that Jiang Shili suffered a big loss. Of course, the main reason was that he underestimated Lin Mu's strength too much.

However, Jiang Shili cannot be blamed for this. After all, the ancient times were too brilliant. No one would have thought that such a genius as Lin Mu would appear today.

"Both of them were invited by me, Bai Yan, and they all have the same goal, so I hope that the two of you can put aside the dispute for a while, how about it?" Seeing that the two had tried it with one blow, Bai Yan also came out again, acting as a peacemaker.

Lin Mu said: "I don't care, as long as the dog doesn't bite me, I will definitely not provoke the dog first."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Bai Yan also scolded Lin Mu for his bad mouth.

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Jiang Shili wanted to attack again, but Bai Yan stopped him.

"Brother Jiang, we all came here for the ancient road in the fairy world. Even if we fight for a life-and-death relationship in the cultivation world, we should look for the ancient road first. After the ancient road is determined, what will Brother Jiang do with Brother Lin? I, Bai Yan It won't stop it."

Jiang Shili snorted heavily, but also stopped talking. Obviously, Jiang Shili also attached great importance to this ancient way of the fairy world.

Jiang Shili actually gave up challenging himself, which made Lin Mu feel a little boring.Lin Mu is really not interested in the ancient road to the fairy world, but if he can catch Jiang Shili and the others all at once, Lin Mu thinks it will be very interesting.

Especially the sons of the four emperor sects, their father offended him, and now they can't find their father, so how could they not charge some interest on their son.

It's just that these four emperors didn't seem to see him, and they didn't provoke him at all, which made Lin Mulian find no reason to do it.

Bai Yan saw that the two sides had finally died down, so he smiled slightly and said, "Everyone is here, let's go too."

In fact, the so-called ancient fairyland road is just a branch of an ancient star road. This is also a dark extraterrestrial starry sky, but there are no one hundred and eight big stars here.

Some are just some huge meteorites and completely lifeless planets.

Bai Yan led the way, and soon he arrived at a nearly shriveled planet, and said: "According to the records in the ancient books, this should be the first stop we are looking for, and there should be a teleportation array here to teleport us to the designated place .”

Everyone has read the maps and classics of the Bai family for a long time. In the classics, such a planet is indeed recorded.

Everyone is a genius, so it is natural that people with high skills are bold.

A group of 14 people landed on this big star, because Lin Mu almost had some festivals with Nanshuang, the emperor of Tiannvzong, so Lin Mu was also happy to walk behind.

Besides, isn't there a saying, okay, those who walk in front are the ones who block bullets, and Lin Mu has no time to block bullets for them.

Nanshuang, the emperor of the Tiannv Sect, was a little out of sorts because she was the only woman, and her temperament also prevented her from walking with the other 12 people, so the team was divided into three sections.

The ones walking in front are Bai Yan and others, the second step is the emperor of Tiannvzong, Nanshuang is alone, and the third step is also Lin Mu.

Lin Mu didn't seem to reveal his relationship with Nanshuang, and Nanshuang didn't seem to need to protect and take care of him.

The three steps quickly advanced, looking for the teleportation array on this planet that had long since lost any vitality.

"Senior Sister Nanshuang, don't go any further!" Lin Mu suddenly sent a voice transmission to Nanshuang in front.

When Nanshuang heard Lin Mu's voice transmission, Liu Mei couldn't help but also frowned, but stopped according to Lin Mu's words.

Nan Shuang actually didn't know why she listened to Lin Mu, but she also believed that Lin Mu would not harm her.

Although Nanshuang has a peerless face, she is not cold, but the aura all over her body is really solid. Strangers are not allowed to enter. Nanshuang can listen to her, and Lin Mu is also a little surprised.Of course, if Nanshuang doesn't listen to her, Lin Mu won't force her. After all, Lin Mu just agreed to take care of her, and didn't say that she would protect her.

Nanshuang was able to be the emperor's son, so she was not an idiot. Lin Mu asked her to stop. Although she stopped, she also carefully observed everything ahead.


Finally, Nanshuang discovered something strange. Although the twelve people in the first echelon seemed to be rushing forward, Nanshuang saw that the twelve of them would return to the original place almost every time they walked a certain distance. Location.

"Phantom Array!" Nan Shuang looked at everything in front of her and understood everything.

And Nanshuang also knows that this phantom formation is very advanced, because they have already entered the phantom formation from the very beginning, but they still don't know that they have joined the phantom formation. , Needless to say, everyone knows that it is very powerful.

At the same time, Nanshuang was also surprised at the strength of Lin Mu's divine sense.

I didn't realize it here at all, but Lin Mu was able to discover the problem at the first time.

"Can you break the formation?" Nanshuang asked Lin Mu via voice transmission.

Lin Mu smiled wryly, and said, "I don't have the ability. This is a natural phantom formation at the level of a fairy formation. I can see that it is really a fluke."

"A natural phantom formation at the level of a fairy formation!" Nan Shuang frowned again after hearing Lin Mu's words.

Lin Mu continued to transmit the voice, and said, "Senior Sister Nanshuang, stand there and don't move. I'll go find you now."

Nan Shuang nodded, and then stood there quietly waiting for Lin Mu. After half an hour, Lin Mu appeared beside Nan Shuang.

Nan Shuang didn't think that Lin Mu was playing tricks on her on purpose, and it took so long for Lin Mu to prove the brilliance of the phantom formation.

"What should they do?" Nan Shuang asked, looking at the trees beside her.

Lin Mu looked at the twelve people in front, and said, "They should have already discovered it, but I don't know if the Bai family has any records of the phantom formation here."

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Mu's voice fell, the two communication jade slips rang at the same time.

The message was sent by Bai Yan. The people in front really found that they had entered the phantom formation, and invited Lin Mu and Nanshuang to come to the front together to discuss how to break the formation.

Lin Mu looked at the message in the jade slip, couldn't help but sneered, and said, "It seems that Bai Yan is not a good guy, he wants us two to detect the mine."

Nan Shuang's brows were also frowned. Since she was already trapped in the formation, the safest way was to stand still instead of going to meet them.

Lin Mu followed behind him just now, and it took him half an hour to come over. The distance between himself and the front is even greater, and there must be a lot of danger in it. By doing this, Bai Yan obviously planned to let Lin Mu and himself detect mines.

(End of this chapter)

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