Supreme Chef

Chapter 1016 Word Game

Chapter 1016 Word Game
Lin Mudao: "This phantom array seems to be nothing, but it is very dangerous. If you really want to get out of the same place, every step forward is very dangerous. Bai Yan, this bastard, do you really think I am stupid? "

Nan Shuang didn't understand the match method, but she was not stupid. When Bai Yan did this, Nan Shuang felt a little bit of anger in her heart.

Lin Mu looked at Bai Yan and the others in front of him, and suddenly had a plan in his mind, and said to Nan Shuang, "Senior Sister Nan Shuang, please write back to Bai Yan and say that I have found a way to break the formation, so let him come and join us .”

When Nan Shuang heard this, she understood what Lin Mu was going to do, and without any hesitation, she replied directly to Bai Yan and asked Bai Yan to come over.

Bai Yan was also shocked when he received Nan Shuang's reply. The twelve of them had been trapped for a long time, and they didn't see any flaws in the formation. Moreover, he really wanted to let the two of them detect the mine just now. Unexpectedly, Lin Mu found a way to break the formation.

After Bai Yan explained the matter to the rest, everyone was shocked, this formation is very clever, even the son of the Southern Emperor who is good at formations, did not see the slightest clue.

"This formation is very dangerous. There is no danger at all if you stay still. If you turn around or move forward rashly, you may be in great danger." The son of the Southern Emperor, a young man who looks a bit mature, said lightly.

Everyone knew that the Southern Emperor was the Great Emperor most proficient in formations, and his bloodline was even more extraordinary in formations, so no one questioned his words.

But Lin Mu said that he had found a way to break the formation, which made everyone undecided.

"Since he has found a way to break the formation, why not let him come and join us?" Jiang Shili said lightly.

When Bai Yan heard this, his eyes lit up, and he quickly wrote back to Nan Shuang and Lin Mu.

Lin Mu sneered, and cursed directly: "This Bai Yan is really a bastard, he knows the danger and can't come here, let us go over and play with me, this time I will play you to death."

After scolding, Lin Mu also said to Nan Shuang again: "Senior Sister Nan Shuang, you write back and tell them that I have found the formation eye, but I can't handle it by myself, let them come and help."

Nan Shuang glanced at Lin Mu, then nodded, and delivered the news as she said.

When Bai Yan received Nanshuang's reply again, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Lin Mu actually found the formation eye, but he can't handle it alone, let me wait to help." Bai Yan told everyone the information.

"What!" Everyone was surprised when they heard Bai Yan's words.

In such a short period of time, Lin Mu was able to find the eye of the formation, and the attainment of this formation is too terrifying.

"Be careful, this kid might be cheating, we don't want to be fooled." The son of the Eastern Emperor Sect said calmly.

After hearing the words of the son of the Emperor of the East Emperor, everyone was also stunned, thinking that this might really be Lin Mu's deceit.

"Brother Xu, your skill in formation is the highest among us. Do you think it is possible for him to find the location of the formation in such a short time?" Bai Yan asked the Southern Emperor.

The Southern Emperor pondered for a while, and said: "This is a natural phantom formation at the level of an immortal formation. If you don't understand the formation, it is impossible to find the eye of the formation in a short time, unless his formation skills have reached the level of a high-level fairy. It's a master, but it's obviously impossible."

Hearing what the Southern Emperor said, Bai Yan was even more convinced that Lin Mu was fooling them, and he was also planning to send another letter to let Lin Mu and them come over.

But before his message was sent out, his communication jade slip rang again.

The message was still from Nan Shuang, and after Bai Yan read the message, his expression also changed involuntarily.

"Lin Mu and Nanshuang are going to work together to break the formation, they are going to open a corner of this formation, and they are leaving here." Bai Yan told everyone the news.

When everyone heard it, they were all shocked.

"Let's go over and have a look. If this Lin Shu dares to play tricks on us, we will join hands to suppress him." It was still Jiang Shili who spoke.

Jiang Shili's words immediately got everyone's approval.

A group of people walked back together, while Lin Mu leisurely gnawed on the ninth-level spiritual fruit he had picked.

"Senior Sister Nanshuang, let's have two, the taste is not bad." Lin Mu said.

Nan Shuang looked at Lin Mu's hands, and couldn't help but take the two purple and nine-level spiritual fruits, Nanshan Fruit.

Nanshan fruit can prolong life, and at the same time increase the cultivation base of the top spiritual fruit, even if she is the emperor's son, she may not have the opportunity to enjoy it every day.

Nanshuang eats very gentle, unlike Lin Shu, who chews on peonies.

After the two waited in place for three days, they finally saw twelve disgraced people appearing in front of them.

Lin Mu looked at the 12 people and knew that they must have had a hard time going this way.

And when the 12 people came over and saw Lin Mu and Nan Shuang eating the ninth-level spiritual fruit like nothing else, their lungs were about to explode.

Twelve of my own almost died in the formation, Lin Mu and Nanshuang were still in the mood to eat spiritual fruits here.

"Lin Mu, didn't you say that you have found the eye of the formation and are going to break the formation with Junior Sister Nanshuang?" Jiang Shili took the lead in attacking.

Lin Mu nodded, stomped the planet under his feet, and said: "I have found the eye of the formation. The eye of the formation is the planet under our feet. If it is destroyed, the formation will naturally break."

"You're kidding us!" Jiang Shili couldn't help being furious after hearing this.

Destroying this planetary formation is indeed broken, but they also need to have this ability.

Lin Mu sneered and said, "What have I done to you?"

Bai Yan's face darkened, and he said: "Brother Lin, you clearly said that you have found the eye of the formation, and you want to join forces with Junior Sister Nanshuang to break the formation. Can you and Junior Sister Nanshuang join hands to destroy this planet?"

Lin Mu sneered again, and said: "The eye of the formation is this planet. I did find it, and what I said was that Junior Sister Nanshuang and I were going to join forces to break the formation. Do you understand what preparation is? Preparation means that we haven't decided to do it yet? As for me Whether you can destroy this planet has something to do with you!"

Bai Yanyin himself, Lin Mu would not be polite to him anymore.


Bai Yan was also choked by Lin Mu's words and was speechless for a long time.

After hearing Lin Mu's words, Jiang Shili said directly: "Let's capture him together!"

After talking about Jiang Shili, he will act immediately, and the rest of the people are also ready to cooperate with Jiang Shili.

One Jiang Shili is enough for Lin Mu to be a headache. With so many geniuses, Lin Mu is not sure that they will all be wiped out, although Lin Mu really wants to wipe them all out.

Lin Mu took Nanshuang's hand, took a step across, then backed up three steps, then moved forward a few steps, and changed hundreds of different movements at the same time, finally let Jiang Shili's palm miss, and He and Nan Shuang kept a distance of nearly a hundred feet from those 12 people again.

This is the escape route that Lin Mu had planned a long time ago. Lin Mu knew that they might join forces to deal with him. Lin Mu would not be stupid and wait to be dealt with.

(End of this chapter)

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